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IVOA Roadmap for 2013B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2013/14 between the Hawaii and Madrid...
IVOA Roadmap for 2013A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2013 between the Heidelberg and Hawaii...
Program for May 2013 Interop in Heidelberg (as of 09/05/13) Hey! Check out the Gallery! See also the Page. Session Time Room Session Notes...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 12, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building...
IVOA Interoperability meeting October 22 26, 2012 at the University of S...
Data Model Sessions at the October 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) DM Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
IVOA Executive Committee Meetings (FM46 and FM46S) Sunday October 21 @ 16:00 18:00 Argentina Room in the Tryp Itaim Hotel. Address: Rua Manuel Guedes, 320...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM49) Sunday May 12, 2013 @ 16.00 Contents Logistics Room 106 Agenda 1 Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 1 of TM48 1 Review...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM87) when: October 10, 2019, 2 4pm local time where: ADASS Venue (Martini Plaza) Room 11 Logistic IVOA exec FM87Hosted...
IVOA TCG F2F Meeting Wed, 09 Oct 2019 @19:00 Local time Room 11 (Martini Plaza) Last edit Oct 16 (JE) Filled in meeting notes (in italics) actions (in...
Minutes of telecon 2012 08 21 Persons present: Omar, Markus, Gerard, Matthew, Patrick Points discussed (not in temporal order): Starting with a clean slate as far...
Minutes of the Utypes Telco / Wednesday 5 September CET 18:00 Participants: Omar Laurino, Gerard Lemson, Pat Dowler, Markus Demleitner, Matthew Graham, Mireille...
UTYPES This page is for discussion of UTYPE issues relating to the proposals of the UTYPES Tiger Team. UTYPES Tiger Team page UTYPES documents Usages note...
Utypes tiger team, telecon of 2013 02 19 Gerard, Omar, Matthew, Markus GL: Evaluated use cases wrt satisfiablity with VO DML. Most can be handled, some look more...
Utypes Tiger Team, Telecon of 2013 03 05 Present: Jesus, Mireille, Pat, Markus (minutes) ML: Is there an agreement on a deadline for putting out our draft to a wider...
WYSIWYG content do not remove this comment, and never use this identical text in your topics Utypes Tiger Team, Minutes of 2013 03 19 Present: Jesus, Gerard, Omar...
Minutes of the Telecon of the UTypes Tiger Team, Sep 19, 2012 Participants: Matthew, Mireille, Pierre, Gerard, Markus, Pat, Jesus. Action item from last week: rank...
Minutes Oct 2 2012 Pending Action Items: MD Explicit UC for R#9: TBC GL VO URP coverage of UCs: TBC with a new wiki page GL Edit Usage Document: done. MG VOEvent...
Minutes of UtypesTigerTeam telecon on 2012 10 09. (Present: Matthew, Gerard, Pat, Markus) The purpose of this meeting should be to figure out what we`re going to do...
UtypesTigerTeam telecon 2012 11 13 Action items from last time MD explicit UC for R#9: Done, see serialization...
UtypesTigerTeam telecon 2012 11 27 Participants OL Omar Laurino MG Matthew Graham MD Markus Demleitner PF Pierre Fernique PD Pat Dowler GL Gerard Lemson Action...
Minutes telecon 8, 2013 01 29 Minutes by GerardAttendants: MD, ML, OL, MG, GL, JS, PF, PDAgenda:GL Have produced a draft of adoc aiming to describe how VO DML can...
Minutes of Utypes Tiger Team Telecon, Feb 12th, 2013 Participants : Omar, Matthew, Pierre, Markus, Jesus, Gerard, Pat, Mireille (Minutes). Discussion took place between...
DM work package : Utypes definition and syntax Work is currently taking place in UtypesTigerTeam. Last iterations on the definitions (presentations @ interop meetings...
WYSIWYG content do not remove this comment, and never use this identical text in your topics Utypes Tiger Team, Minutes of 2013 03 26 Present: Jesus, Gerard, Omar...
Utypes Tiger Team, Minutes of 2013 04 02 telecon Present: Omar, Gerard, Mireille, Pat, Matthew, Jesus, Markus (minutes) What do we want to write? GL: Do we want one...
minutes UTYPEs tiger team telecon 2013 04 09absent: Mireille (ML), Pierre (PF) Discussed the finally accepted approach:The mapping specification we`ll propose will...
Minutes UTYPEs tiger team telecon 2013 04 16absent: Mireille (ML), Pierre (PF) MD Clarification of the tasks we are charge to produceOL There is an email from SeverinGL...
Utypes Tiger Team, Telecon of 2013 04 23 Present: Jesus, Gerard, Matthew, Omar, Markus (with some connection problems...) Matthew: The documents are approaching TCG...
Participants: Gerard, Jesus, Omar, Pat Status of the documents: documents slowed down a lot by the events of the past weeks (including the resignation of one of...
VO URP and UTYPE s 2012 10 09 I found it too much work for now to move my text to twiki format. Instead please read the attachment.ediateModel.xsd here . TO BE CONTINUED...
Number of topics: 31

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