Backlinks to SSLDM in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 13:41 (GMT)

IVOA Roadmap for 2018A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the Victoria and College...
IVOA Roadmap for 2018B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the College Park and Paris...
IVOA Roadmap for 2019B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2019 between the Groningan and Sydney...
IVOA Roadmap for 2020A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2020 between the May and Oct Interops...
Data Models Session at the May 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2009#Program) DRAFT SCHEDULE Data Model 1 Tuesday May 26, 14.00 15....
The Issue While investigating an issue with, I noticed that the wrong version of the VOUnits standard was being referenced in the discussion. Looking...
Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2019, Paris, France WG Status (Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 14:00 15:30, Salle Le Verrier) Speaker Title Time Material...
(DRAFT) Data Model Working Group sessions schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting DM1 (Thursday 8 16:00 17:30, Salon 3)Thursday Nov...
IVOA Data Access Layer Contents Rationale The task of the DAL working group is to define and formulate VO standards for remote data access. Client data analysis...
IVOA Data Model Working Group Introduction The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM32) Sun May 24 2009 @ 16.00 18.00 CST Wed May 27 2009 @ 12.30 14.30 CST Supplementary Contents Logistics Full Meeting...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice chairs. TCG Charter...
IVOA TCG Meeting Thu, 08 Nov 2018 @8:30am(Local Time) (13:30 UTC) Henson room last edit Nov08 JE Draft Agenda: (Additions welcomed) Recent highlights...
IVOA TCG F2F Mtg Sun, 12 May 2019 @10:30am local time Salle du Conseil (Updated with Mtg note May 29 JE) last edit May 29 JE May 08 Seeded mtg...
IVOA TCG F2F Meeting Wed, 09 Oct 2019 @19:00 Local time Room 11 (Martini Plaza) Last edit Oct 16 (JE) Filled in meeting notes (in italics) actions (in...
IVOA TCG Telecon Tue, 11 Feb 2020 @20:00 UTC Last edit Feb 12 (JE) transform to DRAFT mtg notes Attendees Christine, Christophe, Jesus, Laurent, Marco...
IVOA TCG Telecon Th, 08 Oct 2020 @15:00 UTC Attendees Francoise, Pat, Tom, Baptiste, Chenzhou, Henrik, Jesus, Laurent, Marco, Mark T, Raffaele, Bruce, Gerard...
SLAP v1.0 Erratum 1: No longer require an invalid UCD Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2022 03 16 Date accepted: 2022 04 20 Rationale SLAP version 1....
SLAP RFC Discussion TCG Review period: 12th May 11th June See the PR latest revised version at: July 20,...
SSLDM RFC Discussion TCG Review period: 12th May 11th June See the PR latest revised version at:
Documents dealing with Spectral Line Lists (Add pages as necessary) SLAP Query Interface Draft Specification Latest draft of the Line Access Protocol Query...
Atomic and Molecular Line Data Model Specification Latest draft of the recommendation for an IVOA Simple Spectral Lines Data Model Specification RFC pages...
Number of topics: 22

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