Collaborative Page for the Table Access Protocol (TAP)

The Table Access Protocol (TAP) is a second generation DAL interface being developed to provide a general access mechanism for tabular data, including but not limited to astronomical catalogs. TAP is part of the DAL family of data access interfaces.

To register TAP services refer to the TAP VOResource extension REC (currently in TAPRegExt-1.0, Recommendation as of 27 August 2012).

Current TAP Recommendation

Current REC for the Table Access Protocol is TAP-1.1, approved on 27 September 2019.

Previous REC:

For a full overview of the various TAP documents, not only Recommendations, refer to the IVOA Document Repository.

Active TAP pages & development

"-Next" page & Errata pages

Volute SVN document source

The TAP document source (uses ivoatex) can be found in the volute repo (projects/dal/TAP), e.g. svn checkout

Previous TAP pages & developmet

"-Next" & Errata pages

  • TAP-1.0-Next page to collect proposed features and notes while developing the next revision (v1.1) of the specification.
  • TAP-1_0-Errata page, instead, collects the Errata status for version 1.0 of the recommendation.

TAP Request for Comments (RFC) pages

TAP-Related Working Drafts

PQL V0.2 - Current PQL (Parameter Query) Working Draft (2009-05-20)

Earlier TAP working documents

TAP V1.0 - TAP Working Draft (2009-06-07)

TAP V0.5 - TAP Working Draft (2009-05-16)

TAP V0.42 - TAP Working Draft (2009-04-20)

TAP V0.41 - TAP Working Draft (2009-03-17)

TAP V0.4 - TAP Working Draft (February 2009)

PQL V0.1 - Proposed Parameterised Query Language Working Draft (February 2009)

DAL2 Architecture draft - Architecture and standard service profile for the DAL2 familiy of services (draft fall 2008)

TAP V0.31 - TAP Working Draft following Baltimore interop (November 2008)

TAP V0.31 Restructuring - Restructuring suggestions for TAP V0.31 draft

TAP V0.3 - TAP Draft as presented at Baltimore Interop

Other Related Documents

Scope and Role of the TAP Parameter Query (May 2009)

TAP/Param V0.2 - TAP/Param draft (includes TAP/Param functionality). This is based upon the discussions from the tiger team meeting held at JHU in November 2007 (JHU November 2007), as well as follow-on discussions regarding VOSpace integration, multi-region queries, and other topics.

TAP/QL V0.1 - TAP/QL Draft document focused on processing ADQL queries, synchronous and asynchronous execution, integration with other IVOA services and metadata provision using VOSI constructs.

TAP-Related Software

Server-side Tools

Client-side Tools

TAP related IVOA Notes

TAP Meetings

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted ascending Comment
Unknown file formatodt PQL-0.2-20090520.odt r1 manage 81.8 K 2009-05-22 - 15:00 DougTody PQL 0.2 source
PDFpdf PQL-0.2-20090520.pdf r1 manage 136.0 K 2009-05-22 - 14:59 DougTody PQL 0.2 Draft
PDFpdf tap-v0.2.pdf r1 manage 103.8 K 2008-05-15 - 03:26 DougTody TAP V0.2 Working Draft (with TAP/Param support)
PDFpdf TAP-v0.3.pdf r2 r1 manage 760.0 K 2008-10-30 - 15:18 GuyRixon Merged TAP working draft from October 2008
PDFpdf TAP-1.1-20150512.pdf r1 manage 361.6 K 2015-05-12 - 14:50 MarcoMolinaro  
Unknown file formatodt PQL-0.1-20090212.odt r1 manage 49.4 K 2009-03-18 - 16:47 PatrickDowler PQL 0.1 source (OOo3)
PDFpdf PQL-0.1-20090212.pdf r1 manage 170.8 K 2009-02-17 - 16:08 PatrickDowler  
PDFpdf TAP-0.4-20090212.pdf r1 manage 288.4 K 2009-02-17 - 16:08 PatrickDowler  
Unknown file formatodt TAP-0.41-20090317.odt r1 manage 72.7 K 2009-03-18 - 16:34 PatrickDowler TAP 0.41 source document (OOo3)
PDFpdf TAP-0.41-20090317.pdf r1 manage 291.8 K 2009-03-17 - 20:11 PatrickDowler  
Unknown file formatodt TAP-0.42-20090420.odt r1 manage 75.2 K 2009-04-21 - 06:58 PatrickDowler TAP 0.42 source document (OOo3)
PDFpdf TAP-0.42-20090420.pdf r1 manage 383.4 K 2009-04-21 - 06:57 PatrickDowler  
Unknown file formatodt TAP-0.5.odt r1 manage 73.0 K 2009-05-16 - 17:15 PatrickDowler TAP 0.5 source (OOo3)
PDFpdf TAP-0.5.pdf r1 manage 371.2 K 2009-05-16 - 17:14 PatrickDowler  
Unknown file formatodt WD-TAP-1.0-20090607.odt r1 manage 70.3 K 2009-06-10 - 21:42 PatrickDowler WD-TAP-1.0 source(OOo3)
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Topic revision: r47 - 2019-10-24 - MarcoMolinaro
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