IVOA Interoperability Meeting

14-19 May 2006: Victoria, Canada

VOQL Session


Session 1 (May 16, 9:00-10:30) ADQL spec.

  1. Current status of the ADQL WD (MariaNieto)
    • Where do we stand? What is left?
  2. Survey of SQL compliance of DBMS (MasahiroTanaka)
  3. SQL Syntax
    • Unit syntax
    • time stamp syntax: SQL standard expression does not cover all the ISO 8601 expression.
    • sexagecimal syntax
    • region syntax
    • ...
  4. Update of ADQL schema
  5. ...

- break -

Session 2 (May 16, 11:00-12:30) SkyNode spec.

  1. Current status of SkyNode WD (MariaNieto)
    • Where do we stand? What is left?
    • XMATCH: chi2 vs distance
  2. Proposal of new interface
    • performQuery(adqlCore)
    • performQuery(adql, votable)
    • performQueryAsync(adql) and related interfaces
  3. What should "select into" returns ? empty votable ?
  4. Finalize xmatch debate
    • Which algorithm should be mandatory for xmatch skynode ? chi2 calculation vs distance based selection
  5. Skynode classification.
  6. content of a returned VOTable.
  7. Table data model
  8. Metadata: information_schema vs tables & columns interface.

Session 3 (May 19, 11:00-12:30) Implementation

  1. NVO
  2. JVO
  3. ESAC
  4. CDS
  5. AstroGrid ?
  6. others?

Documents & schema

title version doc comment
ADQL WD v1.04 ADQL-20060508-withComments.doc  
v1.04 ADQL-20060508-CoreApendix.doc  
SkyNode WD      
ADQL schema v1.041 ADQL-v1.041.xsd updated on May 12
ADQL-Core Schema v0.11 ADQL-Core-v0.11.xsd updated on May 12
SkyNode WSDL    
DBMS Sruvey v0.1 SQLcompliance.pdf  


Presenter Subject Slides
Yuji Shirasaki Any VOQL-YujiShirasaki-ver1.pdf


File By

Tools for SkyNode

Title Who Description Link
JVO SkyNode toolkit ver0.4 YujiSHIRASAKI Reference implementation of Catalog/Image data service on SkyNode http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/download/skynode-toolkit


Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc ADQL-20060508-CoreApendix.doc r1 manage 317.0 K 2006-05-09 - 01:25 MariaNieto ADQL Apendix - Core
Microsoft Word filedoc ADQL-20060508-withComments.doc r1 manage 281.5 K 2006-05-09 - 01:24 MariaNieto ADQL spec ver 1.04
Unknown file formatxsd ADQL-Core-v0.1.xsd r1 manage 14.2 K 2006-05-03 - 16:51 YujiSHIRASAKI ADQL Core schema version 0.1 2006-05-04
Unknown file formatxsd ADQL-Core-v0.11.xsd r1 manage 14.6 K 2006-05-12 - 15:16 YujiSHIRASAKI update on 05-12
Unknown file formatxsd ADQL-v1.04.xsd r1 manage 23.1 K 2006-05-03 - 15:59 YujiSHIRASAKI ADQL Full schema ver1.04 2006-05-04
Unknown file formatxsd ADQL-v1.041.xsd r1 manage 25.9 K 2006-05-12 - 15:16 YujiSHIRASAKI update on 05-12
PDFpdf SQLcompliance.pdf r1 manage 459.8 K 2006-05-09 - 10:18 YujiSHIRASAKI Survey of SQL compliance of several DBMSs
PDFpdf VOQL-YujiShirasaki-ver1.pdf r1 manage 1732.3 K 2006-05-12 - 15:27 YujiSHIRASAKI ver 1
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Topic revision: r12 - 2006-05-12 - MariaNieto
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