Theory GWS Science Platform Workshop Schedule - IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting

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Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-08:00 UTC-05:00 UTC+01:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+11:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
SP1 May 25 13:30 May 25 06:30 May 25 09:30 May 25 14:30 May 25 21:30 May 25 23:30
SP2 May 26 13:30 May 26 23:30 May 26 09:30 May 26 14:30 May 26 21:30 May 26 23:30
SP3 May 27 13:30 May 27 23:30 May 27 09:30 May 27 14:30 May 27 21:30 May 27 23:30

Theory/GWS Workshop 1

Time: Tuesday May 25 13:30 UTC

Speaker Title Time Material
Simon O'Toole Introduction 10'+2'  
Gerard Lemson Cosmological simulations on the SciServer science platform 10'+2' pdf
Jorge Carretero Handling Cosmological Simulations at the Port d'Informació Científica (PIC) 10'+2' pdf
Darren Croton The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory 10'+2' pdf
Shy Genel Data-sharing at the CCA: Binder and FlatHUB 10'+2' pdf

Moderator: Giuliano, Notetaker: Simon, notes: Etherpad link

Theory/GWS Workshop 2

Time: Wednesday May 26 13:30 UTC

Speaker Title Time Material
Klaus Dolag A web portal for hydrodynamical, cosmological simulations 10'+2' pdf
Dylan Nelson The IllustrisTNG Simulation Data Platform 10'+2' pdf
Katrin Heitmann Simulations for Large-scale surveys 10'+2' pdf
Matt Turk Infrastructure for Cosmological Simulations 10'+2' slides
Andrew Benson Disseminating Galacticus data through online platforms 10'+2' pdf

Moderator: Gerard, Notetaker: Simon, notes: Etherpad link

Theory/GWS Workshop 3

Time: Thursday May 27 13:30 UTC

Speaker Title Time MaterialSorted descending
Brian Major CANFAR Science Platform 2.0 10'+2' pdf
Dave Morris Can I do this? 10'+2' pdf
Giuliano Taffoni Final comments and summary 5'+2' pdf
ALL Discussion 30  

Moderator: Gerard, Notetaker: Simon, notes: Etherpad link

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20210524-_SciServer_and_simulations.pdf r1 manage 3934.7 K 2021-05-25 - 14:23 GerardLemson Gerard Lemson's slides
PDFpdf 20210527-IVOA-canidothis.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 3100.9 K 2021-05-27 - 03:44 DaveMorris ExecutionPlannerInterface (EPI)
PDFpdf CANFAR-2.0.pdf r1 manage 3472.0 K 2021-05-27 - 13:59 BrianMajor  
PDFpdf Croton-IVOA-Workshop-2021.pdf r1 manage 6828.2 K 2021-05-25 - 14:42 SimonOToole The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory
PDFpdf DC2_IVOA.pdf r1 manage 2258.6 K 2021-05-26 - 16:53 GerardLemson  
PDFpdf Handling_Cosmological_Simulations_at_PIC_IVOA_Interop_workshop_May_2021.pdf r1 manage 3464.3 K 2021-05-25 - 14:57 GerardLemson  
PDFpdf IVOA_Theory_2021_-_Galacticus.pdf r1 manage 2021.6 K 2021-05-26 - 16:53 GerardLemson  
PDFpdf IVOA_workshop_-_Genel_-_Flathub_Binder_Talk.pdf r1 manage 2076.5 K 2021-05-25 - 21:49 GerardLemson  
PDFpdf SPWS_2021MayInterop_Taffoni.pdf r1 manage 445.0 K 2021-05-28 - 19:22 GiulianoTaffoni  
PDFpdf r1 manage 2448.4 K 2021-05-26 - 17:32 GerardLemson  
PDFpdf dolag_ivoa_2021.pdf r1 manage 1515.7 K 2021-05-25 - 17:05 GerardLemson  
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Topic revision: r21 - 2021-05-28 - GiulianoTaffoni
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