IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM92)

when: June 23, 2020

Time: 11am (Eastern), 3pm (UTC)


IVOA exec TM92
Hosted by CXC Data Systems
Tuesday, Jun 23, 2020 11:00 am | 2 hours | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 160 988 0158
Password: execTM92
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Access code: 160 988 0158

Draft Agenda TM92

1. Roll Call and Agenda
2. Minutes of TM91
3. Review of Exec ACTIONS
4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
5. Overall CSP report
6. Overall TCG Status
7. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
8. nlVO representation request
9. IVOA contact person for WDS
10. Future Interop meetings:

  • "Granada" virtual meeting organization
  • 2021 meetings
11. Taking over of RofR from SAO (JE, GF)
12. AOB
13. Date of next Exec meeting
14. Review of New Action Items

Reports from the Projects







  • ESASky in Chinese was lunched on June 11. Official news were released by both ESA and Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • The China-VO science platform, NADC new web portal, was online since June 05, 2020, https://nadc.china-vo.org




Euro-VO activities have been pursued in the ESCAPE project, although in the past months this has been impacted by the confinement. We plan for a future VO school but with uncertain dates. We have participated recently in many EOSC related meetings and conferences, for example EOSC-Hub week.


France VO

France VO (ASOV) has been re-conducted by CNRS / INSU. This means it will be funded for at least the 5 next years.











  • The Chandra Catalog Group (Scientists & Technical) has initiated a working group to initially collect Source Catalog Use cases as input to the Source Data Modeling effort. Mark CD is the IVOA liason of the group; Janet, Ian, Rafael, Francesca, Rafaelle are part of the working group.

Report from the TCG

  • License on docs - CC-BY-SA proposed for docs, no license on Notes, Vocab gets CC-0
  • 3 Proposed DAL Errata for DataLink -1.0 & 1 proposed erratun for ADQL-2.0 -- Approved by TCG
  • Reviewed upcoming tasks on ROADMAP (2020A) ( https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/2020ARoadmap )
    • Highlights for WGs:
      • Apps: VOTable 1.5
      • DAL: DataLink 1.1, ADQL 2.1, ConeSearch 1.1, ObsTAP/ObsVisSAP - all on Fall timeframe
      • DM: Meas/Coords/Transform models heading for RFC2 (see issue below), Source Model continuing
      • GWS: Auth & Authz - Fall timeframe; Moving Science platforms forward
      • Registry - Ongoing Operations; VODataService 1.2
  • DM : Meas/Coords models and preparing for RFC2
    • Long discussion at TCG meeting on Jun 11; reinforced need for software implementation of DMs before REC approval; Shows reviewers that models are designed in support of a problem it is meant to solve
      • Current Case: Meas/Coords for the core of the NDCube use case from the CSP; they also have had substantial prototype work indicating they are extensible to satisfy the needs of additional use cases such as Time Series and Source Catalogs. It's primary forcus is on representing data (Serializations).
      • Many projects (like the recently approved Provenance model), have application as the primary focus, and have software implementations built in by the contributors from the beginning.
      • Request of the Exec is to make resources available who are able to prototype code exercising data models in applications utilities. These resources can work either directly with the data mode teams, or via the applications working group.
  • Fall Interop - will be Virtual given continued travel restrictions and ADASS decisions to be virtual; We can pick our own week

Report from the Working Groups

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted ascending Who Comment
PDFpdf Actions_for_TM92.pdf r1 manage 34.5 K 2020-06-22 - 15:20 FrancescaCivano TM92 ACTIONS
PDFpdf ivoa_tm91_FC_Cui.pdf r1 manage 111.0 K 2020-06-22 - 15:20 FrancescaCivano  
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Topic revision: r10 - 2020-06-23 - FranckLePetit
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