Backlinks to ObsTap in IVOA Web (Search all webs)
SQLServer ADQL geometric functions Page for discussions about supporting the ADQL geometric functions in SQLServer. Current deployments ROE The main science archives...
Review `Publishing data into the VO` Meeting 10.12.2021, 13:00 UTC in zoom . Attendees: Janet Evans, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Dave Morris...
Obscore 1.1 Example: Advanced Use cases Use case 4.3 POS SPECTRAL TIME POS at event of event Show me a list of all data matching...
Back to Program Data Access Layer Sessions: May 2011 SpectrumDM 1.2 and SSA 1.2 (Tuesday, 9:30) speaker topic time M.Louys Utypes standard...
Basic Footprints with DAL services Description informal coordination meeting minutes (Francois Ochsenbein, Gretchen Greene, Jonathan Fay, Arnold Rots...
DAL Future discussion page This page is meant to gather opinions, feedback and proposals for DAL future (see 2016 Fall Interop presentation). The underlying question...
Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team (P3T) The Protocol Transitioning Tiger Team was formed in Tucson at the Interop meeting in Nov 2023. The aim is to address the question...
Summary from Shanghai DAL/DM/TDIG session: NDCube Time domain application (M. Cresitello Dittmar) Models: Coordinates: coo, frame, systems...
Howto create FITS images/spectra to be VO compatible FITS format is a popular output used in astronomy for spectra and images. FITS recommendations when applied enable...
DataLink 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction DataLink describes the linking of data discovery metadata to access to the data itself, further...
Data Product Type 1. Should we specify all possible values ? There is the suggestion in the current document to allow the value `other` when no available...
Datalink v1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Datalink Proposed Recommendation. Latest version of the IVOA Datalink...
DatasetMetadata model version 1.0 Goal All IVOA datsets must contain a common set of metadata elements to facilitate the registration, discovery, and interoperability...
Discovering Data Collections Within Services: Endorsed Note Request for TCG Comments and Approvals Document Link:
EPN TAP Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Abstract EPN TAP is a protocol used to describe and access data related to the study of the Solar System. This...
Utype syntax and character set 1. Data base manager may prefer utypes in lower case when stored in a database. 1. How is it compatible with application using...
Free Format data model fields and extensibility mechanism When a data provider cannot use the proposed value fields (for instance in data product type), how can he...
Image Data Model Effort The Image Data Model, currently under development, will describe multdimensional image and image cube datasets and instances. It will serve...
RadioIG Session Schedule IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC...
TDIG/RadioIG Session Schedule IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC...
IVOA Interoperability meeting Dec 7 11, 2010: Nara, Japan Local Organization Please find detailed information at meeting webpage. Updates Programme...
Applications Session at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
DM Session at the December 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program) Preliminary Schedule DM 1 Final steps for current modeling projects...
IVOA Interoperability meeting May 17 21, 2010: Victoria, Canada Local Organization Research Council Canada / Institute of Astrophysics / Astronomy...
DM Session at the May 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) Preliminary Schedule DM 1 Observation Data model Core Components...
DM/DAL Session at the May 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) Date: Wednesday, 19th May 2010 Time: 11:00 Venue:...
Data Access Layer Sessions Madrid 2014 Session 3: TAP 1.x The purpose of this session is to discuss issues with the current Table Access Protocol (TAP) and related...
TDIG sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting This is the schedule page for TDIG related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020)...
Ops Session at the May 2024 Interop, Sydney, Australia Thursday May 23 2024 14:00 15:30, Room: C122 See InterOpMay2024 for the complete programme. Speaker...
DAL Sessions at the November 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program) DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title...
(back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program) Plenary introduction Monday Aud Slides here Semantics Session at the November 2009 Interop Meeting Wednesday...
DAL Session Schedule IVOA Nov 2024 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Time: Saturday November 16 9:00 10:30 (Malta local time...
Show and Tell Sessions Speaker Title Materials Applications 1: Fri Oct 10 11:00 12:30 (Summit) Mark Taylor Upload crossmatching...
IVOA October 2017 Interop Santiago de Chile DAL WG Sessions DAL 1 TAP, ADQL and ongoing new version of standards Friday October 27 San Cristobal 16:...
IVOA Data Access Layer Running Meetings This page hosts the agenda and notes for the DAL WG Running Meetings. Agenda topics proposals Feel free to add here the...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM40) Sunday May 15 @ 17.00 19:00 CET Supplementary: Wednesday May 18 @ 13:00 14.30 Contents Logistics Sunday meeting at...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM66) FM66 Thu, 20 Oct 2016 14:00 CEST Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM66) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM84) FM84 May 12 2019 4 6pm local time Salle du Conseil ( note Wednesday meeting has its own Agenda page FM84S) Access...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM87) when: October 10, 2019, 2 4pm local time where: ADASS Venue (Martini Plaza) Room 11 Logistic IVOA exec FM87Hosted...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM116) Thursday, 9 November 2023 @ 17:30 to 19:00 Mountain Standard Time (HYBRID) UTC: 12:30 to 2:00 UTC Friday, Nov. 10 Contents...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM35) Tues Mar 2 2010 @ 16.00 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Agenda 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2. of FM34 Suppl.,...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM37) Monday September 20 2010 @ 15.00 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Agenda TBD 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2....
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM39) Tuesday March 15 @ 17.00 CET Contents Logistics Telecon DRAFT Agenda TM39 1. Roll Call and Agenda (MA) 2. of FM38S...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) TM68 Tue, 07 Mar 2017 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM92) when: June 23, 2020 Time: 11am (Eastern), 3pm (UTC) Logistic IVOA exec TM92 Hosted by CXC Data Systems Tuesday, Jun...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM94) when: October 27, 2020 Time: 2pm (UTC) Logistic b3JVSlR6YTZ1OTF0Y2NhR2JCdmxZQT09Meeting...
Solar System Interest Group This interest group is chaired by AnneRaugh (appointed 2021 06). Current Activities EpnTapWordLists Charter The Solar System...
IVOA Standing Committee on Science Priorities (CSP) These pages are being updated by the current CSP. Terms of Reference (2021 ): The IVOA recognizes that sustaining...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice chairs. TCG Charter...
MOC v1.0: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the MOC v1.0 Proposed Recommendation; latest version PR MOC 1.0...
IVOA Interoperability meeting May 12 June 1, 2018: Victoria, Canada May 2018 IVOA InterOp Meeting Page THIS IS A DRAFT PAGE INFORMATION IS NOT YET FINALIZED...
Minutes of the Utypes Telco / Wednesday 5 September CET 18:00 Participants: Omar Laurino, Gerard Lemson, Pat Dowler, Markus Demleitner, Matthew Graham, Mireille...
ObsCore 1.1: Erratum 1 Author: DM WG Date last changed: 2019 05 10 Update of errata page after tcg review . L. Michel , M.Louys. Previous change : 2018 12 19 Date...
Proposed recommendation Obscore 1.1 (May August 2016) Please check the RFC (Request For Comments page) at
ObsCore for radio data: project also discussed on github Some considerations: Authors: A. Zanichelli, V. Galluzzi, M. Molinaro (INAF) Here below we report some...
Observation Data model Core Components and ObsTAP implementation: Request for Comments This wiki page document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation...
ObsCoreTimeExtension : Adding specific time related metadata for data discovery using the ObsCore /ObsTAP mechanism This specification describes a list of time related...
Description of Core components for the Observation Data Model (ObsCore) A new version of the Observation data model Core Components is currently updated and discussed...
ObsLocTAP 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Observation Locator Table Access Protocol (ObsLocTAP) document describes the necessary data model...
Discussion on the IVOA WD on ObsTAP and the ObsCore data model Proposed Recommendation ( May 3rd)
In the current ObsTAP proposal, em min and em max are nullable. What does that mean when any of them is NULL? If the service is registered, and specifies the corresponding...
FrancoisBonnarel 15 mar 2011 Use case 3.2 and 3.4 directly include constraints in radial velocities. It is a typical feature of some radio or interferometry cubes...
AnitaRichards 09 Mar 2011 What about Solar System or other data which cannot be described at all by RA and Dec (because the body moves too fast, for example?) For...
ObsCore v1.1: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Errata page ObsCore 1 1 Erratum 1 This page contains former public discussion of the Obscore 1.1 Proposed...
Discovering and accessing Polarisation data Use case 3.8 is for discovery of data including polarization information. Actually this use case has been reinforced...
Provenance meeting in Paris, France, 2018 August 28th to August 30th supported by OV France, GAVO, Paris Data Center and Asterics Project Follow up meeting Hosted...
Provenance day in Heidelberg, Germany, 2016 June 14th hosted at ARI, prior to the data forum http://www.g forum 2016 Follow up meeting Participants...
Provenance Data Model Legacy Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005) The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/...
Provenance Data Model RFC Page The RFC Review Period has ended, after several meetings during the College Park Interop with the DM chairs, the document will now evolve...
Provenance Data Model RFC #2 Page History IVOA Provenance DM has become a recommendation after validation by the DM WG , TCG board and Exec board. http://www.ivoa...
Various uses and possibilities for obs publisher did 1. How the user will be able to make use of it. This is not a ObsTAP issue, it is a more generic question...
Publishing Data into the VO 0. Introduction The purpose of this page is to provide practical information about how to publish your data holdings into the VO. The...
RadioAstronomy in the VO 14/11/2019 telecon At the call: Mark Lacy ML , Alessandra Zanichelli AZ , Marco Molinaro MM , Mark Allen MA , Fran...
RadioIG Session Schedule IVOA May 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group First Virtual Meeting 2020, July 2 via zoom Telecon Agenda: Presentation of CASDA VO services (James Dempsey) Summary of...
Radio Astronomy Interest Group Fourth Virtual Meeting 2022, March 7th/8th via zoom Telecon Agenda: LMT, Peter Teuben GBT, Thomas Chamberlin/ Parkes...
Common SIAP 2.0 Next and DAP1.0 page. Previous material before May 2020 (most of it common with SODA Next) Old `DAL future` page :
SSAP V1.1 Collaborative Page SSAP/SDM Documents The draft V1.1 documents can be found here: DM V1.1 draft (pdf) V1.1 draft (pdf) (doc) (Updated April...
Semantics Calls 6 The sixth edition of our telecon series took place on Monday, 2022 03 14, at 16:00 UTC. Here are the minutes: Current VEPs (standing item)...
SIA v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Simple Image Access (version 2.0) Proposed Recommendation. Latest version...
Discussion of additional topics, (mostly) regarding non mandatory fields (by JuanDeDiosSantanderVela) target class is defined as being a member of a special...
This page was intended to collect points that should be clarified/fixed in future versions of the UWS/TAP/ADQL combo of standards. By now, this material has been moved...
IVOA TCG F2F#02 Meeting 6 December 2010, Nara, Japan Meeting Final Notes The notes from the meeting can be found here. In particular, they include...
Programme Preliminary Meeting Schedule Accurate as of 2010.05.16 check the twiki site for any updates
TimeDomain Data model TimeSeriesDM derived from NDCube Description to come ... More TimeObs Obscore extension for Time Domain datasets For timeseries dataset discovery...
UCD List 1.3 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the UCD List specification version 1.3 Proposed Recommendation The UCD Standard...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.5 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.7 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
Use Cases for Photometric metadata UseCase Here a set of Use cases provided by the Take up Committee on 2009, Nov 13rd after the Garching Interoperability meeting...
DM work package : Utypes definition and syntax Work is currently taking place in UtypesTigerTeam. Last iterations on the definitions (presentations @ interop meetings...
Utypes Tiger Team Utypes Use Cases Raw use cases from Urbana Champaign UC #1. Serialize DM instances into a file UC #2. Deserialize a DM instance from...
VO Architecture Discussion This page is intended to host all necessary information in the preparation of the document of the VO Architecture. All interdependency diagrams...
This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for VODataService 1.1. Version 1.2, addressing most of the points below, is currently a...
Technical Terms Acronyms This is a document intended for deployers of VO services. This is also a document in progress. IVOA members help to keep this glossary of...
under construction 2016 january , 15 CollectionXmatchObscoreUsecase Simple Query by Position Show me a list of all data that satisfies: 1 DataType any...
XML Serialisation for the ObsCore Model The ObsCore Model may also be implemented using XML serialisation. Here are some preliminary examples of XML documents and...
Number of topics: 97