Backlinks to Authorization in IVOA Web (Search all webs)
IVOA Roadmap for 2014B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2014 between the Banff and Sesto Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2015A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2015 between the Sesto and Sydney Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2016A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2016 between the Cape Town and Trieste...
IVOA Roadmap for 2016B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2016/17 between the Trieste and Shanghai...
IVOA Roadmap for 2018A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the Victoria and College...
IVOA Roadmap for 2018B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the College Park and Paris...
IVOA Roadmap for 2019A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2019 between the Paris and Groningan...
IVOA Roadmap for 2019B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2019 between the Groningan and Sydney...
IVOA Roadmap for 2020B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2020/2021 between the Nov and May Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2021A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2021 between the May and Oct/Nov Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2021B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops...
Science Platform: Towards Data Science ADASS 2019 Gronigen 9 10 2019 Room 1 2 Participants: ~50 Discussion Topics What is your science platform? How can...
Credential Delegation The credential delegation protocol allows a client program to delegate a user`s credentials to a service such that that service may make requests...
DataLink 1.0 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the DataLink 1.0 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification. Errata...
DataLink 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction DataLink describes the linking of data discovery metadata to access to the data itself, further...
IVOA Distributed Services and Protocols (DSP) Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon...
Group Membership Service: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA GMS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The original PR for the GMS Specification can be...
GWS WG discussion @ November Interop 2021 GWS session 1 Dave Morris: ExecutionPlanner Service Interface Today there exists a large variety of Science Platforms...
InterOpMay2004 Grid and Web Services Participants IVOA.DickShaw IVOA.PaulHarrison IVOA.ChristopheArviset IVOA.WilliamOMullane IVOA.TamasBudavari IVOA...
InterOpMay2005 Grid and Web Services Timetable Time Work Pkg Content Leader Wednesday 09:00 12:30 Security Introduction requirements...
InterOpMay2005 VOEvent Participants BobHanisch stand in session chair, approx. 14 people attending. Timetable Thursday, 9:00am 12:30pm Goals for this session...
Agenda for GWS WG sessions at Naples Interop meeting This is the agenda for GWS sessions at the Naples Interop. GWS 1: VOSpace 2.0 and REST Basic Profile Session...
Program for May 2016 Interop in Cape Town, South Africa Session Time Room Session Notes Sunday May 8 09:30 12:00 Manor...
Grid and Web Services Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa GWS 1: Authentication Authorization (Tuesday May 10: 1400 1530, Auditorium 1) Speaker...
Grid and Web Services Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria GWS I (Tuesday May 29, 14:00 15:30, Spirit CD) Topic: Storage and A A Speaker Title...
This is the schedule setup for GWS related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020). The GWS session during the virtual meeting will be an open discussion on...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime CEST DateTime...
Applications Working Group : May 2024 back to main programme page Schedule Applications Session 1: Monday May 20 2023 @ 16:00 17:30 (Session #1) Room C...
IVOA Interop Meeting, Northern Fall 2020 (virtual) Abstracts This page contains abstracts for (some of) the presentations at the Interop meeting. They are in approximate...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Status: DRAFT and subject to change Schedule Summary Session DateTime...
GWS Session Schedule IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Draft Schedule Time: Saturday, November 16, 09:00 10:30 Location:...
Agenda for GWS WG sessions at Baltimore Interop meeting This is the agenda for the GWS sessions at the Baltimore Interop. Session 1: Current Standards WGPS 2: Mon...
Grid and Web Services Session at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo) Remarks : We have just one session, if some presentations need a debate it should be...
GWS Session Friday October 27 O`Higgins 14:00 15:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Brian Major GWS updates 10` pdf Markus Demleitner...
Minutes of IVOA Plenary Session, Oct. 17, 2003, 8:30 16:00 Chair: Robert Hanisch RH Minutes: Markus Dolensky MD Content: 1. Intro, RH (8.30) General...
GWS Sessions at the Oct 2015 Interop Meeting There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, studies and discussions. GWS Session...
GWS sessions at September 2006 (Moscow) Interop GWS 1, Tuesday, 11:00 12:30 SSO standards: Introduction (GuyRixon) ESO arrangements for web portals (PaulHarrison...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM15) May 18 2005 @ 12.30 15.30 Local Time (Kyoto) Logistics The meeting has been held in the Kyoto International Conference...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM30 Supplementary) Wednesday 29 October 12:00 13:30 EDT Contents Logistics Full Meeting at InterOpOct2008 : Bloomberg...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM40) Sunday May 15 @ 17.00 19:00 CET Supplementary: Wednesday May 18 @ 13:00 14.30 Contents Logistics Sunday meeting at...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM60) FM60 29 Oct 2015 (16:30 18:00) Rydges Square Boardroom Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM60)...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM63) FM63 08 May 2016 Manor House Meeting Room 16:00 local time FM63S 11 May 2016 Manor House Meeting Room 12:...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM84) FM84 May 12 2019 4 6pm local time Salle du Conseil ( note Wednesday meeting has its own Agenda page FM84S) Access...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM21) Tues Dec 5 2006 @ 15.00 16.30 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Check email from Bob Hanisch 27 Nov 2006 let him know...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM39) Tuesday March 15 @ 17.00 CET Contents Logistics Telecon DRAFT Agenda TM39 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2. of FM38S...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
IVOA TCG F2F Mtg Sun, 12 May 2019 @10:30am local time Salle du Conseil (Updated with Mtg note May 29 JE) last edit May 29 JE May 08 Seeded mtg...
This text is intended as a starting point for the discussion. We will edit the text together during the session and then transfer the final version back to the IVOA...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date) Meeting web link: Program link:
RegTAP 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Registries provide a mechanism with which VO applications can discover and select resources first...
ROADMAP 2020 Argentina NOVA ArVO AstroGrid Australia VO BRAVO China VO The China VO service portal will be upgraded and re designed under the name of new endorsed...
Discussion page for the SSO refurbishing This is a discussion page for future enhancements and changes to SSO Please edit this page directly to add comments or specification...
SSO next version Ideas and fully working prototytpe of an SSO update. The required spec changes are numbered and indicated in bold. A PR with these changes has been...
IVOA Grid Web Services: Security Contents Overview Though our data may have zero commercial value (according to Jim Gray), we are still concerned about...
This page was intended to collect points that should be clarified/fixed in future versions of the UWS/TAP/ADQL combo of standards. By now, this material has been moved...
Enhancement Requests to UWS 1.0 This page is intended to summarize various suggestions that are made to enhance UWS to determine if they should be included in the...
VOSpace v2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments RFC page for the IVOA VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation. The latest VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation...
Number of topics: 57