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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 05:02 (GMT)

ADQL 2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments ADQL defines an SQL like grammar adapted for astronomical purpose. It is especially used by the TAP (Table...
WP4 Escape Radio visibilities in VO Obscore Extension for radio visibility datasets Dec 2020 This work is developped in a collaboration of people with main radio...
STC2:Coords Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments #2 NOTICE : This RFC page replaces RFC#1 Why RFC #2 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments...
Model Annotation in VOTables (MIVOT) MIVOT at a Glance Model Instances in VOTables (MIVOT) defines a syntax to map VOTable data to any model serizalized in VODML...
DataLink 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction DataLink describes the linking of data discovery metadata to access to the data itself, further...
EPNTAP Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Feel free to include here an introductory paragraph describing the IVOASTANDARD being addressed here Latest version...
EPN TAP Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Abstract EPN TAP is a protocol used to describe and access data related to the study of the Solar System. This...
IVOA Radio Interest Group Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 07:00 UTC 04:00 UTC 01:00 UTC 08:00 UTC 11:00 ^...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM116) Thursday, 9 November 2023 @ 17:30 to 19:00 Mountain Standard Time (HYBRID) UTC: 12:30 to 2:00 UTC Friday, Nov. 10 Contents...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice chairs. TCG Charter...
Joint RadioIG/TDIG Meeting Jan 11, 2022, 20 UTC On pulsar data and other time oriented radio data in the VO Organized by Brent Miszalski, Mark Cresitello Dittmar...
MOC 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary MOC 2.0 describes the Multi Order Coverage map method (MOC) to specify arbitrary coverages for sky regions...
STC2:Meas Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments NOTICE : This RFC page replaces RFC#1 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments have been collected...
ObsCore for radio data: project also discussed on github Some considerations: Authors: A. Zanichelli, V. Galluzzi, M. Molinaro (INAF) Here below we report some...
ObsLocTAP 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Observation Locator Table Access Protocol (ObsLocTAP) document describes the necessary data model...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group ( Jointly organised with Data Model Working Group) Eight Virtual Running Meeting 2024, July 2nd via zoom 15:30 to 16:30 UTC Zoom coordinates...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group Fifth Virtual Meeting 2023, April 4th via zoom : YlQ3eUVqdC91NVpaQlRSQjdST1oxdz09 Telecon...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group Fourth Virtual Meeting 2022, March 7th/8th via zoom Telecon Agenda: LMT, Peter Teuben GBT, Thomas Chamberlin/ Parkes...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group ( Jointly organised with Data Model Working Group) Seventh Virtual Running Meeting 2024, April 5th via zoom 12:00 PM UTC to 1:...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group ( Jointly organised with Data Model Working Group) Sixth Virtual Running Meeting 2023, August 29th via zoom 1:30 PM UTC to 3:30 PM...
Second Virtual Meeting 2020, October 2nd/October 6th via zoom Telecon Agenda: Implementation note for radio data in the VO we would like to document the current...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group Third Virtual Meeting 2021, May 6th via zoom Telecon Agenda: proposed changes to ObsCore to support radio data status of...
RegTAP 1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments RegTAP, formally known as the IVOA Registry Relational Schema, is the standard way for clients to query the...
SimpleDALRegExt1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The latest version of SimpleDALRegExt 1.2 can be found at:
Spectrum 1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction The Spectrum Data Model describes the structure of spectrophotometric datasets with spectral...
IVOASTANDARD Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Feel free to include here an introductory paragraph describing the IVOASTANDARD being addressed here Latest...
VODataService 1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The latest version of VODataService 1.2 can be found at:
VOEvent2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary VOEvent 2.1 defines the content and meaning of a standard information packet for representing, transmitting...
VOTable 1.5 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VOTable is a standard for the interchange of data represented as a set of tables, and includes both table...
VOUnit 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VOUnit proposes a recommended syntax for writing the string representation of unit labels. Latest version...
Vocabularies in the VO 2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This is a Request for Comments on a minor update on Vocabularies in the VO, just updating...
Vocabularies in the VO 2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Vocabularies in the VO, version 2, proposes formats and practices to manage hierarchical word...
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Number of topics: 35

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