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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 08:58 (GMT)

Applications Messaging Discussion Pages Links to early messaging discussions Applications Messaging Initial Questions for the community Applications Messaging...
What should be the format and structure of a message? A plain string? A URI or ivorn? XML? I`d rather define messages semantically (message name parameters),...
Do we need to be concerned with obsolescence of messages? At some point in the future someone might invent a better, more flexible message describing (say) how to...
PLASTIC specific Questions The following questions are to gauge how suitable PLASTIC is as a foundation for the restricted case of intradesktop application messaging...
Application discovery How should applications discover each other? Dynamically at runtime? Statically through some registry mechanism? Can we start apps that aren...
Versioning of the protocol We should plan for the evolution of the protocol. How should we do this?
Is a hub based architecture best or should it be peer to peer (or something else?) a hub gives decoupling between clients, and makes things like discovery easier...
What are the different categories of messages? e.g.: Administrative (e.g. app (dis)connected) Image Operations (e.g. loadImage) Table Operations (e...
Which messaging systems might we want to look at for ideas to steal? e.g. D Bus ( MPI and friends (http:...
Who should have the power to define new messages? anyone individuals, development projects, standards bodies, communities, the messaging fabric shouldn`t care about...
What can we achieve by May? a cleaned up (backwards compatible?) IVOA approved version of Plastic that is easy to implement. Leave the rest for later NoelWinstanley...
How do applications discover each other`s capabilities? Hardwired into each application for apps they `know` ? Through the registry? Dynamically? dynamically seems...
Messaging beyond the desktop Inter application messaging will typically be only on a single machine, however there may be cases where a general application messaging...
How do we balance the need for messages to be general enough for max interop, with the specificity needed to exploit the full power of an app? Example 1. We might...
Data Transport What data formats should we use? Image formats other than FITS (SIA allows GRAPHIC types)? Table formats other than VOTable (e.g. csv exports from...
Do we need....? Some of the following features can be provided at the cost of greater complexity for the infrastructure, the client, or both. Other features might...
In a Hub based architecture, should the hub have any concept of the meaning of messages? In some messaging architectures the message broker is able to modify the messages...
Which set of platforms/languages should be able to access the messaging system? Fortran and other legacy codes might easily be able to create a message with a given...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 19

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