TCG Meeting (online) - August 28 2024 @ 20:00 UTC

  • Attendees : Marco, Tom, Pierre LS, Joshua, Mathieu, Jesus, Sébastien, Renaud, Tess, Gilles, Tamara, Mark K, Anne, Rafael, Francesca, Vandana, Pat, Janet
  • Regrets : Adrian, Mark CD, Sara, Markus, Grégory, Gus


(notes summarised in bold)

  • (standing item): documents on track
    • RFC
      • RegTAP-1.2 - RFC page - finalise approvals to send to Exec
        • Semantics will close the loop and then RegTAP will be ready for Exec
      • VOTable-1.5 - RFC page - status check
        • Tom will follow up reviews and issues, re-check status at next TCG
        • significant digits interpretation: check whether a quick text clarification can be accepted (or fallback to an Errata after VOTable-1.5 goes REC
    • status of VOEvent-2.1 & UCDList-1.6
      • VOEvent-2.1
        • waiting for final pull request before moving to Proposed Rec.
      • UCDList-1.6
        • a number of terms have been discussed, M.Louys to look after A.Micol suggestions
    • ObsCore Extension for Radio Data 1.0: PR - status
      • discussion still needed before RFC, usage in CAOM should help providing new usages
    • VEPs & Errata status
      • SSA-1.1 Erratum 4 approved after checking Spectral DM alerted conflict
      • VEP-016 - status
        • waiting next meeting for all relevant people to have a final review and vote
    • High Energy Data Note is progressing, as well as the group is, might be presented in Malta, maybe in a dedicated session
  • Roadmap 2024A
    • all WGs set, a few IGs missing
  • P3T
    • P3T group met on Monday, Aug 26; tasks are progressing as outlined for the time between the interops in Sydney & Malta; working toward prototypes with work progressing with a goal to them mature on the End of Sep timeframe. We have the outline of 4 docs (IVOA Service Protocol, IVOA HTTP protocol, IVOA JSON serialization, IVOA WebService Protocol) that folks proposed and are discussing. We plan to engage the existing clients before Malta and will take that up as a topic at our next mtg on Sep 23. P3T page with meeting notes links: DALGWSTigerTeam
  • Interop: November 2024 Interoperability Meeting (15-17 November, Malta)
  • WG/IG highlights
    • DM/DAL/Apps joint session: path forward (FITS key serialisation, CAOM, multi-order spectra FITS, ...)
    • publishing registry issue - status
      • *waiting, a couple of months should provide some further input on the status
  • quick report on the status about re-building the IVOA website static pages
  • Date for the next TCG vconf
    • A poll will follow (and then the date will appear here) for the last week of September

TCG meeting dates, as well as other relevant meetings, should always be reported also at the IVOA Events page.

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