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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 17:41 (GMT)

IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
List of Attendees to the Inter Op Meeting, IoA, Cambridge, UK, May 12 16 2003. As of the list stands at 69 folk: name institute arrival date departure...
InterOpMay2004 Grid and Web Services Participants IVOA.DickShaw IVOA.PaulHarrison IVOA.ChristopheArviset IVOA.WilliamOMullane IVOA.TamasBudavari IVOA...
InterOpMay2004 Plenary Sessions Timetable May 24, 2004 Time Work Pkg Content Leader 9.30 Welcome Rick Harnden 9.40 Workshop...
InterOpMay2005 Architecture Participants ChenzhouCui (CC), Dave De Young (DdY), FrancoiseGenova (FG), BobHanisch (BH), AjitKembhavi (AK), AndyLawrence (AL...
InterOpMay2005 Astro RG (IVOA/GGF interface) Participants NicholasWalton, GuyRixon, ReaganMoore, FrancoiseGenova, PeterQuinn, Pepi Fabbiano, RayPlante, RiccardoSmareglia...
InterOpMay2005 DataCP (Data Curation Preservation) Participants Reagan Moore, Francoise Genova, Robert Hanisch, Pepi Fabbiano, plus others. Will contact...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 2003 16 17 October 2003: CDS, Strasbourg, France day time participants meeting page Thursday...
Minutes of IVOA Plenary Session, Oct. 17, 2003, 8:30 16:00 Chair: Robert Hanisch RH Minutes: Markus Dolensky MD Content: 1. Intro, RH (8.30) General...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM11) Date: June 23, 2004 Venue: Glasgow, Scotland, UK Location SECC convention centre, Fyne room (map). Ground floor of...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM13) Date: Jan 09, 2005 (10:30 16:20) Venue: SDSC, San Diego, USA Location and Travel The meeting will take place at SDSC on...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM15) May 18 2005 @ 12.30 15.30 Local Time (Kyoto) Logistics The meeting has been held in the Kyoto International Conference...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM17) Joint with TCC Weds Oct 5 2005 @ 19.00 21.30 Local Time (El Escorial) Contents Logistics The Exec meeting will...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM20) Thurs Aug 17 2006 @ 17.30 20.00 Local Time (Prague, Czech Republic) Contents Logistics Meeting will take place in room...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM9) Date: Jan. 29, 2004 Venue: ESO, Garching, Council Room, please report to reception upon arrival Accommodation and Visitor...
IVOA Exec Telecon TM14 April 13 2005 @ 15:00 16:00 GMT Canceled Agenda (Draft 20050407) 1 Roll Call 2 of FM13 3 of Actions 4 Reports from VO projects...
IVOA Exec Telecon TM18 January 18 2006 @ 17.00 18.00 GMT Agenda (draft) Roll Call and Agenda of FM17 of Actions Participation of Brazilian VO...
SPECIAL SESSION AT PRAGUE IAU G.A. Status Report Andy Lawrence 2006 01 13 Return to VoPraguePlanning page This report is an update for both the Scientific Organising...
VO Small Projects Meeting 30 Sep. 1 Oct.: IUCAA, Pune, India Programme Date Time Place Activity Speaker Thu 30 Sep 09.30 09.40...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
VO Science in Prague : Scientific Organising Committee Andy Lawrence (chair SOC) UK al #64; Masatoshi Ohishi Japan masatoshi.ohishi #64;nao...
VO Science in Prague : Keynote Speakers PROVISIONAL The following people have provisionally agreed to provide keynote talks. The final list will be confirmed in...
This is a work area for contributions to the article on the history, impact, and sociology of the VO that BobHanisch agreed to write for Andre Heck`s book on Organizations...
VO Special Session for IAU Prague August 2006 Working Documents in planning phase Update Reports Report to IVOA Exec October 2005 Report to SOC and IVOA Exec January...
VO Special Session for IAU Prague August 2006 Working Documents in proposal preparation phase for the Scientific Organising Committee The top level page for our proposed...
Number of topics: 25

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