IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM78)

TM78 - Tue, 03 July 2018 - 15:00 UTC



TM78 - Tue, 03 July 2018 - 15:00 UTC


Meeting number (access code): 739 888 504
Host key: 769196
Meeting password: IVOA2018


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Agenda TM78

  1. Roll Call and Agenda
  2. Minutes of FM77 and FM77S
  3. Review of Exec Actions
  4. Project Reports [Significant Events Only]
  5. Approval of new IVOA Recommendation(s) [Standing Item]
  6. Approval/Feedback of Media Group Charter
  7. IAU Update
  8. Open IVOA WG/IG nominations
    • Semantics V Chair
    • KDD V Chair
  9. CSP
    • Nominations
      • Mark Lacy - NRAO / ALMA (nominated by B Glendenning)
      • Chenzhou's nomination (email out to CCf/BM or name)
    • Membership discussion - a "champion" for science use cases
  10. Exec Secretary inputs - change after College Park
  11. IVOA web management - single location (FP)
  12. IVOA Logo group photo re-design (CC)
  13. Formal Body for IVOA
  14. Date of next Exec meeting
  15. Review of New Action Items
  16. AOB







  • On June 28, 2018, the IAU announced the composition of the new Division Steering Committees (DSC) and Commission Organizing Committees (COC) for the next triennium, as resulted from the recent elections. Chenzhou Cui was elected as the Vice President for Commission B2 (Data & Documentation).
  • “Informationization Working Committee” is under building. The proposal was submitted by the China-VO to the Chinese Astronomical Society (CAS) in 2017 and was approved by its standing committee.





France VO











Project report for NAVO

The NAVO registry has now implemented support for ISO Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and a number of NAVO services have already had these added. DOI's make it easier for researchers to credit and reference VO-related resources.

The HEASARC has fully released and validated coordinated TAP and DataLink services which provide access to all of the table and mission holdings of the HEASARC. VO-enabled tools, e.g., TOPCAT, can have comprehensive access to HEASARC holdings entirely through VO protocols.

The NAVO Python Working Group has issued its first pull request against the Astroquery library, a critical first step in establishing a NAVO role in supporting this community-driven effort to develop powerful standardized libraries to access astronomy data archives. This builds upon efforts at recent AAS and IVOA meetings.

The paper Berriman, et al., "A Study of the Efficiency of Spatial Indexing Methods Applied to Large Astronomical Databases," Submitted for publication in the Proceedings of ADASS XXVII, Santiago, Chile (2017), has been posted on Arxiv at https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08866. Submission to a peer-reviewed journal is anticipated later this year.

As scheduled, support for the legacy VAO closeout repository will end this month. This repository holds copies of the documentation and software releases of the VAO prgram. While the repository will not be actively deleted, no further maintenance is planned and users will be pointed to more up to date sites of NAVO, the IVOA and the USVOA. The end-of-life plan for the USVAO website is being finalized with support terminating at the end of this fiscal year. The original NAVO proposal had mandated support through at least the end of FY 2017.

A special NAVO workshop was held at the AAS in Denver to demonstrate how scientists and developers can use Python to access our archival data -- typically hiding the crucial VO underpinnings in a scientist-friendly software library. Despite the smaller size of the summer AAS meetings, compared to our first workshop in January the meeting packed the room in which it was presented with about 40 people present. Having doubled the planned attendance for this meeting, we anticipate substantially increasing the size before the January 2019 meeting in Seattle and continuing these workshops as a regular event.

A substantially revised NAVO web site was released for the AAS meeting. The new web site (at https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/vo/summary ) is still under intensive development, but is intended to support the distinct interests of scientists and developers. In particular, the site provides links to the Python notebooks that we are developing for the scientist community including the notebook used in our workshops and more detailed workbooks for each center.

Report from the TCG

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatpptx VOI-Flyer_-_Final.pptx r1 manage 60.1 K 2018-08-13 - 15:49 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf VOI-Flyer_-_Final.pdf r1 manage 90.4 K 2018-08-13 - 15:46 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf VOBSit_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 259.8 K 2018-08-09 - 16:39 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatodp NOVA_virtual_flyer.mini.odp r1 manage 295.6 K 2018-08-09 - 20:27 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf IVOA_IAU_Booth_-_Google_Docs.pdf r1 manage 328.8 K 2018-07-03 - 14:38 MarkAllen  
PNGpng ivoa_members_ordering.png r1 manage 468.0 K 2018-07-03 - 14:38 MarkAllen  
PDFpdf UkrVO_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 598.0 K 2018-08-09 - 16:37 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf SVO_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 814.9 K 2018-08-10 - 11:58 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf NOVA_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 1965.6 K 2018-08-09 - 20:27 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx RVO_project_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 2204.4 K 2018-08-09 - 16:36 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf RVO_project_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 3583.2 K 2018-08-09 - 16:36 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx project_virtual_flyer_v0.2.pptx r1 manage 4979.4 K 2018-07-03 - 14:38 MarkAllen  
Unknown file formatpptx VOBSit_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 5457.9 K 2018-08-09 - 16:39 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx NOAO_project_virtual_flyer_DataLab.pptx r1 manage 5460.2 K 2018-08-09 - 16:36 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf ivoa_iau_flyer_v1pdf.pdf r1 manage 5525.8 K 2018-07-03 - 14:38 MarkAllen  
Unknown file formatpptx ArVO_IVOAbooth.pptx r1 manage 5589.4 K 2018-08-09 - 16:33 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx SVO_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 5630.5 K 2018-08-10 - 11:58 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx ChiVO_IVOAbooth.pptx r1 manage 6399.6 K 2018-08-09 - 16:35 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf ChiVO_IVOAbooth.pdf r1 manage 6517.3 K 2018-08-09 - 16:35 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf NOAO_project_virtual_flyer_DataLab.pdf r1 manage 8481.1 K 2018-08-09 - 16:36 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx UkrVO_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 8753.7 K 2018-08-09 - 16:37 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf ArVO_IVOAbooth.pdf r1 manage 10568.4 K 2018-08-09 - 16:33 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx JVO_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 10887.5 K 2018-08-09 - 16:35 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf JVO_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 16283.9 K 2018-08-09 - 16:35 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx project_virtual_flyer_China-VO2.pptx r1 manage 17165.3 K 2018-08-16 - 12:51 ChenzhouCui China-VO flyer
Unknown file formatpptx USVOA_project_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 17744.7 K 2018-08-09 - 16:38 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx CXC_project_virtual_flyer.pptx r1 manage 31799.7 K 2018-08-09 - 20:28 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf USVOA_project_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 36398.6 K 2018-08-09 - 16:38 JanetEvans  
PDFpdf CXC_project_virtual_flyer.pdf r1 manage 44607.0 K 2018-08-09 - 20:28 JanetEvans  
Unknown file formatpptx IVOA_virtual_flyers_total.pptx r1 manage 72650.9 K 2018-08-14 - 11:15 GiuliaIafrate  
Unknown file formatpptx IVOA_virtual_flyers_total_v2.pptx r1 manage 119630.7 K 2018-08-16 - 15:11 MarkAllen  
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Topic revision: r16 - 2018-08-16 - MarkAllen
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