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May 2020 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule

All times are UTC -- check your local times


We welcome feedback about the meeting, please leave your comments here.

Recorded Sessions

Recordings for the sessions have been uploaded to the CANFAR VOSpace service.These have not been editted or cleaned up in any way. More recordings will be added when they have been converted (usually by 04:00 UTC).

For the adventurous: vos://

Or simply use the CANFAR Storage UI to download with your browser.


Session Time (UTC) Elapse time Session Notes
Monday May 04 2020
ZOOM LINK for Monday: finished and closed
1 12:00 UTC 10 min Welcome and Logistics Janet Evans
12:10 20 min State of the IVOA Chenzhou Cui
12:30 10 min Commitee on Science Priorities (CSP) report Bruno Merín
12:40 20 min State of the Technical Coordination Group (TCG) Patrick Dowler
  13:00 Break - 10 min
2 13:10–14:10 60 min Charge to the WG/IGs WG/IG Chairs
Tuesday May 05 2020
ZOOM LINK for Tuesday (NEW link for last sessions!!): finished and closed
3 04:30 UTC 60 min FAIR Data Maturity Model (RDA WG) discussion in IVOA DCP
  05:30 Break - 30 min
4 06:00 60 min DM Status report DM
  07:00 Break - 6.5 hours
5 13:30 60 min Radio Astronomy Plenary Radio IG
  14:30 Break - 30 min
6 15:00 60 min Annotations of light curves using VOTable TDIG/APPS
  16:00 Break - 4.5 hours
7 20:30 60 min What can the IVOA provide towards the standardization of Science Platforms? GWS
  21:30 Break - 30 min
8 22:00 60 min Meas,Coords,Trans model progress report DM
  23:00 End of Session
Wednesday May 06 2020
ZOOM LINK for Wednesday: finished and closed
9 04:30 UTC 60 min DataLink- work on resolving current issues DAL
  05:30 Break - 30 min
10 06:00 60 min VOEvent - Next steps TDIG
  07:00 Break - 6.5 hours
11 13:30 60 min Single sign on: towards a new standard able to allow apps and services to access easily private data GWS
  14:30 Break - 30 min
12 15:00 60 min Vocabularies in the VO Version 2 Semantics
  16:00 Break - 4.5 hours
13 20:30 60 min Lifecycle of making a document change in the IVOA repository (VOtable example) APPs
  21:30 Break - 30 min
14 22:00 60 min Auth. protocols (GMS) - disc & RFC transition GWS
  23:00 End of Session  
Thursday May 07 2020
ZOOM LINK for Thursday: finished and closed
15 04:30 UTC 60 min Automatic builds of VO documents (using VOTable example)] APPs
  05:30 Break - 30 min
16 06:00 60 min ADQL status & discussion DAL
  07:00 Break - 6.5 hours
17 13:30 60 min Conesearch - Status and discussion DAL/TDIG
  14:30 Break - 30 min
18 15:00 60 Implementation of the Provenance Data model DM
  16:00 Break - 4.5 hours
19 20:30 60 min A Python based TAP Server at Caltech/IPAC-NExScI APPs/DAL
  21:30 Break - 30 min
20 22:00 60 min PyVO and the end User APPS
  23:00 End of Session
Friday May 08 2020
ZOOM LINK for Friday:
21 04:30 UTC 60 min Object Visibility SAP & Observation Locator TAP DAL/TDIG
  05:30 Break - 30 min
22 06:00 60 min Source model progress report DM
  07:00 Break - 8 hours
23 15:00 60 min Feedback on SIA2/SODA including PyVO developments DAL/APPS
  16:00 Break - 6 hours
24 22:00 60 min Maintenance of externally-facing IVOA resources APPS
  23:00 End of Session

Next Few weeks - Follow-on sessions

See individual pages for connection details
May 12 19:00 UTC 120 min. KDIG discussion/session KDIG
TBD xxx UTC xxx How to organize python libraries for accessing cosmological simulations? (contact Gerard Lemson) Theory
Note: there are several sessions that will be scheduled over the next few weeks. Details will be posted here. Notifications wll be sent via email. Post interop meetings are in the early stages of planning.

* We welcome feedback about the meeting, please leave your comments here.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 20200504-CSP_status_v1.0.pdf r1 manage 18537.5 K 2020-05-04 - 10:50 BrunoMerin  
PDFpdf May2020-TCG-open.pdf r2 r1 manage 1424.9 K 2020-05-04 - 11:42 PatrickDowler  
Unknown file formatpptx ivoa-opening-20200504.pptx r1 manage 56277.8 K 2020-05-04 - 10:09 ChenzhouCui Opening Talk
PDFpdf state-of-the-ivoa-2020.pdf r1 manage 2321.7 K 2020-05-04 - 10:15 ChenzhouCui State of the IVOA Opening
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Topic revision: r46 - 2020-05-12 - MarkTaylor
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