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IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM25)

Thurs 27 Sept 2007 @ 16.45-18.30 GMT


Location: Hoyle Committee Room, IoA, Cambridge, UK - see InterOpSep2007

Agenda (draft 20070917)

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of TM24
  3. Review of Actions
  4. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  5. Working Groups and Interest Groups
    • Clarification/Modification of the Standardization process (BH) Process and checklist as discussed in June
    • Revival of Standards and Process WG (FG, BH)
    • Policy Discussion of WG Transitions to Maintenance Mode (DD)
  6. Status of the Assessment Working Group (DD)
  7. Discussion of Google Sky, the VO, and the IVOA (BH)
  8. IVOA and the next IAU GA (MO, RW)
  9. Discussion of the Report on Implementation of IVOA Standards at Data Centers
  10. Support of VO Training Programs (BH)
  11. Status of preparation for spring 2008 Interop (FP)
  12. Status and venue for the fall 2008 Interop (BH)
  13. Date and venue of the next Exec meeting
  14. AOB
  15. Summary of Actions

Reports from the Projects





CVO (aka DRACO) Italy


France VO




Korean VO


NVO team members D. Tody and J. McDowell completed their terms as chairs of the IVOA Data Access Layer Working Group and Data Models Working Group, respectively. M. Graham has been appointed as chair of the Grid and Web Services Working Group, and R. Hanisch has been appointed as chair of the Data Curation and Preservation Interest Group.

E. Schreier and R. Moore have resigned from the NVO Executive Committee, and G. Fabbiano and T. McGlynn have agreed to replace them. Pepi and Tom bring extensive experience from the perspective data center operations.

The NVO data discovery portal tiger team has been working to refine the requirements and develop a design for a new primary interface to VO resources. Our goal is to make this interface available to the user community in January 2008.

Much effort has gone into the NVO Book, a compendium of lectures and tutorials from the NVO Summer Schools and other background materials. The book should be ready to send to the publisher, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, by the end of July.

R. Hanisch submitted a proposal for a session about Virtual Observatories and Internet-enabled research collaboratories to the AAAS annual meeting (Boston, February 2008). This proposal was accepted.

The complete report of NVO activities for the period April-June 2007 is available at




Reports from WGs & IGs(follows order as at

Applications WG

Data Access Layer WG

Data Models WG

Grid and Web Services Working Group

Registry WG

Semantics/UCD WG



VOTable WG

Astro-RG IG

Data Curation and Preservation IG

The DCP IG will meet during the Cambridge Interop, and will begin with brief presentations on the status of DCP activities in the US and Europe. Then the floor will be open for discussion of the challenges facing such efforts and the role the IVOA might play in supporting this important work. See InterOpSep2007CP for the agenda and IvoaCP for the IG twiki page.

Theory IG

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc PR-REC-Checklist2.doc r1 manage 56.5 K 2007-09-18 - 12:49 BobHanisch  
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Topic revision: r6 - 2007-09-18 - DavidDeYoung
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