IVOA Provenance DM PR2 - Serialisation Examples

Here are working examples with the PR2 datamodel version.

We use the instance identifiers to express how our instances are bound to each other into our DB systems. They are implemented as primary and foreign keys .

It applies to :

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
HTMLhtml ctaprov.html r1 manage 11.6 K 2019-03-04 - 08:48 OleStreicher HTML representation of CTA provenance in the compromise model
HTMLhtml cubeprov.html r1 manage 5.7 K 2019-03-04 - 08:49 OleStreicher HTML representation of cube segmentation provenance in the compromise model
HTMLhtml hipsprov.html r1 manage 4.2 K 2019-03-04 - 08:48 OleStreicher HTML representation of HIPS provenance in the compromise model
PNGpng Cube_Segmentation_Activity_Description_Object_diagramFeb22v2.png r1 manage 113.3 K 2019-02-22 - 21:56 MireilleLouys Modelio Instance diagram of a Cube segmentation Activity - MLouys
PDFpdf activityDescriptionMap-draw.pdf r1 manage 442.2 K 2019-02-22 - 22:02 MireilleLouys drawing of an Activity Description MindMap - Louys
Texttxt prov-example-CubeSegmentation-ML.txt r1 manage 13.3 K 2019-02-22 - 21:46 MireilleLouys Provenance for a Cube segmentation Activity - M.Louys - CDS
Texttxt prov_example_cta_2activities_v3.txt r1 manage 18.8 K 2019-02-22 - 21:29 MireilleLouys CTA serialization example for activities in CTA pipe -M.Servillat - LUTH
Texttxt prov_example_hipsv2.txt r1 manage 12.1 K 2019-02-22 - 21:25 MireilleLouys Provenance for the generation of HiPS data collection - F Bonnarel -CDS
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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-09-20 - MireilleLouys
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