Jumps: reg-dm mail archive :: IvoaResReg :: RegistryInterface :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeToV10
Meetings: InterOpMay2006ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg

Summary of Registry Issues Discussed at the May 2007 InterOp

During the Registry sessions, we took a census of the assembly regarding a number of proposals. This page summarizes the proposals and reports the consensus of the group in attendence. Since a number of active working group meetings couldn't be at the meeting, we want to give folks an additional opportunity to offer comments and register their preferences before we take any decisions as final.

Please review these items and add any comments you have, preferably by 8 June.

Note: Page under construction

RI and VOResource standards issues

1. RI: VOResource root element in harvesting Identify response

The RI spec requires that the element enclosing VOResource records returned through the search interface and the harvesting ListRecords operation to be <ri:Resource>. The VOResource record returned via the harvesting Identify operation does not have this restriction (RI section 3.1.5).
Add same requirement on the VOResource root element to RI section 3.1.5.
Consensus of attendees
Additional Comments

add your comments here

2. RI: Should record requirements apply to deleted records

There are records that have been created in error but which have propogated to other registries; thus, they have been marked as deleted. Often

under construction

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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-05-24 - RayPlante
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