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IVOA Media Group



Chair: DeborahBaines

Bruce Berriman
Jamie Budynkiewicz
Teresa Dower
Giulia Iafrate
Shanshan Li
Simon O'Toole
Yihan Tao


Mailing List

The mailing list for the group is:

  • Register: <a target="_self" href=""></a>
  • Archive: <a target="_self" href=""></a>


Media Group Charter



IAU Templates

These are the different IVOA project templates for the 2018 IAU in Vienna.

The templates use the font Tex Gyre Heros. Please download and install the free-to-use font:

Template Description  
digital flyer (slides) Digital flyers for IVOA projects. These are slides to loop on a monitor at IAU  
IVOA A4 handout The printed IVOA handout, on A4 size. This holds general information about the IVOA  
IVOA Project A4 handout A template made for printing IVOA projects on A4 paper. Use one or two sides. If using a two-sided handout, the first page is a general overview of the project, the back is for details. One sided handouts can use either page as a template.  
small half-A4 handouts (IVOA in a bite)

These are short handouts (printed or digital) for advertising the IVOA or its projects. The front side is high-res image, and the back contains a short summary of the project and a link to the project. There should be a link to as well; by default, an IVOA QR code is included.


For fonts, colors, logo, and spacing rules, please refer to the draft Corpororate Design document.

Issue Trackers

IVOA Media Group Trello board:
** NOTE: the site is currently private for testing purposes. Send an email if you want viewing access

Meeting Notes

Date Document
2018-05-28 Media Group, CSP, and Exec meeting, at 2018 May Interop
2018-05-10 Media Group, CSP, and Exec telecon, before 2018 May Interop
2017-10-28 Group Meeting #3 @ S. Spring Interop 2017
2017-10-25 Group Meeting #2 @ ADASS XXVIII
2017-07-20 Group Meeting #1
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatdocx CD.docx r1 manage 52.2 K 2018-06-11 - 15:53 JamieBudynkiewicz working draft of Corporate Design document for IVOA media
Unknown file formatdocx CD_Manual-20180626.docx r1 manage 488.3 K 2018-06-26 - 17:18 JamieBudynkiewicz working draft of Corporate Design document for IVOA media, v0.02
PDFpdf IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_20-07-17.pdf r1 manage 59.4 K 2017-10-27 - 18:55 JamieBudynkiewicz Notes from first Media Group meeting
PDFpdf IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-25_ADASS.pdf r1 manage 122.5 K 2017-10-27 - 19:01 JamieBudynkiewicz Notes from action/status review meeting at ADASS XXVII
PDFpdf IVOAMediaGroupMOMs_2017-10-28_ADASS.pdf r1 manage 102.1 K 2017-10-31 - 19:39 JamieBudynkiewicz Notes from meeting at S. Spring Interop 2017 (after ADASS XXVII)
PDFpdf Media_Group_Charterv0.2.pdf r1 manage 58.0 K 2017-10-28 - 13:21 JamieBudynkiewicz draft of the Media Group charter
Microsoft Word filertf Media_Group_Charterv0.2.rtf r1 manage 14.5 K 2017-10-27 - 19:16 JamieBudynkiewicz *draft* of the Media Group charter
Unknown file formatdocx a4_handout_drafts.docx r1 manage 7139.9 K 2018-06-01 - 14:12 JamieBudynkiewicz new handout template
Unknown file formatpages a4_handout_drafts.pages r1 manage 6713.0 K 2018-06-01 - 16:05 JamieBudynkiewicz new handout template
PDFpdf ivoa_media-20180508_.pdf r1 manage 52.9 K 2018-05-18 - 11:37 JamieBudynkiewicz Media CSP Exec telecon meeting notes. Action statuses and prep for 2018 May Interop
PDFpdf ivoa_portal_discussion_20171215.pdf r1 manage 32.3 K 2018-01-07 - 21:46 JamieBudynkiewicz intro meeting on IVOA portal
PNGpng ivoa_qr_code.png r1 manage 84.5 K 2018-06-12 - 15:28 JamieBudynkiewicz 1000x1000-size IVOA QR code. Points to
PDFpdf mediagroup-exec-csp_interop_2018-05-28.pdf r1 manage 106.0 K 2018-05-31 - 00:54 JamieBudynkiewicz Notes from Media Group / Exec / CSP meeting at the May 2018 Interop
Unknown file formatodg small_handouts.odg r1 manage 37720.0 K 2018-06-01 - 16:02 JamieBudynkiewicz small half-A4 handout template
PDFpdf small_handouts.pdf r1 manage 6867.2 K 2018-06-01 - 14:06 JamieBudynkiewicz new handout template
Unknown file formatodg small_handouts_v0.2.odg r1 manage 37769.2 K 2018-06-12 - 17:19 JamieBudynkiewicz small half-A4 handout template
Unknown file formatpptx small_handouts_v0.3.pptx r1 manage 47127.8 K 2018-07-02 - 17:17 JamieBudynkiewicz small half-A4 handout template (.pptx)
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Topic revision: r17 - 2018-07-02 - JamieBudynkiewicz
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