Telecon: 12 July 2007 @ 15.00 GMT
No report was posted on the FM23 web page. This report summarizes France-VO activities since TM22 (8 March 2007).
(1) France-VO supported French participants to the several international meetings, from its own funds, in complement to funding by the laboratories, or by evaluating funding requests made in the frame of the French participation to the Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance project.
French teams very actively participated in the Beijing Interoperability meeting (18 French participants), with talks presented in particular in the Applications, Data Access Layer, Data Modeling, Semantics and VO Query Language WG sessions, and at the Theory IG meeting.
There was also an active French participation to the two Workshops organised by the Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance and Facility Centre. The 'Astronomical spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory' Workshop (ESAC, 21-23 March 2007) was well attended by scientists interested in spectroscopy and French VO teams (22 participants from French laboratories), thanks in particular to the triggering activity of the France-VO Spectroscopy Working Group at the national level. In addition, several laboratories developing or willing to develop VO services were represented at the 'Euro-VO Workshop on how to publish data in the VO', and three sessions were organised by CDS staff.
(2) Meetings organised by the France-VO (AS OV) Working Groups since February 2007:
(3) Presentation to the general astronomy community
Please see our previous report at The only addition at this point is that we are working with NSF and NASA to secure funding for FY08, and things look promising at the moment.
- Caballero J.A. & Solano E., "Albus1: A very bright white dwarf candidate". Apj Letters, in press
- Bayo A., Barrado y Navascués D., Morales-Calderón M., Solano E., Rodrigo C., Gutiérrez R., Allard F. "Cool Objects: From SED fitting to age estimation"
- Cerviño M., Luridiana V "How to use the SEDS produced by synthesis models (inside and outside the VO)?"
- Cerviño M., Terlevich E., Terlevich R., Rodrigo C., Morisset C., Luridiana V., López A., Solano E. "PGOS3: A database of synthesis models in the VO"
- García-Vargas M. L., Mollá M. " A new grid of evolutionary synthesis models in the Virtual Observatory"
- Gutiérrez R., Solano E., Delgado A., Sarro L.M., Merín B."VOSED: A tool for the characterization of protoplanetary disks".
- Martín E. "The IAC ultra-cool dwarf catalogue"
- Montes D. et al. "VO-compliant libraries of high resolution spectra of cool stars"
- Rodrigo C., Solano E., Gutiérrez R., and Cerviño M. "Theoretical models in the Virtual Observatory"
- Schoenell W. et al. "Results of an analysis of SDSS galaxies in the VO"
- Solano E., Allende Prieto C. "Automated analysis of stellar spectra. Application to the GAUDI archive"
SSA was updated following the discussions in Beijing, and went to PR on June 4. The RFC period is concluding now. The Simple Cone Search RFC has concluded, and the document has been forwarded to the TCG for comment.
Work is going forward in parallel on SSA V1.1, which will add the getCapabilities and getAvailability operations. Specification of the capability metadata and accompanying XML schema is underway.
Work on the next phase of SIA V2 will focus on the basic form of the interface, and prototyping (with GWS) the stageData/UWS operation for asynchronous data staging and delivery. The goal is to have this working in time to discuss in Cambridge this fall (the full SIA V2 interface is not expected to be completed yet at that point however).
TAP is on hold at the moment, pending generation of a revised plan forward in collaboration with the VOQL WG (see below).
Discussions have begun on how to handle time series data. This is being driven currently by a VOEvent use-case, but a general time series data access interface is required as well. The current plan (as has long been the case) is to use the SSA interface and data model for time series data, with minor modifications to improve the support for time series, e.g., provision for multiple flux measurements per time point.
Spectrum Data Model: The document has been reviewed by the community. Minor editing changes will be made to the document. They should not postpone the Exec validation.
Characterisation Data Model : RFC period ended. Last comments by Pedro Osuna will be discussed and editing changes made to the document by end of August. Some of the WG leaders are ready to issue validation comments for TCG review. We would appreciate that the Exec validation of this document will not be delayed after beginning of September.
Working group roadmap under construction. We plan to poll the community for the development of a Provenance DM. Current discussions are taking place with the Theory group for possible interactions. An action on Utypes is led by Jonathan McDowell with close connections with the VOQL group. Open discussions on this topic are important and should be planned in common sessions at the next Interop Meeting.
UCDs: collection of (minor) changes/improvements to the present std list v1.23 is going on.
A WD v1.24 will be probably issued within the end of 2007.
Ontology: work in progress, on the ontology and on use cases.
Standard Vocabulary: work in progress, a WD v1.0 will be issued before the September 2007 meeting.
Due to strong work constraints, the VOQL-TEG has not met since the last IVOA interoperability meeting. It will probably meet the first week of September.
TAP work
The prospect is that the first TAP draft will be available for presentation at the September meeting as per announced Roadmap in Beijing, shoul all eventual TAP-involved parties agree.
DCP IG Chair Hanisch polled the interop e-mail list on 27 June to see how many people were interested in this IG. 18 responses were received, which is a sufficiently high level to warrant planning for an IG session at the September Interop meeting in Cambridge. Data preservation is also a key topic for the ADASS conference that immediately precedes the Interop.
-- NicholasWalton - 29 Jun 2007
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