Backlinks to DaveDeyoung in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 07:04 (GMT)

IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM30 Supplementary) Wednesday 29 October 12:00 13:30 EDT Contents Logistics Full Meeting at InterOpOct2008 : Bloomberg...
The Liaison Committee is: Christophe Arviset Francoise Genova Masatoshi Ohishi (Chair) Fabio Pasian NicholasWalton Current Liaisons: IPDA...
IVOA Executive Reports Minutes The IVOA have ~tri monthly telecons and also meets during major international meetings. The contact persons for the projects...
IVOA Standing Committee on Science Priorities (CSP) These pages are being updated by the current CSP. Terms of Reference (2021 ): The IVOA recognizes that sustaining...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
Technical Milestones (working roadmap) Date : May 2007 This is the page for the IVOA Technical Coordination Group. The TCG consists of a Chair, vice Chair, Working...
This is a work area for contributions to the article on the history, impact, and sociology of the VO that BobHanisch agreed to write for Andre Heck`s book on Organizations...
Number of topics: 7

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