IVOA Applications

Chair: Pierre Le Sidaner
Vice Chair: Adrian Damian

Applications Working Group Charter

The IVOA Applications Working Group is concerned primarily with the software tools that Astronomers use to access VO data and services for doing Astronomy.

The VO is enabling new ways of doing Astronomy. Interoperability between Astronomy data, services and software empowers astronomers to combine these for scientific discovery and analysis. VO Applications may take many forms such as GUI desktop applications, software libraries, web interfaces to services, or other innovative 'portals' to the VO. Legacy Astronomy software is becoming VO enabled and new and novel VO applications are being created. The IVOA Applications Working Group provides a means for VO Applications development and implementation to be closely linked to the standards development in the IVOA, and where necessary to propose and develop standards for VO Applications to interoperate.

The role of the Applications Working Group is to:

  • Provide a forum for announcement and discussion of VO Applications
  • Provide feedback to IVOA on the implementation of interoperability standards in VO applications
  • Identify missing or desirable technical capabilities for VO applications
  • Identify missing or desirable components in terms of scientific usability
  • Propose and develop standards specific to VO Astronomy-user-Applications


The Applications Working Group is overseen by a chair and deputy chair approved by the IVOA executive. The chairs organise the interop meeting sessions, and fulfil the normal responsibilities of a WG chair for publishing proposed recommendations.

Standards proposed for development within the Applications Working Group are to be considered within the wider context of the IVOA, and care should be taken to interface appropriately with other working groups. Development of Applications Working Group standards is ideally done by small teams. These teams are required to make a mission plan and to report regularly to the group.

Mailing lists

Applications Working Group discussion forum ( archive, subscribe/manage subscription)

Standards Development

StandardSorted ascending Development and History Current Standard
VOTable VOTableInfo VOTable 1.4
License Details

Splinter Meetings

Interop Meetings

Applications sessions at Interop meetings are organised for:

  • General discussion, announcement and demonstration of VO applications.
  • Technical development of interoperability standards for VO applications.
Sessions at previous and upcoming meetings, mostly with presentations attached, are listed here:

Project Notes

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf PyVO_2021-11-09.pdf r1 manage 43.7 K 2021-11-10 - 01:11 TomDonaldson  
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Topic revision: r115 - 2024-10-22 - AdrianDamian
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