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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 21:32 (GMT)

IVOA Interoperability meeting 16 20 May 2005: International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting web...
InterOpMay2005 Architecture Participants ChenzhouCui (CC), Dave De Young (DdY), FrancoiseGenova (FG), BobHanisch (BH), AjitKembhavi (AK), AndyLawrence (AL...
InterOpMay2005 Plenary Sessions Timetable Monday May 16, 2005 Time Work Pkg Content Leader 10.00 Welcome .ppt TBC MasatoshiOhishi...
InterOpMay2005 UCD (Content Description) Timetable Meeting starts Friday 20, 9:00 a.m. 09:00 10:30 Joint session with DM3 Room I 11:00 12:30 Joint session...
IVOA May 2006 Interoperability Meeting 14 19 May 2006 Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting webpage. Tips for Victoria Programme...
Victoria Interoperability meeting Plenary session 1, 15 May 2006, 10:15 13:00 All talks: 10 minutes MasatoshiOhishi Introduction ppt RoyWilliams...
UCD/Semantics WG: session thu 18 May 2006 Proposed agenda for the 2 half sessions: 9 10.30 UCDs, vocabulary of documents AndreaPreiteMartinez...
The VOEvent Working Group of the IVOA will meet at the IVOA Interop, Victoria, Canada. The first session is 15.00 Monday May 15, the second at 16.00 Thursday May...
Plenary Sessions of the May 2007 IVOA Interoperability meeting, Beijing Plenary 1: Monday morning, 14 May Chair: R. Hanisch Welcome address, introductory talks...
Semantics/UCDs Session 1 (Wednesday 16 May, 10:30 12:00, Room 5) UCDs Status (APM) Experiences and concerns (Bob) McGlynn`s paper concerning UCDs...
Semantics InterOpMay2008 Sessions Trieste, May 19 23 Session 1 (monday 19, 16:30 18:00, Vulcania 1) Vocabularies Overview of vocabulary document (APM), plus...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 6 7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain Meeting Web site Registration and additional information is available on the local web site...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 6 7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain UCD Session Thursday, 6 14:30 16:15, Room B5 FINAL AGENDA Speaker Subject Time...
IVOA Interoperability September 2007 27 28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK Conference Photo: .jpg News 20070927: GWS 2/DAL 2 session swap session...
No formal Semantics/UCD WG Session
InterOpMay2008 Plenary Chair: Dave de Young Plenary 1, Monday 19 May 2008 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG Speaker...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM15) May 18 2005 @ 12.30 15.30 Local Time (Kyoto) Logistics The meeting has been held in the Kyoto International Conference...
IVOA Semantics Working Group The Semantics Working Group ( Charter) superseded the UCD Working Group in 2006 as it was realised semantic resources beyond UCDs...
IVOA Unified Content Descriptors The IVOA UCD Working Group has been supersed by the Semantics Working Group, effective from June 20th, 2006. This page...
Spectrum Data Model RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Model 1.01 Proposed Recommendation. Review period: 16 May 2007 to 12 Jun 2007 (still open...
Scope of the Standard Vocabulary It has been proposed that the IVOA needs a Standard Vocabulary (SV). We can use this page to define what an SV might be and what would...
Telescope and Instruments Nomenclature Meeting in Strasbourg 2018, 21 23 Feb Participants: Baptiste Cecconi, Emmanuelle Perret, Andrea Preite Martinez, Sebastien...
The standard format of IVOA Vocabularies Version 0.10 IVOA Note 2007 November XX This version: Latest version: Previous version(s): Editor(s): Andrea...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
Technical Milestones (working roadmap) Date : May 2007 This is the page for the IVOA Technical Coordination Group. The TCG consists of a Chair, vice Chair, Working...
Unified Content Descriptor Controlled Vocabulary RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Controlled Vocabulary Proposed Recommendation. In order to add...
Maintenance of the list of UCD words RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the of the list of UCD words Proposed Recommendation. In order to add a comment...
A (pdf) version of this page. RFM (Request for modification) of the List of UCD words AndreaPreiteMartinez IVOA ...
Maintenance of UCD List version 1.4 : Proposed Endorsed Note Request for TCG Comments and Approvals Document Link: /20210430/index...
Vocabularies working area This is a scratch area for the various ongoing vocabularies projects. Scope of a Standard Vocabulary: StdVocabScope Use Cases for...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
IVOA Vocabulary Working Area
Number of topics: 32

Results from IVOA/Spectral2 web retrieved at 21:32 (GMT)

Statistics for IVOA/Spectral2 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 1

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