Links: IvoaResReg :: registry mail archive :: InterOpMay2003ResReg :: ResourceMetadata


Work Package 3 (Rwp03): Metadata Specifications



The page provides links to documents resulting from the on-going work within the Work Package 3 (Metadata Specifications) of the Registry Working Group.


This WP is led by RayPlante with ElizabethAuden, SebastienDerriere, BobHanisch, CliveDavenhall, TonyLinde, ClivePage, ArnoldRots, RoyWilliams, and others.


A Resource is any entity that can be described and identified in a machine readable manner. With this general statement, a resource can be most anything, including a service or a data collection or something more abstract, such as a standard interface. In this work package, we will:

  1. Identify the pertinent information necessary for describing and locating a resource within a registry, satisifying the requirements set forth in RWP02.
  2. Provide a basic, extensible data model for describing resources within a registry.
  3. Develop an XML schema for rendering descriptions of resources in terms of the resource data model.

Although a resource could be anything, this WP should concentrate on describing high-level entities, such as organizations, data collections, and services; this is referred to as coarse-grain granularity. We should strive to keep the basic resource data model simple, reusing data model components (that might come out of the Data Models Working Group) where ever possible. At the same time, the data model needs to provide hooks to allow additional metadata to be included in order to describe more specific types of resources.


References and Background: RWP03RefBack %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Follow this link see summaries and links to background information, reference material, and early prototypes for resource metadata.

Specifications: RWP03Specs %ISNEW{days="7"}%

This page provides links to the current set of accepted specifications as well as those currently under development.

New as of 8 June 2005: VOResource v1.0 is available for review as an internal working draft. See release page: VOResourceV10.

Current Discussion and Documents: RWP03Disc %ISNEW{days="7"}%

Follow this link to find useful documents regarding on-going metadata development and current discussion topics.

Progress Reports

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf STCdoc.pdf r1 manage 399.2 K 2003-05-15 - 10:09 ArnoldRots STC documentation
Unknown file formatxsd coords.xsd r1 manage 36.0 K 2003-05-15 - 10:08 ArnoldRots STC coords schema
Unknown file formatxsd region.xsd r1 manage 10.9 K 2003-05-15 - 10:09 ArnoldRots STC Region schema
Unknown file formatxsd stc.xsd r2 r1 manage 25.8 K 2003-09-23 - 13:59 ArnoldRots STC schema; requires coords.xsd and region.xsd
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl xsd2XFm.xsl r2 r1 manage 50.2 K 2004-07-21 - 22:19 MatthewGraham XSL Stylesheet: Schema to XForms
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl vor2dc_v9.xsl r1 manage 8.0 K 2003-12-15 - 17:10 RamonWilliamson XSL Stylesheet: VOResource v0.9 to OAI-Dublin Core
PowerPointppt ADASS03-Reg.ppt r1 manage 1120.5 K 2003-10-15 - 07:39 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd ConeSearch-v0.1.xsd r1 manage 3.5 K 2003-10-06 - 04:26 RayPlante extension metadata for Cone Search Services
Unknown file formatxsd ConeSearch-v0.2.xsd r1 manage 2.9 K 2003-10-16 - 07:01 RayPlante  
HTMLhtml MDinXML-Summary.html r2 r1 manage 17.7 K 2003-04-22 - 18:10 RayPlante About the VOResource Schema
Unknown file formatxsd SIA-v0.5.xsd r1 manage 11.7 K 2003-10-06 - 04:30 RayPlante extension metadata for SIA Services
Unknown file formatxsd SIA-v0.6.xsd r1 manage 11.1 K 2003-10-16 - 07:02 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd VOCommunity-v0.2.xsd r2 r1 manage 2.2 K 2003-10-06 - 05:31 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd VODataService-v0.3.xsd r2 r1 manage 10.8 K 2003-10-06 - 05:32 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd VODataService-v0.4.xsd r1 manage 13.9 K 2003-10-16 - 06:54 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatxsd VOOrg-v0.1.xsd r1 manage 2.8 K 2003-09-09 - 11:03 RayPlante extension to VOResource for Organisations
Unknown file formatxsd VOPerson-v0.1.1.xsd r1 manage 2.4 K 2003-09-20 - 18:41 RayPlante Extenstion to VOResource for People
Unknown file formatxsd VOPerson-v0.1.xsd r1 manage 2.3 K 2003-09-09 - 11:02 RayPlante Extension to VOResource for People
Unknown file formatxsd VORegistry-v0.2.xsd r2 r1 manage 2.5 K 2003-10-06 - 05:33 RayPlante  
Unknown file formatgz VOResource-local.tar.gz r1 manage 20.0 K 2003-11-24 - 19:52 RayPlante schemas for local, off-line use
HTMLhtml VOResource-v0.8.1-overview.html r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 8.1 K 2003-09-09 - 21:45 RayPlante overview of VOResource structure
HTMLhtml VOResource-v0.8.3-overview.html r1 manage 12.7 K 2003-10-06 - 06:04 RayPlante Overview of VOResource schema
Unknown file formatxsd VOResource-v0.8.3.xsd r2 r1 manage 38.1 K 2003-10-06 - 09:21 RayPlante draft spec for Resource metadata
Unknown file formatgz VOResource-v0.9-local.tar.gz r2 r1 manage 20.0 K 2003-11-24 - 19:54 RayPlante schemas for local, off-line use
Compressed Zip archivezip r2 r1 manage 25.4 K 2003-11-24 - 19:56 RayPlante schemas for local, off-line use
Unknown file formatgz VOResource-v0.9.tar.gz r3 r2 r1 manage 17.8 K 2003-11-24 - 19:50 RayPlante All Resource-related schemas in one package
Compressed Zip archivezip r3 r2 r1 manage 24.1 K 2003-11-24 - 19:50 RayPlante All Resource-related schemas in one package
Unknown file formatxsd VOResourceRelType-v0.2.xsd r1 manage 1.4 K 2003-10-06 - 04:21 RayPlante version wrapper for relationship types
Unknown file formatxsd VOResourceRelType.xsd r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 0.3 K 2003-10-06 - 04:25 RayPlante version wrapper for relationship types
HTMLhtml WD-ID-20030830.html r2 r1 manage 35.6 K 2003-09-03 - 09:10 RayPlante  
XMLxml adil-v0.8.1.xml r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 4.3 K 2003-09-09 - 11:24 RayPlante Example use of VOResource-v0.8.1 and extensions
XMLxml adil-v0.8.3.xml r1 manage 20.2 K 2003-10-06 - 05:25 RayPlante Example use VOResource v0.8.3 and extensions
XMLxml adil-v0.9.xml r1 manage 21.5 K 2003-11-11 - 23:24 RayPlante example use of VOResource schema
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl dictionary.xsl r1 manage 14.7 K 2003-05-14 - 08:56 RayPlante  
XSL (XML style sheet)xsl vomdoc-v0.3.xsl r1 manage 424.5 K 2004-04-01 - 21:01 RayPlante documentation generator for VOResource XSDs
JPEGjpg vordiag-datac.jpg r1 manage 50.8 K 2003-09-09 - 21:38 RayPlante  
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Topic revision: r75 - 2005-06-08 - RayPlante
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