DM Sessions Schedule - IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting

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Welcome to the Fall Interop

Schedule Summary
Session DateTime UTC UTC-07:00 UTC-04:00 UTC+02:00 UTC+08:00 UTC+10:00
Victoria BC/Pasadena Washington DC Strasbourg Perth/Beijing Canberra
DM 1 #4 Oct 18 15:00 Oct 18 08:00 Oct 18 11:00 Oct 18 17:00 Oct 18 23:00 Oct 18 01:00
DM 2 #15 Oct 20 15:00 Oct 20 08:00 Oct 20 &1:00 Oct 20 17:00 Oct 20 23:00 Oct 20 01:00

Notes and session video recording are linked below each session schedule table.

DM 1: Data Models (session #4)

Time: Oct 18 15:00

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Mathieu Servillat One-Step Provenance 10 + 3 pdf We propose a simplified structure to describe the provenance of an entity as a succession of steps, in the particular case of digital dataset generation. The one-step provenance data model defines a list of attributes that describe the generation of an entity, based on the IVOA Provenance Data Model. In particular, we introduce the concepts of Sotware and Computing Environment in the provenance graph. The use cases and requirement of the one-step provenance are illustrated by the implementation of an analysis job executed on a computing cluster.
Mark Cresitello Dittmar Onward to a NDCube model 10 + 3 pdf With the Measurements and Coordinates models at recommendation status, we now look forward to making use of them within the NDCube data model. This talk will recap the primary use cases for the model suite and the steps needed to complete this project.
Francois Bonnarel Modeling Instrument Field of View : DM proposal 10 + 3 pdf Aladin used to provide an instrument field of view format useful for observation preparation. In order to allow more interoperability we propose to base an evolution of this format on a new vo-dml consistent datamodel and its MIVOT serialisation
Paul Harrison VODML tooling 10 + 3 pdf Latest updates to the tooling will be presented with particular emphasis on serialization supported by the generated code.

Moderator: Laurent , Notetaker: Jesus

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of April 2023)

DM 2 : VOTable Annotation(session #15)

Time: Oct 20 15:00

Topic: VoTable annotation RFC

Speaker Title Time Material Abstract
Laurent Michel Annotation Syntax, What is for 10+ 3 pdf Overview on a seamless use of model annotations in VOTables : adding something, replacing nothing
Tom Donaldson The road to implement MIVOT in AstroPy/PyVO 10 + 3 pdf I'll give a brief overview of the mechanics of making code changes in Astropy/PyVO, and highlight what sections of the code might be most relevant for MIVOT work.
Gilles Landais Data Model in TAP schema 10 + 3 pdf

We propose to extend the tap schema , today focused on columns and tables relations, with advanced metadata.
The extended schema proposed flat views that can be mapped to Data Models (PhotDM and DatasetDM) using UTYPES.
This tap schema extension (implemented in VizieR) is queriable and make a basis that could be exploited to automatize MIVOT output.

Mireille Louys Using MIVOT annotation in PhotDMv1.1 serialisation 10 + 3 pdf Photometry Filters examples annotated with MIVOT

Moderator: F. Bonnarel, Notetaker: Jesus

notes: etherpad notes (link to live notes, should expire around end of April 2023)


Onward to NDCube model (Mark Cresitello-Dittmar)

With the Measurements and Coordinates models at recommendation status, we now look forward to making use of them within the NDCube data model. This talk will recap the primary use cases for the model suite and the steps needed to complete this project.

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Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
PDFpdf InstrumentFoV-DMMIVOT.pdf r1 manage 4044.7 K 2022-10-18 - 14:43 FrancoisBonnarel Instrument Filed of view datamodel and serialization. + implemntation
PDFpdf IVOA-DMTAP-VizieR.pdf r1 manage 737.9 K 2022-10-20 - 15:22 GillesLandais  
PDFpdf 2022-Mivot-LockTown6.pdf r1 manage 1233.7 K 2022-10-20 - 14:35 LaurentMichel  
Texttxt IVOA_Oct18_DM-365days.txt r1 manage 8.6 K 2022-10-20 - 19:46 LaurentMichel  
PDFpdf towards_cube.pdf r1 manage 6794.7 K 2022-10-18 - 14:43 MarkCresitelloDittmar NDCube model project recap and status
PDFpdf 2022-10-18_One-step_provenance_IVOA.pdf r1 manage 1797.3 K 2022-10-18 - 15:38 MathieuServillat  
PDFpdf PhotDMSerialistioninMivot-InteropOct22-Louys.pdf r2 r1 manage 393.7 K 2022-10-20 - 12:56 MireilleLouys Mivot Serialization of PhotDM -M.Louys v2
PDFpdf VO-DML_TOOLS_Update2_PAH.pdf r1 manage 2618.1 K 2022-10-18 - 13:15 PaulHarrison VO-DML Tooling update
PDFpdf MIVOTinPyVO.pdf r1 manage 1221.4 K 2022-10-20 - 15:39 TomDonaldson  
Unknown file formatpptx MIVOTinPyVO.pptx r1 manage 14719.5 K 2022-10-20 - 15:38 TomDonaldson  
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