Backlinks to SeverinGaudet in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 22:24 (GMT)

CSP Focus Session `Big Data Challenges in Astronomy`: 14 May 2019, salle Le Verrier, Paris, France Tuesday, May 14, 16:00 17:30, Salle Le Verrier Speaker...
Credential Delegation Protocol specification: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the Delegation Protocol specification Proposed Recommendation...
DALI 1.0 RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Access Layer Interface 1.0 specification. The current version of the document is available at: http...
Datalink v1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Datalink Proposed Recommendation. Latest version of the IVOA Datalink...
IVOA Document Standards RFC (Version 1.2) This document acted as RFC centre for the Document Standards 1.2 Proposed Recommendation, 03 March 2009. Review period...
Minutes: GWS Telecon 2023 09 20 Time: 20 09 2023; 13:00 UTC VideoConf link: bVl4ZThNeko4S3RSQnJxd0plVUkxZz09 Online...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
Program for June 2015 Interop in Sesto/Sexten (Bolzano/Bozen, Italy) (as of June 14 2015) Backlink to web site. A map of the meeting rooms at Haus Sexten is available...
IVOA Interoperability meeting May 17 21, 2010: Victoria, Canada Local Organization Research Council Canada / Institute of Astrophysics / Astronomy...
Agenda for GWS WG sessions at Victoria Interop meeting This is the agenda for GWS sessions at the Victoria Interop. GWS 1: Current status Session 11: Wed 19 May...
Applications Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials...
Knowledge Discovery in Database Interest Group May 16, 2011: Naples, Italy Meeting Agenda Time Speaker Notes 16.00 ...
IVOA Interoperability meeting May 21 25, 2012 at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Urbana...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 20, 2012 Champaign, Urbana, USA Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Board Room. Coffee...
Program for May 2013 Interop in Heidelberg (as of 09/05/13) Hey! Check out the Gallery! See also the Page. Session Time Room Session Notes...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 12, 2013 Heidelberg, Germany Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in room 106 in the old Physics building...
Program for May 2014 Interop in Madrid (as of 05/18/14) Session Time Room Session Notes Sunday May 18 2014 09:30 15:...
Focus Session on Multi dimensional Data Tuesday May 20 Interoperability Meeting, May 2014 Schedule Page Time Speaker Topic Materials Tuesday...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 18, 2014 Madrid, Spain Local Arrangements The meeting will be held in the Hotel NH Principe de Vergara. Coffee...
Application sessions Apps 1 Tuesday May 16 Room E 14:00 15:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Markus Nullmeier Storing and searching...
Operations Interest Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria, Canada Operations 1: Status, Operational Issues and Validation (Tuesday May 29, 0900 1030, Spirit AB)...
DCP IG Session, IVOA Interoperability meeting, Paris May 2019 `Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long term curation and preservation of astronomical...
DCP Session Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page `Share best practices and engage IVOA member projects in the long term...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime CEST DateTime...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 9 12 Nov, 2009: Garching bei M...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 26 31 October, 2008: Baltimore, Maryland, USA Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting webpage. Webcast...
IVOA Interoperability meeting October 17 21, 2011 at the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India Meeting information...
IVOA Interoperability meeting October 22 26, 2012 at the University of S...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting October 21, 2012 S...
Program for October 2014 Interop in Banff The program as of 2014 10 03: Session Time Room Session Notes Thursday Oct 9 2014...
IVOA Interoperability September 2007 27 28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK Conference Photo: .jpg News 20070927: GWS 2/DAL 2 session swap session...
List of Attendees to IVOA.InterOpSep2007 As of 20070926 the list stands at 118 persons: name institute arrival date departure date comments...
Program for September 2013 Interop in Waikoloa, Hawaii The program as of 2013 09 27: Session Time Room Session Notes Wednesday Sep 25...
Operations Interest Groups Sessions: June 2015, Sesto Italy Speaker Title Materials Operation Session 1: Group Organization and Current...
IVOA Standing Committee on Science Priorities (CSP) These pages are being updated by the current CSP. Terms of Reference (2021 ): The IVOA recognizes that sustaining...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice chairs. TCG Charter...
Photometry DM RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Photometry DM This is the second RFC process for this DM. Previous...
Chair: Christophe Arviset Plenary 1, Monday 16 May 2011 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG (with some spare time) Speaker...
Second Virtual Meeting 2020, October 2nd/October 6th via zoom Telecon Agenda: Implementation note for radio data in the VO we would like to document the current...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group Third Virtual Meeting 2021, May 6th via zoom Telecon Agenda: proposed changes to ObsCore to support radio data status of...
Request for Comment: RegTAP v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Registry Relational Schema, Version 1.0`. The version...
Registry Interface Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `IVOA Registry Interfaces...
VOTable1.2: Request for Comments An ammended version PR VOTable 1.2 20090929.pdf PR VOTable 1.2 20091102.pdf was produced following your comments on this RFC page...
Preparation work for the IVOA Technical Assessment and Roadmap for 2008 Final version of the Roadmap is (v1.0) Previous versions of the Roadmap are (v0.3) http...
SAMP v1.2 RFC Discussion This page contains public discussion of the v1.2 Proposed Recommendation. The formal RFC ran from October 1 through October 28, 2010. This...
Simple Image Access Protocol specification V1.0: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the Image Access Protocol specification Proposed Recommendation...
SIA v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Simple Image Access (version 2.0) Proposed Recommendation. Latest version...
SimDAL 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA SimDAL 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the SimDAL Specification...
Request for Comment: SimpleDALRegExt v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Describing Simple Data Access Services,...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
Spectral v2.0: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the Spectral 2.0 Proposed Recommendation; latest version PS SpectralDM...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
TAP V1.0: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the latest TAP V1.0 Proposed Recommendation. Following the comments below on the...
Historical comments on initial TAP V1 RFC period Comments from the community Sample comment by WikiName Response (by WikiName) May I once more request...
Universal Worker Service (UWS) RFC (Version 1.0) This document is a `Request for Comment` (RFC) for the Proposed Recommendation `Universal Worker Service V1.0`. The...
Request For Comment: VODataService v1.1 VOResource Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation...
IVOA Support Interfaces (VOSI) RFC (Version 1.0) This document is a `Request for Comment` (RFC) for the Proposed Recommendation `IVOA Support Interfaces V1.0` (also...
VOSpace 1.1 specification: Request for Comments This document completed its RFC period in October 2008. It is now undergoing TCG review . The specification is currently...
VOSpace 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the VOSpace 2.0 Proposed Recommendation. The version of the specification...
VOTable v1.3: Request For Comments This page contains public discussion of the VOTable v1.3 Proposed Recommendation. The RFC is announced on 29 March 2013 and will...
Obsolete page This page is no longer updated, but is retained here for archival purposes Vocabularies specification: Request for Comments This document completed...
TCG discussion about the WD Standards numbering nomenclature Update on 14/01/2009 ChristopheArviset Taking into account the discussions and inputs from within the...
WS Basic Profile RFC (Version 1.0) This document is a `Request for Comment` (RFC) for the Proposed Recommendation `IVOA Web Services Basic Profile V1.0`. The latest...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 67

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