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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 19:24 (GMT)

# Follow up of the discussions on the design of a AstroPyVO API processing annotated data. At last Interop (April 2022), we have had a PyVO hands on session where...
STC2:Coords Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments WATCHOUT : This RFC page has been replaced with RFC#2 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments...
STC2:Coords Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments #2 NOTICE : This RFC page replaces RFC#1 Why RFC #2 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments...
N Dimensional Cube model version 1.0 Goal The Cube Data Model, currently under development, will describe multdimensional image and cube dataset instances. Much of...
DALI 1.0 RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Access Layer Interface 1.0 specification. The current version of the document is available at: http...
Datalink v1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Datalink Proposed Recommendation. Latest version of the IVOA Datalink...
DatasetMetadata model version 1.0 Goal All IVOA datsets must contain a common set of metadata elements to facilitate the registration, discovery, and interoperability...
VOUnits 1.0 TCG Review: 2014 March 1 to 2014 March 31 The VOUnits Proposed Recommendation is now in its TCG review period. The last VOUnits RFC implied a small collection...
During Fall 2020 Interop we had a session, requested by Markus Demleitner, that aimed at opening a wide discussion on both Measure and Coordinate models and possibly...
Comments page for Spectrum 1.2 Spectrum 1.2 is an extension of Spectrum DM in order to support Photometry metadata and time series. Latest version of Spectrum...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
Image Data Model Effort The Image Data Model, currently under development, will describe multdimensional image and image cube datasets and instances. It will serve...
Applications Session Schedule IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC...
Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
Application sessions agenda Apps I Monday 14:00 15:30 Gro...
June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Bus Transfer Lists Backlinks to website Programme page Participants List VCE rArr; Sesto Sesto rArr; VCE bus...
DM session June 2015 Interop Meeting DM Session 1 Gruener Saal Monday June 16 16:00 17:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Baptiste Cecconi...
Applications Session at the May 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
KDD Session at the May 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) Date: Tuesday, 17th May 2010 Time: 14:00 Venue: Merino...
Applications Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials...
Applications Sessions at the May 2012 Interop Meeting (Urbana) Applications Plenary (split w/Semantics) Monday 21 May, 14:00 15:30, Auditorium Speaker...
Data Model Sessions at the May 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) DM Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 20, 2012 Champaign, Urbana, USA Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Board Room. Coffee...
Program for May 2013 Interop in Heidelberg (as of 09/05/13) Hey! Check out the Gallery! See also the Page. Session Time Room Session Notes...
Applications Sessions at the May 2013 Interop Meeting (Heidelberg) Speaker Title Time Materials Applications 1: Monday 13 May 14:00...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 12, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building...
DM session May 2014 Interop Meeting DM Session 1 Ongoing DMs start of VO DML discussion:D001 Thursday 10:00 11:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials...
Discussion: IVOA/Astropy/Astroquery/PyVO Collaboration With the success of the Astropy hack sessions at the 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting (see summary slides...
Science platforms IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page There are two sessions dedicated to discussing science platforms at the...
Applications Sessions at the Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune) Applications 1: TAP Monday 17 October, 14:00 15:30, Bhaskara 3 Speaker Title Materials...
Data Model Sessions at the Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune) Data Model 1: SED builder/ PhotDMv1 1 Tuesday October 18 2011, 11.30 13.00, Bhaskara 3 Speaker...
Special Plenary Session IVOA Standards Implementation at Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune) Tuesday October 18, 9:30 11:00, Bhaskara 3 Speaker Title...
Applications Sessions at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo) Speaker Title Time Materials Applications 1: VOTable etc Tuesday...
Data Model Sessions at the October 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) DM Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
Show and Tell Sessions Speaker Title Materials Applications 1: Fri Oct 10 11:00 12:30 (Summit) Mark Taylor Upload crossmatching...
DM session Oct 2014 Interop Meeting DM Session 1 Ongoing DMs:Summit Friday 16:00 17:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials On Going DMs...
Application sessions Agenda Apps 1 Speaker Title Duration Materials Karin Dassas Spatial Mission Data Distribution Services at IDOC (Integrated...
VODML Mapping Trieste1.pdf DM/Apps Saturnia Saturday, Oct. 22 9:00 10:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Laurent Michel Overview...
IVOA Data Model Working Group Introduction The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or...
We have also engaged further with the proposal for a standard VO data modelling language. A working draft is published to the DM WG and under discussion. We also continued...
MOC v1.0: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the MOC v1.0 Proposed Recommendation; latest version PR MOC 1.0...
STC2:Meas Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments WATCHOUT : This RFC page has been replaced with RFC#2 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments...
STC2:Meas Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments NOTICE : This RFC page replaces RFC#1 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments have been collected...
Minutes of the Utypes Telco / Wednesday 5 September CET 18:00 Participants: Omar Laurino, Gerard Lemson, Pat Dowler, Markus Demleitner, Matthew Graham, Mireille...
Observation Data model Core Components and ObsTAP implementation: Request for Comments This wiki page document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation...
Please, go to the page referenced in the Documents in Progress list
Photometry DM RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Photometry DM . This is the second RFC process for this DM....
Photometry DM RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Photometry DM This is the second RFC process for this DM. Previous...
PhotDMv1 1 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: RFC period This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `IVOA Photometry DM, Version 1....
Discussion page for Photometry data model : Calibration and Filter definitions The current Working draft is available at
Request for Comment: RegTAP v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Registry Relational Schema, Version 1.0`. The version...
SSA 1.1 and Spectrum 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Simple Spectral...
STC version 2.0 Goal Why STC 2.0? Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and adoption of vo dml modeling practices. As we progress to...
SAMP v1.3 Proposed Recommendation: Request For Comments This page contains public discussion of the SAMP v1.3 Proposed Recommendation. The RFC was announced on...
Plans for the science platform sessions at the 2023 May interop So far we have 9 talks spread across 2 x 90min sessions. Allocation is random at the moment, apart...
SIA v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Simple Image Access (version 2.0) Proposed Recommendation. Latest version...
Simulation Data model Proposed Recommandation: Request for Comments This wiki page document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled ` Simulation...
Request for Comment: SimpleDALRegExt v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Describing Simple Data Access Services,...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
SpectralDM 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: RFC period This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `IVOA Spectral DM, Version 2.0`...
Spectral v2.0: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the Spectral 2.0 Proposed Recommendation; latest version PS SpectralDM...
Request for Comment: StandardsRegExt v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `StandardsRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension...
Discussion page: Errata in IVOA standards Obsoleted by DocStd13 There is a need to set up the possibility to have errata for IVOA standards. This would require...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
TAPRegExt 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: TCG Review This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `TAPRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension...
Page under construction STC2:Transf Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and...
UTYPES This page is for discussion of UTYPE issues relating to the proposals of the UTYPES Tiger Team. UTYPES Tiger Team page UTYPES documents Usages note...
UtypesTigerTeam telecon 2012 11 27 Participants OL Omar Laurino MG Matthew Graham MD Markus Demleitner PF Pierre Fernique PD Pat Dowler GL Gerard Lemson Action...
DM work package : Utypes definition and syntax Work is currently taking place in UtypesTigerTeam. Last iterations on the definitions (presentations @ interop meetings...
Utypes Tiger Team Utypes Use Cases Raw use cases from Urbana Champaign UC #1. Serialize DM instances into a file UC #2. Deserialize a DM instance from...
VO Data Modeling Language Specification Current REC: VO DML: a consistent modelling language for IVOA data models (docx, pdf, The tooling and document...
VO DML V1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VO DML describes a standard modelling language, or meta model for expressing data models in the IVOA. For...
VOEvent v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the VOEvent V2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Specification at http...
VOSpace 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the VOSpace 2.0 Proposed Recommendation. The version of the specification...
VOTable v1.3: Request For Comments This page contains public discussion of the VOTable v1.3 Proposed Recommendation. The RFC is announced on 29 March 2013 and will...
VOUnits 1.0 RFC The VOUnits document is now an REC; please do not edit this page THE TEXT BELOW IS HISTORICAL, FOR REFERENCE ONLY. VOUnits 1.0 20130724 is now ready...
Comments on VO DML specification documents This page aims to keep track of comments made about the VO DML spec on this page in the WG discussion phase. Link to first...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 78

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