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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 04:04 (GMT)

IVOA Grid Web Services: Remote Execution Contents Overview The size of astronomy data, already significant, will grow rapidly with the upcoming large projects...
Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team (P3T) The Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team was formed in Tucson at the Interop meeting in Nov 2023. The aim is to address the question...
DALI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This is the RFC page for DALI 1.1. As per the abstract: DALI defines the base web service interface common to...
Datalink v1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Datalink Proposed Recommendation. Latest version of the IVOA Datalink...
Discovering Data Collections Within Services: Endorsed Note Request for TCG Comments and Approvals Document Link:
Group Membership Service: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA GMS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The original PR for the GMS Specification can be...
GWS Telecon, June 22, 2017 Discussion of different types of back end storage options for VOSpace Discussions about VOSpace implementation plans including...
GWS Telecon, Aug 3 2017 Technologies mentioned: ALLUXIO Integrated with Spark and Hadoop Dynafed http...
GWS Telecon, Sept 25 2017 Planning of GWS sessions in Santiago Updates on VOSpace implementations Updates on VOSpace 2.1 PR
Minutes: GWS Telecon 2017 12 12 Attendees: David Aikema Simon O`Toole Sebastien Fabbro S...
In attendance: Brian Major Giuliano Taffoni Sara Bertocco Tom Donaldson From OATS/INAF: For the Euclid project, the choice has been mode to...
In attendance: Brian Major David Aikema Tom Donaldson From Brian: Working on the file system based vospace implementation on CephFS LDAP integration...
In attendance: Brian Major David Aikema Andr...
Minutes: GWS Telecon 2022 02 16 Attendees: Giuliano Taffoni Brian Major Preliminary List of Items: GMS status SSO status and updates execution...
Minutes: GWS Telecon 2021 12 16 Attendees: Giuliano Taffoni Brian Major Sara Bertocco Mark Taylor John Palmieri Dave Morris Preliminary...
Minutes: GWS Telecon 2023 09 20 Time: 20 09 2023; 13:00 UTC VideoConf link: bVl4ZThNeko4S3RSQnJxd0plVUkxZz09 Online...
Group Membership Service Working Draft TOC Working Draft The most recent published Working Draft can be found here: Membership Service Comments from the community...
HiPS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA HiPS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the HiPS specification...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
GWS WG discussion @ November Interop 2021 GWS session 1 Dave Morris: ExecutionPlanner Service Interface Today there exists a large variety of Science Platforms...
IVOA Identifiers Version 2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments IVOA Identifiers describes the syntax and semantics of the IVOA`s special URIs. Such URIs...
GWS Sessions at the June 2015 Interop Meeting This time we will have 3 sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, studies and discussions....
GWS Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting This time we will have 3 sessions, one dedicated to workflows and two dedicated to the revision of VOSpace and UWS.It...
Grid and Web Services Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa GWS 1: Authentication Authorization (Tuesday May 10: 1400 1530, Auditorium 1) Speaker...
Plenary 1, Monday May 9 2016 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Applications...
GWS Sessions GWS 1 Tuesday May 16 Room D 11:00 12:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Andr...
Opening Plenary: Monday May 15, 2017 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group Meeting May 14, 2017 Shanghai, China Local Arrangements The meeting will be held at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory...
Grid and Web Services Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria GWS I (Tuesday May 29, 14:00 15:30, Spirit CD) Topic: Storage and A A Speaker Title...
Opening Plenary May 28 Charge to the WG/IGs Time available: about 5 minutes per talk (on average) Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps pdf...
Registry Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria Registry 1 (Tuesday 16 17:30, Spirit): Towards VODataService 1.2 Speaker Title Time Material...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA May 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting DAL 1 `Standards: revision updates` (Wednesday May 15, 11:00 12:30, Salle Le Verrier) Speaker...
GWS session IVOA May 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting GWS (Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 14:00 15:30, Salle Denisse) Speaker Title Time Material...
Opening Plenary May 13, 2019 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Cresitello Dittmar WG DM pdf...
This is the schedule setup for GWS related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020). The GWS session during the virtual meeting will be an open discussion on...
IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting Submitted Abstracts Abstracts submitted for the IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting. The pdf link provides the full...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC...
Theory GWS Science Platform Workshop Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime...
Science platforms IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page There are two sessions dedicated to discussing science platforms at the...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting includes DAL/GWS/Registry joint session schedule DAL 1 (Thursday Nov. 08, 14:...
GWS session IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting GWS 1 (Friday Nov. 09, 9:00 10:30, Salon 1 2) Speaker Title Time Material...
Opening Plenary Nov 8 Charge to the WG/IGs Time available: about 5 minutes per talk (on average) Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf...
Registry session schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting includes joint session schedules. Registry 1 / Apps 1 (Friday Nov. 9, 11:...
IVOA Interop Meeting, Northern Fall 2020 (virtual) Abstracts This page contains abstracts for (some of) the presentations at the Interop meeting. They are in approximate...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Status: DRAFT and subject to change Schedule Summary Session DateTime...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA Nov 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 01:...
GWS Sessions at the October 2014 Interop Meeting This time we will have 2 sessions, one dedicated to the updates of UWS to 1.1 and of VOSpace to 2.1., the second is...
Plenary 1, Friday Oct 30 2015 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Applications...
Plenary 1, Friday Oct 21, 2016 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Applications...
GWS Session Friday October 27 O`Higgins 14:00 15:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Brian Major GWS updates 10` pdf Markus Demleitner...
KDD/GWS Session Saturday October 28 O`Higgins 9:00 10:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Kai Polsterer Introduction 10` pdf Andr...
Opening Plenary: Friday Oct 27, 2017 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA October 2019 Groningen Interoperability Meeting Apps DAL joint session Data Access Implementations Friday October...
Grid and Web Services Working Group Session: OCT 2019, Groningen GWS I (Friday Oct 11, 13:30 15:00, Student Hotel) GWS (Friday October 11, 2019, 13:30)...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 07:...
GWS Sessions at the September 2013 Interop Meeting (Hawaii) GWS Session 1 The first session was dedicated to presentations and to a discussion about PDL which was...
TCG F2F Meeting 2016 05 08 in Stellenbosch, SA present: Tom McGlynn (TMcG), Markus Demleitner (MD), Christophe Arviset (CA), John Swinbank (JS), Francoise Genova...
TCG F2F Meeting 2017 05 14 in Shanghai, China present: Patrick Dowler PDMireille Louys ML Brian Major BM Giuliano Taffoni GT Marco Molinaro MM Carlos...
GWS Sessions at the Oct 2015 Interop Meeting There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, studies and discussions. GWS Session...
GWS Sessions at the Oct 2016 Interop Meeting There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, studies and discussions. GWS Session...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM73) FM73 Thu, 26 Oct 2017 14:00 (local time)/(17:00 UTC) Sheraton Convention Center Room: O`Higgins Contents IVOA...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM77) FM77 Sun, 27 May 2018 16:00 Local Time (23:00 UTC) SpiritAB FM77 Supplementary Wed, May 30 @12:30 Local Time...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM80) FM80 Thu, 08 Nov 2018 17:30 Local Time (22:30 UTC) Diamondback Room Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM84) FM84 May 12 2019 4 6pm local time Salle du Conseil ( note Wednesday meeting has its own Agenda page FM84S) Access...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM74) TM74 Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM74) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM75) TM75 Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM75) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM76) TM76 Tue, 08 May 2018 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM76) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM81) TM81 Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:30 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM79) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM82) TM82 Tue, 05 Mar 2019 15:30 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM82) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM83) TM83 April 9 2019 15:00 UTC (11am US Eastern, 5pm Central Europe) Logistic Hosted by CXC Data Systems Tuesday,...
IVOA Grid Web Services Home Contents Chair: JesusSalgado Vice Chair: SaraBertocco Chairs Emeriti: GiulianoTaffoni, MatthewGraham, GuyRixon, AndreSchaaff...
TCG Telecon 2017 05 05 present: Patrick Dowler (PD), Matthew Graham (MG), Pepi Fabbiano (PF), Tom McGlynn (TMG), Mark Taylor (MT), Brian Major (BM), Marco Molinaro...
IVOA TCG Telecon Tue, 05 Feb 2019 @21:00 UTC via WebEx last edit Feb06 JE Feb 6 Added meeting notes JE Attendees Ada, Guiliano, Kai, Laurent, Pierre...
This text is intended as a starting point for the discussion. We will edit the text together during the session and then transfer the final version back to the IVOA...
This text is intended as a starting point for the discussion. We will edit the text together during the session and then transfer the final version back to the IVOA...
ObsCore v1.1: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Errata page ObsCore 1 1 Erratum 1 This page contains former public discussion of the Obscore 1.1 Proposed...
Program Prep List College Park last updated JE Nov06 (Move the request from `New Request` to `Scheduled` once it`s been added to the Program) Program link:...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (Nov 17 19, 2020 needs confirmation) Meeting web link: nov 2020 Program link:...
IVOA Standard Documents V2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The IVOA Document Standards describes the types of official IVOA documents and the process...
Registry Interfaces 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discusion page for the IVOA Registry Interfaces 1.1 Proposed Recommendation The latest...
Request for Comment: RegTAP v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Registry Relational Schema, Version 1.0`. The version...
SODA RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the SODA . Review period: 12th October to 24th November 2016 In...
SSO v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA SSO 2.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the SSO Specification...
SIA v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Simple Image Access (version 2.0) Proposed Recommendation. Latest version...
SimDAL 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA SimDAL 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the SimDAL Specification...
SimpleDALRegExt v1.1 Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 Proposed Recommendation. Latest version:
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
Table Access Protocol 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments TOC The table access protocol (TAP) defines a service protocol for accessing general table...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
UCD List 1.3 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the UCD List specification version 1.3 Proposed Recommendation The UCD Standard...
UCD Maintenance Standard/ Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The Maintenance Process for the set of terms defined as IVOA Unified Content Descriptors is...
UWS v1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA UWS 1.1 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the UWS Specification...
Enhancement Requests to UWS 1.0 This page is intended to summarize various suggestions that are made to enhance UWS to determine if they should be included in the...
VO DML V1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VO DML describes a standard modelling language, or meta model for expressing data models in the IVOA. For...
VOResource 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VOResource 1.1 is an update to the basic schema for resource records in the VO; the most salient rationale...
VOSI 1.1 Erratum 1 XML versioning clarification and corrections Author: Brian Major Grid and Web Services Working Group ChairDate: 28 August 2018 The following...
VOSI 1.1 Erratum 1 Corrections to table response examples Author: Patrick Dowler Technical Coordination Group ChairDate: 28 August 2018 The following Erratum amends...
VOSI 1.1 Erratum 2 Example corrections Author: Patrick DowlerDate:2019 04 12 The following Erratum amends the VOSI 1.1 recommendation. Rationale In VOSI 1.1 (ref...
VOSI v1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Discussion page for the IVOA VOSI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation. The lastest VOSI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation...
VOSpace version 2.1 Proposed Erratum 1: Example incorrect ...
Comments and suggestions on the working draft. From the mailing list announcement : Summary of changes Line by line diff General HTML anchors The HTML...
VOSpace v2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments RFC page for the IVOA VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation. The latest VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation...
VOSpace home page Discussion page for the VOSpace 2.1 specification This is a discussion page for the VOSpace 2.1 service specification. Please edit this page directly...
VOSpace home page Discussion page for the VOSpace 2.2 / 3.0 This is a discussion page for future enhancements and changes to VOSpace 2.1 Please edit this page directly...
IVOA Grid Web Services: VOSpace Contents Overview Users want to be able to easily publish and share their own data as well as have data reside close...
VTP 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA VTP 2.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the VTP Specification...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
XML Schema Versioning Policies: Endorsed Note Request for TCG Comments and Approvals Document Link: Schema Versioning Policies Comments from the interested public...
Number of topics: 108

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