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IVOA Events


Next Interoperability Meeting 25 Apr - 29 Apr, 2022 - Online, 5 days: Meeting Page, Program Page
Next Exec meeting TBD, June 2022
Next TCG meeting Tuesday 24 May 2022 - 20:00 UTC

By year:

                2022 2021
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001


Date Event Host Location Further Info
Jan 25 Exec Telecon Zoom 19:00 UTC  
Jan 26 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Feb 15 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Mar 02 Exec Telecon Zoom 17:00 UTC  
Mar 08 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Apr 05 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Apr 19 Exec Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Apr 20 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
May 24 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
25 Apr - 29 Apr Virtual Interoperability Meeting Zoom Online, 5 days Meeting Page, Program Page
18 Oct - 20 Oct Virtual Interoperability Meeting Zoom Online, 3 days  


Date Event Host Location Further Info
Mar 02 Exec Telecon Telecon 14:00 UTC  
Mar 09 TCG Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Apr 20 TCG Telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
May 04 Exec Telecon Telecon 14:00 UTC  
May 11 TCG Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
May 18 TCG Telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
May 19 Exec Telecon Telecon 14:00 UTC  
24 May-28 May Virtual Interoperability Meeting   Online, 5 days Meeting Page, Includes GWS/SIM & DM mini-workshop, Program Page
Jun 18 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Jul 20 Exec Telecon (TM99) Zoom 13:00 UTC  
Aug 08 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Sep 14 Exec telecon (TM100) Zoom 13:00 UTC  
Sep 15 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Oct 13 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
Oct 19 Exec telecon (TM101) Zoom 13:00 UTC  
Oct 27 TCG Telecon Zoom 20:00 UTC  
2 November - 4 November Virtual Interoperability Meeting   Online Meeting Page, Program Page, newcomers session on Novermber 1st
Dec 15 Exec telecon (TM102) Zoom 13:00 UTC  

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
Feb 11 TCG Telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
Feb 18 Exec Telecon Telecon 10 am Eastern  
Mar 24 Exec Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Apr 07 TCG Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Apr 16 TCG Telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
Apr 21 Exec Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
3 May-8 May Interoperability Meeting   Sydney (Australia)

Meeting Page

Replaced by the following virtual meeting due to COVID-19 outbreak

4 May - 8 May Virtual Interoperability Meeting   Online Meeting Page, Program Page
May 14 TCG telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Jun 11 TCG telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
Jun 23 Exec Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Aug 27 TCG Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Sep 15 Exec Telecon (TM93) Telecon 14:30 UTC  
Sep 22 TCG Telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
Oct 08 TCG Telecon Telecon 15:00 UTC  
Oct 27 Exec Telecon (TM94) Telecon 14:00 UTC  
Oct 29 TCG Telecon Telecon 20:00 UTC  
17 Nov - 19 Nov Interoperability Meeting   Granada (Spain) Meeting Page

Replaced by the following virtual meeting due to COVID-19 outbreak

17 Nov - 19 Nov Virtual Interoperability Meeting   Online Meeting Page, Program Page
Dec 15 Exec Telecon (TM95) Telecon 14:00 UTC  

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
Feb 05 TCG Telecon telecon 21:00 UTC  
Mar 05 IVOA Exec Telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
Apr 16 TCG Telecon telecon 20:00 UTC  
12 May-17 May Interoperability Meeting Observatoire de Paris Observatoire de Paris , France Meeting Page, Program Page
Jul 16 TCG Telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
Aug 22 TCG Telecon telecon 20:00 UTC  
11 Oct-13 Oct Interoperability Meeting ASTRON DOT Planetarium, Groningen, NL Meeting Page Program Page
10 Oct IVOA Exec meeting ASTRON IVOA venue meeting page
26 Nov IVOA Exec telecon telecon 18:00 UTC meeting page

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
06 Mar IVOA Exec Telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
05 May IVOA Exec Telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
10 May IVOA Exec/Media Grp Telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
15 May IVOA Exec/STC Telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
27May-01Jun Interoperability Meeting CADC Victoria, Canada Meeting web site Program page
20-31 Aug IAU General Assembly 2018   Vienna, Austria IVOA Booth organisation
18 Sep TCG telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
25 Sep VOA Exec telecon telecon 15:00 UTC  
08-10 Nov Interoperability Meeting USVOA College Park, Maryland, USA Meeting Page, Program Page, Scheduled before ADASS

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
07 Mar IVOA Exec Telecon   telecon 15:00 UTC
14-19 May Interoperability Meeting China-VO Shanghai, China Meeting web site, Program page
22 Jun IVOA Exec/Media Grp telecon   telecon 15:00 UTC
25 Jul IVOA Exec Telecon   telecon 15:00 UTC
26 Sep IVOA Exec telecon   telecon 15:00 UTC
22-26 Oct ADASS XXVII   Santiago, Chile  
27-29 Oct Interoperability Meeting ChiVO Santiago, Chile

Meeting Site, Program Page

19 Dec IVOA Exec Teecon   telecon 15:00 UTC

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
24 Feb IVOA Exec Telecon   telecon 16:00 UTC
08 May IVOA Exec Meeting   Cape Town 16:00 local time
9-13 May Interoperability Meeting SA3 Cape Town, South Africa Meeting web site, Program page
16-19 Oct ADASS XXVI Trieste, Italy
21-23 Oct Interoperability Meeting Trieste, Italy Meeting web site, Program page
20 Dec IVOA Exec Telecon   telecon 15:00 UTC

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
Dec. 21 IVOA Exec telecon   telecon 16:00 UTC
30 Oct. - 1 Nov. Interoperability Meeting AUS-VO Sydney, Australia Meeting WebSite Program Page
25-29 Oct. ADASS XXV CAASTRO Sydney, Australia
29 Oct. IVOA Exec meeting AUS-VO Rydges World Square 16:30 AEDT (05:30 UTC) - room to be announced
08 Sept. IVOA Exec   Telecon  
15-19 June. Interoperability Meeting Sexten (BZ), Italy Meeting WebSite, Programme Page

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
10-12 Oct. Interoperability Meeting Canada VO Banff, Alberta, Canada
5-9 Oct. ADASS XXIV Canada VO Calgary, Canada
18-23 May Interoperability Meeting ESA and SVO ESAC, Madrid, Spain Agenda

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
29 Sept. -3 Oct. ADASS XXIII US VAO Waikoloa, Hawaii
26-28 Sept. Interoperability Meeting US VAO Waikoloa, Hawaii
12-17 May Interoperability Meeting Zentrum für Astronomie/Heidelberg University/German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory Heidelberg, Germany Agenda website

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
4-8 Nov. ADASS XXII US VO Champaign, Illinois
22-26 Oct. Interoperability Meeting ... São Paulo, Brazil agenda, website
21-25 May Interoperability Meeting NCSA/UIUC Urbana, IL, USA agenda, website
27-29 Feb. How to publish data into the Virtual Observatory (workshop) INAF-OATrieste Trieste, Italy website

Date Event Host Location Further Info
17-21 Oct. Interoperability Meeting IUCAA Pune, India website, agenda
4-8 Oct. ADASS XXI Observatoire de Paris Paris, France details
25-29 Sept. Astroinformatics 2011 Organised by University Federico II of Napoli, and Caltech, plus support from INAF and Microsoft Research Sorrento, Italy website
16-20 May Interoperability Meeting hosted by University of Naples "Federico II" / organised by with the support of the University of Naples and INAF. Naples, Italy website, agenda

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
7-11 Dec Interoperability Meeting JVO Nara, Japan agenda
16-19 June AstroInformatics 2010 Caltech Pasadena, California, USA details
17-21 May Interoperability Meeting CADC Victoria, Canada agenda

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
9-13 Nov Interoperability Meeting ESO Garching bei München, Germany agenda, details
4-8 Oct ADASS XIX   Sapporo, Japan details
24-29 May Interoperability Meeting CDS Strasbourg, France agenda, details
26-30 Apr Hotwiring the Transient Universe II (VOEvent) Lick Observatory Santa Cruz, CA details
20-23 Apr European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (incorporationg RAS NAM and EAS JENAM)   Hatfield, UK details,
VO session

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
1-3 Dec. EuroVO-AIDA 1st Community Workshop: Multi-wavelength Astronomy & the VO ESAC Madrid, Spain details
2-5 Nov. ADASS XVIII   Québec, Canada details
26-31 Oct Interoperability Meeting STScI, JHU Baltimore, Maryland, USA agenda & details
7-12 Sep. JENAM-2008 Austrian Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (OEGAA) and Astronomische Gesellschaft (AG) Vienna, Austria details
3-11 Sep 4th NVO Summer School NVO Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA details
23-27 Jun EuroVO-DCA workshop: How to publish data into the VO ESO Garching, Germany details
19-23 May Interoperability Meeting INAF Trieste, Italy agenda & details
7-11 Apr VO-DCA WP4-WP5:
Theory in the VO - Grid and the VO
MPE Garching (Munich), Germany details
18-21 Feb Practical Semantic Astronomy Caltech Pasadena, California, USA details

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
27-28 Sep Interoperability Meeting IoA Cambridge, UK agenda & details
23-26 Sep. ADASS XVII   London, UK details
20-25 Aug. JENAM-2007 Armenian Astronomical Society Yerevan, Armenia details,
VO session
25-29 Jun. Euro-VO DCA workshop: How to publish data into the VO ESA-VO ESAC, Madrid, Spain details
4-7 Jun. Joint VOEvent/HTN 3 workshop VOEvent & HTN Tucson, USA details
14-18 May Interoperability Meeting China-VO Beijing, China agenda,details
21-23 March Euro-VO DCA workshop: Astronomical Spectroscopy and the VO ESA-VO ESAC, Madrid, Spain details

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
15-18 Oct. ADASS XVI NOAO Tucson, USA details
21-22 Sep. Small Projects Meeting RVO Moscow, Russia details
18-21 Sep. Interoperability Meeting RVO Moscow, Russia agenda
22 Aug. Special Session 6: Astronomical Data Management IAU Prague, Czech Republic details, program
17-22 Aug. Special Session 3ab: The Virtual Observatory in Action. New Science, New Technology and Next Generation Facilities IAU Prague, Czech Republic details,
conference, program
14-25 Aug. IAU General Assembly IAU Prague, Czech Republic details
23-26 Jul. HTN Workshop 2 HTN Göttingen, Germany details
14-19 May. Interoperability Meeting CVO Victoria, Canada agenda
08-12 Jan. AAS: 207th Meeting AAS Washington, DC, USA details

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
5-6 Dec. VOEvent II LSST, NOAO & NVO Tucson, Arizona - USA details
6-7 Oct. Interoperability Meeting ESAC ESAC - Madrid, Spain agenda
2-5 Oct. ADASS XV ESAC San Lorenzo de El Escoríal - Madrid, Spain details
18-21 Jul. HTN Workshop HTN Exeter, UK details
27 June - 1 July Euro-VO Technologies Workshop ESO München, Germany details
18 May IVOA Exec National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / JVO KICH, Kyoto, Japan details
16-20 May Interoperability Meeting National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / JVO KICH, Kyoto, Japan agenda
13-14 Apr. VOEvent Caltech Pasadena, California details
25-26 Jan. Euro-VO Demo ESAC Madrid, Spain details
9-13 Jan. NVO Demo at AAS Town and Country Resort and Conference Center San Diego, California - USA details
9 Jan. IVOA Exec San Diego Supercomputer Center San Diego, California - USA details

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
18-19 Nov. EuroVO VOTech Kickoff meeting AstroGrid IoA, Cambridge, UK details
24-27 Oct. ADASS XIV CalTech Pasadena, California, USA details
30 Sep. - 1 Oct. Pune Regional VO Meeting IUCAA Pune, India agenda
27-29 Sep. Interoperability Meeting IUCAA Pune, India agenda
20-23 Sep. Astro-RG at GGF12 Sheraton Brussels Brussels, Belgium details
13-17 Sep. US NVO Summer School Aspen Center for Physics Aspen, Colorado, USA details
18-30 July 2nd International Summer School on Grid Computing University of Naples Vico Equense, Italy details
23 June IVOA Exec Meeting Scottish Exhibition Centre Glasgow, Scotland, UK details
21-25 June SPIE International Symposium - Astronomical Telescopes Scottish Exhibition Centre Glasgow, Scotland, UK details
24-28 May Interoperability Meeting CfA Boston, USA agenda
9-13 Mar. GGF10 Humboldt University Berlin, Germany details
29 Jan. IVOA Exec Meeting ESO Garching, Germany details
4-8 Jan. 203rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society AAS Atlanta, Georgia, USA details

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
26-28 Nov. IVOA Small Projects Meeting 2003 NAOC Beijing, China details
16-17 Oct. Interoperability Meeting CDS Strasbourg, France details
12 Oct. ADASS XIII Tutorial: VO Software & Standards Workshop CDS Strasbourg, France details
23 July IVOA Exec Meeting IAU Sydney, Australia minutes (.pdf)
13-26 July IAU General Assembly IAU Sydney, Australia VO sessions July 17/18
12-16 May Interoperability Meeting IoA Cambridge, UK IVOA standardization
WGs first meeting: details
19-20 Mar. Registry Workshop e-Science Center London, UK Working Group kick-off
meeting: details
23-24 Jan. Data Modeling Workshop ESO Garching, Germany details
9-10 Jan. IVOA Exec Meeting AAS Seattle, USA minutes (.pdf)

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
17 Oct. Interoperability Meeting JHU Baltimore, USA details
13-16 Oct. ADASS XII STScI Baltimore, Maryland - USA conference
22-28 Aug. SPIE Conference - Waikoloa, Hawaii VO Session
10-14 June Conference: Toward an International Virtual Observatory ESO/IPP Garching, Germany conference
6 June AAS 200th Albuquerque Convention Center Albuquerque, New Mexico Building a VO
special session
28-29 Jan. Interoperability Meeting CDS Strasbourg, France details

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
30 Sep. - 3 Oct. ADASS XI CADC Victoria, BC - Canada conference
10-15 Sep. JENAM 2001 LMU Munich, Germany conference page
Joint Discussion 2: VO
29 July - 3 Aug. SPIE 46th Annual Meeting - San Diego, California - USA Conference 4477 on
Astronomical Data Analysis
18-21 July Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy III - Penn State, Pennsylvania - USA conference
27 May - 10 June New Astrophysics and Cosmology with a VO Aspen Center for Physics Aspen, Colorado - USA center
20-21 Mar. Theoretical Data in Virtual Observatories NOAO Tucson, Arizona - USA workshop

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Date Event Host Location Further Info
12-15 Nov. ADASS X SAO Boston, Massachusets - USA conference
31 July - 4 Aug. Mining the Sky MPA/ESO/MPE Garching - Germany Joint Astronomy Conference
13-16 June Virtual Observatories of the Future Caltech Pasadena, California - USA workshop

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Topic revision: r235 - 2022-05-03 - MarcoMolinaro
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