20 most recent topic changes in all webs

Modified (now 07:55)Sorted descending Topic in Web Last Modified By
1728839280 2024-10-13 19:08 diff (in-line) r518 SiteStatistics in Main web TWikiGuest
1728813720 2024-10-13 12:02 diff (in-line) r148 WhoIsWho in IVOA web GiuliaIafrate
1728558240 2024-10-10 13:04 diff (in-line) r2 ObjVisSAP in IVOA web GregoryMantelet
1728558180 2024-10-10 13:03 diff (in-line) r1 ObjObsSAP in IVOA web GregoryMantelet
1728513180 2024-10-10 00:33 diff (in-line) r3 InterOpNov2024CSPPlenary in IVOA web FrancescaCivano
1728413880 2024-10-08 20:58 diff (in-line) r6 Plenary:NextGenerationOfRadioAstronomyFacilities in IVOA web FrancescaCivano
1728413820 2024-10-08 20:57 diff (in-line) r17 InterOpNov2024 in IVOA web FrancescaCivano
1728392760 2024-10-08 15:06 diff (in-line) r1 InterOpNov2024DM in IVOA web MarkCresitelloDittmar
1728370860 2024-10-08 09:01 diff (in-line) r16 ProgramPrepNov2024 in IVOA web MarcoMolinaro
1728280800 2024-10-07 08:00 diff (in-line) r17 InterOpNov2024Ops in IVOA web TamaraCivera
1728049740 2024-10-04 15:49 diff (in-line) r8 HEIG_27Sep24 in IVOA web JanetEvans
1728026760 2024-10-04 09:26 diff (in-line) r5 GregoryMantelet in IVOA web GregoryMantelet
1728026640 2024-10-04 09:24 diff (in-line) r28 InterOpNov2024DAL in IVOA web GregoryMantelet
1728017760 2024-10-04 06:56 diff (in-line) r3 InterOpNov2024Apps in IVOA web PierreLeSidaner
1727959920 2024-10-03 14:52 diff (in-line) r21 TrainingMaterialsAndPresentations in IVOA web MarkAllen
1727952540 2024-10-03 12:49 diff (in-line) r3 MANGO-1_0 in IVOA web LaurentMichel
1727932980 2024-10-03 07:23 diff (in-line) r218 IvoaDataModel in IVOA web LaurentMichel
1727855280 2024-10-02 09:48 diff (in-line) r296 IvoaEvents in IVOA web MarcoMolinaro
1727855100 2024-10-02 09:45 diff (in-line) r3 TCG-TC-20240927 in IVOA web MarcoMolinaro
1727854500 2024-10-02 09:35 diff (in-line) r583 IvoaTCG in IVOA web MarcoMolinaro
1727720760 2024-09-30 20:26 diff (in-line) r7 23_Sep_Mtg_Notes in IVOA web JanetEvans
1726950960 2024-09-21 22:36 diff (in-line) r1 EdwardSabol in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1726950960 2024-09-21 22:36 diff (in-line) r20 TWikiUsers in Main web TWikiAdminUser
1725968520 2024-09-10 13:42 diff (in-line) r1 VandanaDesai in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1718662740 2024-06-18 00:19 diff (in-line) r1 MarcyHarbutWatchlist in Main web MarcyHarbut
1716523680 2024-05-24 06:08 diff (in-line) r2 JoshuaFraustro in Main web JoshuaFraustro
1716430500 2024-05-23 04:15 diff (in-line) r10 InterOpMay2024TDIG in Main web RafaelMartinezGalarza
1716328260 2024-05-21 23:51 diff (in-line) r10 InterOpMay2024KD in Main web KaiLarsPolsterer
1716235560 2024-05-20 22:06 diff (in-line) r2 JoseOsinde in Main web JoseOsinde
1715270520 2024-05-09 18:02 diff (in-line) r1 TessJaffeWatchlist in Main web TessJaffe
1712555520 2024-04-08 07:52 diff (in-line) r1 MattiaVaccari in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1712554860 2024-04-08 07:41 diff (in-line) r24 TWikiRegistration in TWiki web GiuliaIafrate
1712554200 2024-04-08 07:30 diff (in-line) r1 GiuliaIafrateWatchlist in Main web GiuliaIafrate
1711363980 2024-03-25 11:53 diff (in-line) r1 RenaudSavalleWatchlist in Main web RenaudSavalle
1710324060 2024-03-13 11:01 diff (in-line) r1 RussAllbery in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1708509720 2024-02-21 11:02 diff (in-line) r1 JamesTocknell in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1699825440 2023-11-12 22:44 diff (in-line) r2 GregSleap in Main web GregSleap
1699797600 2023-11-12 15:00 diff (in-line) r1 GiuliaIafrate in Main web GiuliaIafrate
1699741800 2023-11-11 23:30 diff (in-line) r1 TerryTrevino in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1695318840 2023-09-21 19:54 diff (in-line) r1 KarlKosack in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1690302060 2023-07-25 18:21 diff (in-line) r1 RafaelMartinezGalarza in Main web TWikiRegistrationAgent
1683723480 2023-05-10 14:58 diff (in-line) r1 Validators in Sandbox web RenaudSavalle
1683723420 2023-05-10 14:57 diff (in-line) r1 ValidatorsXml in Sandbox web RenaudSavalle
1683723300 2023-05-10 14:55 diff (in-line) r1 ValidatorsXsl in Sandbox web RenaudSavalle
1674119160 2023-01-19 10:06 diff (in-line) r2 RedirectPluginTest in Sandbox web TWikiAdminUser
1674119160 2023-01-19 10:06 diff (in-line) r2 RedirectPluginDestination in Sandbox web TWikiAdminUser
1674119160 2023-01-19 10:06 diff (in-line) r2 RedirectPlugin in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1674119160 2023-01-19 10:06 diff (in-line) r2 VarREDIRECT in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1669970460 2022-12-02 09:41 diff (in-line) r2 BackupRestoreConsole in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1669970460 2022-12-02 09:41 diff (in-line) r3 BackupRestorePlugin in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1669968600 2022-12-02 09:10 diff (in-line) r11 TinyMCEPlugin in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1669968600 2022-12-02 09:10 diff (in-line) r4 TinyMCEQuickHelp in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1669968600 2022-12-02 09:10 diff (in-line) r2 TinyMCEFrequentlyAskedQuestions in TWiki web TWikiAdminUser
1624373880 2021-06-22 16:58 diff (in-line) r4 MireilleLouysSandbox in Sandbox web MireilleLouys
1606380720 2020-11-26 09:52 diff (in-line) r4 Roadmap2020BDAL in Sandbox web MarcoMolinaro
1605689220 2020-11-18 09:47 diff (in-line) r14 MarcoMolinaroSandbox in Sandbox web MarcoMolinaro
1604643600 2020-11-06 07:20 diff (in-line) r5 IVOA2020NovDAL in Sandbox web JamesDempsey
1529481840 2018-06-20 10:04 diff (in-line) r4 WebLeftBar in IVOA/Spectral2 web GiuliaIafrate
1529481840 2018-06-20 10:04 diff (in-line) r143 WebHome in IVOA/Spectral2 web GiuliaIafrate
1517331960 2018-01-30 18:06 diff (in-line) r3 HelenTranSandbox in Sandbox web HelenTran
1517248620 2018-01-29 18:57 diff (in-line) r1 RestaurantsVictoria in Sandbox web HelenTran
1516991520 2018-01-26 19:32 diff (in-line) r1 BanquetInformation in Sandbox web HelenTran
1516991340 2018-01-26 19:29 diff (in-line) r1 HotelInformation in Sandbox web HelenTran
1516990860 2018-01-26 19:21 diff (in-line) r1 May2018IVOAProgram in Sandbox web HelenTran
1496851620 2017-06-07 18:07 diff (in-line) r1 SarahWeissmanSandbox in Sandbox web SarahWeissman
1475177220 2016-09-29 21:27 diff (in-line) r5 Spectral2RFCr2 in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web MarkCresitelloDittmar
1461063780 2016-04-19 13:03 diff (in-line) r1 MarkTaylorSandboxValidators in Sandbox web MarkTaylor
1461062640 2016-04-19 12:44 diff (in-line) r1 MarkTaylorSandbox in Sandbox web MarkTaylor
1433430660 2015-06-04 17:11 diff (in-line) r5 DraftInteropJune2015DAL in Sandbox web FrancoisBonnarel
1431617940 2015-05-14 17:39 diff (in-line) r1 InteropOpsJune2015 in Sandbox web TomMcGlynn
1400418420 2014-05-18 15:07 diff (in-line) r45 WebHome in IVOA/PDL1RFC web AndreSchaaff
1348131480 2012-09-20 10:58 diff (in-line) r1 MarkusDemleitnerSandbox in Sandbox web MarkusDemleitner
1346189760 2012-08-28 23:36 diff (in-line) r33 WebPreferences in IVOA/Spectral2 web AvalonJohnson
1342114260 2012-07-12 19:31 diff (in-line) r4 TWikiCategory in Know web Main.root
1334738580 2012-04-18 10:43 diff (in-line) r70 WebNotify in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoMolinaro
1326591960 2012-01-15 02:46 diff (in-line) r80 TWikiHistory in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1311883200 2011-07-28 22:00 diff (in-line) r2 WebTopMenu in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1311883200 2011-07-28 22:00 diff (in-line) r2 WebTopMenu in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1311883200 2011-07-28 22:00 diff (in-line) r2 WebTopMenu in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1310932980 2011-07-17 22:03 diff (in-line) r2 TagMeSearch in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1310932920 2011-07-17 22:02 diff (in-line) r2 TagMeViewAllTags in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1302327540 2011-04-09 07:39 diff (in-line) r3 VarSESSIONVARIABLE in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1296619260 2011-02-02 05:01 diff (in-line) r3 WebPreferences in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1296619260 2011-02-02 05:01 diff (in-line) r3 WebPreferences in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1296619260 2011-02-02 05:01 diff (in-line) r3 WebPreferences in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1292289360 2010-12-14 02:16 diff (in-line) r3 WebNotify in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1292289360 2010-12-14 02:16 diff (in-line) r3 WebNotify in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1292289360 2010-12-14 02:16 diff (in-line) r3 WebNotify in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1284070680 2010-09-10 00:18 diff (in-line) r13 WebHome in Know web Main.Ivoa
1283062260 2010-08-29 08:11 diff (in-line) r4 UserToolsCategory in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277871060 2010-06-30 06:11 diff (in-line) r4 VarAUTHREALM in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277869740 2010-06-30 05:49 diff (in-line) r3 VarACTIVATEDPLUGINS in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277685900 2010-06-28 02:45 diff (in-line) r3 TWikiTip024 in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1277615400 2010-06-27 07:10 diff (in-line) r2 TWikiTip007 in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1275712800 2010-06-05 06:40 diff (in-line) r6 TemplateWeb in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1275137040 2010-05-29 14:44 diff (in-line) r5 TWikiUIUploadDotPm in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1274756760 2010-05-25 05:06 diff (in-line) r3 VarBULLET in TWiki web TWikiContributor
1273177980 2010-05-06 22:33 diff (in-line) r2 WebHome in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1273177980 2010-05-06 22:33 diff (in-line) r2 WebHome in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1178738940 2007-05-09 21:29 diff (in-line) r1 WebLeftBar in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1178738940 2007-05-09 21:29 diff (in-line) r1 WebLeftBar in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1178738940 2007-05-09 21:29 diff (in-line) r1 WebLeftBar in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearchAdvanced in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebTopicList in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearch in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebChanges in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebIndex in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearchAdvanced in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebTopicList in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearch in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebChanges in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebIndex in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r4 WebChanges in IVOA/Spectral2 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebChanges in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearch in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebIndex in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearchAdvanced in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1163616180 2006-11-15 19:43 diff (in-line) r1 WebTopicList in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1143722040 2006-03-30 14:34 diff (in-line) r2 WebTopicList in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarkusDolensky
1143719640 2006-03-30 13:54 diff (in-line) r13 WebPreferences in Know web MarkusDolensky
1138079220 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r1 WebAtom in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1138079220 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r1 WebAtom in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1138079220 2006-01-24 06:07 diff (in-line) r1 WebAtom in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1135086780 2005-12-20 14:53 diff (in-line) r4 WebNotify in Know web MarcoLeoni
1131428220 2005-11-08 06:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebCreateNewTopic in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1131428220 2005-11-08 06:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebCreateNewTopic in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1131428220 2005-11-08 06:37 diff (in-line) r1 WebCreateNewTopic in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1128567780 2005-10-06 05:03 diff (in-line) r5 WebTopicEditTemplate in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1124442780 2005-08-19 11:13 diff (in-line) r35 WebgridTutorial in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1111995600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r1 WebRss in IVOA/PDL1RFC web TWikiContributor
1111995600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r1 WebRss in IVOA/PhotDM1 web TWikiContributor
1111995600 2005-03-28 09:40 diff (in-line) r1 WebRss in IVOA/SpectralDM2 web TWikiContributor
1108109940 2005-02-11 09:19 diff (in-line) r1 WebRss in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1081341840 2004-04-07 14:44 diff (in-line) r9 WebSearch in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1081341840 2004-04-07 14:44 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearchAdvanced in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1081341840 2004-04-07 14:44 diff (in-line) r3 WebIndex in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1074419400 2004-01-18 10:50 diff (in-line) r1 WebSearchAdvanced in Know web PeterThoeny
1069849620 2003-11-26 13:27 diff (in-line) r3 WebServiceTechUsedInIVOA in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1066129560 2003-10-14 13:06 diff (in-line) r3 WebService in IVOA/Spectral2 web MarcoLeoni
1066025220 2003-10-13 08:07 diff (in-line) r8 WebGridParticipantsOct2003 in IVOA/Spectral2 web FrancoiseGenova
1043910900 2003-01-30 08:15 diff (in-line) r1 WebRss in Know web PeterThoeny
1006598280 2001-11-24 11:38 diff (in-line) r2 WebIndex in Know web PeterThoeny
1006598280 2001-11-24 11:38 diff (in-line) r1 WebTopicList in Know web PeterThoeny
1005186840 2001-11-08 03:34 diff (in-line) r5 WebTopicEditTemplate in Know web PeterThoeny
1000787940 2001-09-18 06:39 diff (in-line) r3 WebForm in Know web PeterThoeny
999580800 2001-09-04 07:20 diff (in-line) r9 WebSearch in Know web PeterThoeny
999580440 2001-09-04 07:14 diff (in-line) r3 TopicClassification in Know web PeterThoeny
999580440 2001-09-04 07:14 diff (in-line) r2 OsVersion in Know web PeterThoeny
999580380 2001-09-04 07:13 diff (in-line) r4 OperatingSystem in Know web PeterThoeny
999580320 2001-09-04 07:12 diff (in-line) r4 IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL in Know web PeterThoeny
999580200 2001-09-04 07:10 diff (in-line) r5 ReadmeFirst in Know web PeterThoeny
999580080 2001-09-04 07:08 diff (in-line) r2 WinDoze95Crash in Know web PeterThoeny
997984620 2001-08-16 19:57 diff (in-line) r2 WebChanges in Know web PeterThoeny
966640680 2000-08-19 01:18 diff (in-line) r2 PublicSupported in Know web PeterThoeny
966640680 2000-08-19 01:18 diff (in-line) r2 NoDisclosure in Know web PeterThoeny

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Topic revision: r4 - 2010-05-27 - TWikiContributor
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