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Results from IVOA web retrieved at 19:39 (GMT)

DAL Sessions May 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) DAL Sessions: Preliminary Schedule TAP Monday, May 25, 14.0015.30 Th...
IVOA Roadmap for 2021B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups between the Nov 2021 and May 2022 Interops...
Science Platform: Towards Data Science ADASS 2019 Gronigen 9 10 2019 Room 1 2 Participants: ~50 Discussion Topics What is your science platform? How can...
Theory IG Meeting, 27 28 February 2006, IoA, University of Cambridge Background Over the past year, signigicant progress have been made by the International Virtual...
DM work package : Characterisation Data Model !!New page(Feb 2010)!!! Work in progress : Site under re construction coordination : Fran...
Characterisation Data Model RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Model 1.11 Proposed Recommendation. Review period: 01 Jun 2007 to 4 Jul...
Simple Cone Search Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the Simple Cone Search V1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The...
Data Models Session at the May 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2009#Program) DRAFT SCHEDULE Data Model 1 Tuesday May 26, 14.00 15....
Etherpad Notes DM Running meeting /03/02/2022 Participants: 11 Laurent Michel, Jesus Salgado, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Janet Evans, Gerard Lemson, Mark...
DM Workshop Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 08:00 UTC 05:00 UTC 02:00...
DatasetMetadata model version 1.0 Goal All IVOA datsets must contain a common set of metadata elements to facilitate the registration, discovery, and interoperability...
During Fall 2020 Interop we had a session, requested by Markus Demleitner, that aimed at opening a wide discussion on both Measure and Coordinate models and possibly...
Former Modeling Efforts !!! Work in progress : Site under re construction !!! This is a view of the work done before the first standard to appear. e active work...
Minutes: GWS Telecon 2023 09 20 Time: 20 09 2023; 13:00 UTC VideoConf link: bVl4ZThNeko4S3RSQnJxd0plVUkxZz09 Online...
Euro VO DCA SNAP Workshop, Garching, Apr 12 13 2007 A workshop in the context of the IVOA theory interest group, sponsored by the Data Center Alliance project. The...
Overview of SQL datataypes based on SQL 2003 (as it seems most extensive). `o` in column implies it exists also in other SQL versions, is anticipated by ADQL through...
This page contains my comments on the 0.31 spec First summary of main points, then list of more detailed comments with location intext. Some of these comments have...
Comments on S3. Version: 20081015.pdf
DM Should support discovery, therefore should contain all concepts that may be of interest. These should be available to user as search terms or as metadata informaiton...
On Utypes Comments on note ( Utypes 0.3 20090522.pdf ) @2.1 `data model elements`: need to agree what these may be...
Quantity Data Model Work Package Background Material Ray`s Presentation at InterOpMay2003DataModel: Slides: powerpoint, XML Schema: https://wiki...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
Data formats for simulations TBD
SNAP Participants Claudio Gheller (chair) Herve Wozniak Laurie Shaw others ... Gerard Lemson TBD Issues and decisions, FAQ Below follows...
SimDB Simulation Database SimDB is a specification for a Simulation Database. A SimDB implementation contains a database with (meta )data describing simulations, their...
(back to main) This page is devoted to describing the SimDB data model (SimDB/DM from now on). Current model As described here all development can be followed on...
This page is for discussions of the Simulation Databaase (SimDB) data model (SimDB/DM). In SimDB the data model is represented by a UML diagram, which is stored as...
SimDB Data Model Review This page is meant to gather comments on the data model from the theory IG and data model WG. The data model that we propose can be found from...
Characterisation and Provenance in the Simulation Data Model Here I want to try to explain the way Characterisation and Provenance show up in the Simulation data model...
TBD describe Flash simulator.
(back to main) In SimDB, particularly in its data model, we aim to use pre defined semantic vocabularies. The idea is that certain `label` attributes in the model...
(back to main) Points of discussion for SimDB within the theory interest group is the SimDB data model sufficient for describing your simulations etc...
The tables on this page summarise decisions taken during first the SNAP, then the SimDB projects. These issues were discussed mainly in a small core group (`tiger...
SimDB at IVOA Interop Strasbourg, May 2009 TIG session: main discussion session, how to proceed towards standard. explain current status (GL)...
interviews aimed at obtaining requirements on what information a Simulation database should provide. Marcus Brueggen 2009 06 18 back (notes made during conversation...
Interactions of SimDB development effort with others WGs. SimDB starting page We plan forming a focus group to tackle SimDB and other issues. This group should...
CADAC Data Model This is an XML Schema implementation of simulation data model model being developed by RickWagner as part of the Astrophysics Data Analysis Center...
Simulation data model NOTE: pages on SNAP data model are being re organised SNAP is oing to separate in 2 relatively independent parts: SimDB (Simulation Database...
IVOA Identifiers V1.1 RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the `IVOA Identifiers` v1.1 (RayPlante, editor). In order to add a comment to the document, please...
April 2022 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list...
Opening Plenary April 26, 2022 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
At this interop the theory interest group will have one session, shared with the grid and web services working group. The session will be Wed April 27, 22:00 UTC....
Theory Sessions at the Dec 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpDec2010#Program) Several changes has been made on Dec 6th. Please CHECK regularly...
June 2015 (Northern Spring) Interop Meeting Bus Transfer Lists Backlinks to website Programme page Participants List VCE rArr; Sesto Sesto rArr; VCE bus...
List of Attendees to the Inter Op Meeting, IoA, Cambridge, UK, May 12 16 2003. As of the list stands at 69 folk: name institute arrival date departure...
Links: IvoaResReg :: mail archive InterOpMay2003 Registry Participants ( AA ) Allan Alasdair ( MH ) Martin Hill ( RP ) Ray Plante ( MA ) Mark Allen...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 24 28 May 2004: CfA, Cambridge, Mass., USA Second Announcement (1 Apr 2004) Registration and full meeting details...
InterOpMay2004 Applications Afternoon Session, Tuesday May 25, 2004 Overview This will be the first meeting for the Applications Interest Group. The role of this...
InterOpMay2004 Data Models Tuesday May 25, 2004 Overview (Jonathan) Quantity (Brian) DM1Notes: Notes/minutes from DM1 Thursday May 27, 2004...
InterOpMay2004 Plenary Sessions Timetable May 24, 2004 Time Work Pkg Content Leader 9.30 Welcome Rick Harnden 9.40 Workshop...
InterOpMay2004 Theory Interest Group Timetable 1 Review foundation Theory IG History Whitepaper Charter, discussion IVOA Twiki...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 16 20 May 2005: International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting web...
InterOpMay2005 Architecture Participants ChenzhouCui (CC), Dave De Young (DdY), FrancoiseGenova (FG), BobHanisch (BH), AjitKembhavi (AK), AndyLawrence (AL...
InterOpMay2005 Data Access Layer Preliminary Reading Draft SSA V0.90 query interface (ssa v090.pdf) Timetable Session 1 (Tue AM): ADQL and DAL (Joint with...
InterOpMay2005 Data Models Timetable Time Work Pkg Content Speaker Slide DM1 Joint with DAL Doug Tody et al....
InterOpMay2005 Plenary Sessions Timetable Monday May 16, 2005 Time Work Pkg Content Leader 10.00 Welcome .ppt TBC MasatoshiOhishi...
InterOpMay2005 Theory Agenda First we`ll have some presentations, each about 15 minutes: 1. Dave De Young on activities regarding a data repository for theory simulations...
InterOpMay2005 VOQL Timetable Session 1 (May 16, 14:00 17:00) Report on implementation status of ADQL / SkyNode I would like to ask the following people...
InterOpMay2005 VOTable Participants F. Ochsenbein (FO), G. Lemson (GL), M. Taylor (MT), A. Preite Matrinez, S. Derriere, R. Hook, J. Lindroos, A. Kembhavi, J.M...
IVOA May 2006 Interoperability Meeting 14 19 May 2006 Meeting Web site Detailed information is available at meeting webpage. Tips for Victoria Programme...
Victoria Interoperability meeting Plenary session 1, 15 May 2006, 10:15 13:00 All talks: 10 minutes MasatoshiOhishi Introduction ppt RoyWilliams...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 14 19 May 2006: Victoria, Canada Theory Sessions The goal of the theory sessions is to get work done. Therefore the emphasis will be...
DM Session at the May 2007 Interop Meeting Introduction The Data Modeling Working Group has three sessions at the Beijing Interoperability meeting. DM 1, 2 and...
Plenary Sessions of the May 2007 IVOA Interoperability meeting, Beijing Plenary 1: Monday morning, 14 May Chair: R. Hanisch Welcome address, introductory talks...
Theory sessions The theory sessions will mainly deal with the two projects we started last year in Victoria: simple numerical access protocol (SNAP) and simulation...
Data Models Session at the May 2008 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2008#Program) General Data models Sessions: DRAFT SCHEDULE Speaker...
Theory Sessions, May 2008 This is a preliminary agenda for the Theory Interest Group at the Trieste InterOp (InterOpMay2008). Session I: Microphysics simulations...
Theory Sessions at the May 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2009#Program) Theory Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker...
Theory Sessions at the May 2010 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2010#Program) Splinter meetings Several additional meeting are foreseen to discuss...
Theory Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2011#Program) Several changes might be make before May 16th. Please CHECK regularly...
Carpooling Options Are you interested in carpooling from one of the airports to the Interop in Urbana? Are you renting a car and willing to offer someone a ride?...
Data Model Sessions at the May 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) DM Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
Theory Sessions at the May 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpMay2012#Program) Additional meetings Theory will also be discussed in other sessions...
DM Sessions at the May 2013 Interop Meeting (Heidelberg) Speaker Title Time(m) Materials DM1: Ongoing DMs: Monday 13 May 16:00 17:30, gHS...
Theory Sessions at the May 2013 Interop Meeting Speaker Title Time Materials Theory DAL session: Monday 13 May 14:00 15:30, 106...
DM session May 2014 Interop Meeting DM Session 1 Ongoing DMs start of VO DML discussion:D001 Thursday 10:00 11:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials...
Grid and Web Services Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria GWS I (Tuesday May 29, 14:00 15:30, Spirit CD) Topic: Storage and A A Speaker Title...
Data Model Working Group Sessions: May 2019, Paris, France WG Status (Tuesday, May 14, 2019, 14:00 15:30, Salle Le Verrier) Speaker Title Time Material...
Theory IG Session, IVOA Interoperability meeting, Paris May 2019 Thursday May 16 Salle Denisse 09:00 10:30 Speaker Title Time Materials Gerard...
May 2020 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule All times are UTC check your local times Feedback We welcome feedback about the...
KDIG Session Tuesday May 12 Virtual 19:00 21:00 UTC Zoom link: finished and closed Recording available at Etherpad: pdf Gerard Lemson SciServer...
May 2021 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list...
Opening Plenary May 25, 2021 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Theory GWS Science Platform Workshop Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime...
Theory Sessions at the Nov 2009 Interop Meeting (back to main program page InterOpNov2009#Program) Theory Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker/coordinator...
(DRAFT) Data Model Working Group sessions schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting DM1 (Thursday 8 16:00 17:30, Salon 3)Thursday Nov...
GWS Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Status: DRAFT and subject to change Schedule Summary Session DateTime...
IVOA Northern Fall Interop Nov 02 04 UTC All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list, are...
Opening Plenary November 2, 2021 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
This will be mainly a discussion session, dealing with the following topics : 1 SimDM implementations 1 standard(?) libraries for accessing cosmological simulations...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 6 7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain Meeting Web site Registration and additional information is available on the local web site...
IVOA Interoperability Meeting 6 7 Oct 2005: ESAC, Madrid, Spain Theory Session Thurs 16:45 18:30 LAEFF Outline/agenda The goal of the meeting is to review the...
Theory Sessions, Oct 2008 This is the agenda for the Theory Interest Group at the Baltimore InterOp (InterOpOct2008). Please, note also the following talks/discussions...
Discussion page of Theory Sessions (see also InterOpOct2008Theory) This is a repository for the discussion of critical issues that appeared during the various TIG...
Show and Tell Sessions Speaker Title Materials Applications 1: Fri Oct 10 11:00 12:30 (Summit) Mark Taylor Upload crossmatching...
DM Sessions at the Oct 2017 Interop Meeting There will be two sessions with various topics: standard updates, implementations, and discussions. DM Session 1 DM...
(DRAFT) Theory IG sessions schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting Thursday Nov 08, 2018 (14:00 15:30 h) FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday...
IVOA Interoperability meeting 27 29 Sep. 2004: IUCAA, Pune, India Small Projects Meeting, 30 Sep. 1 Oct.: IUCAA, Pune, India Programme (21 Sep 2004) Date...
IVOA Interoperability September 2007 27 28 Sept 2007: IoA, Cambridge, UK Conference Photo: .jpg News 20070927: GWS 2/DAL 2 session swap session...
List of Attendees to IVOA.InterOpSep2007 As of 20070926 the list stands at 118 persons: name institute arrival date departure date comments...
InterOpSep2007Plenary Chair: Nic Walton Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Time...
InterOpSep2007Theory We have one session on Friday form 13:15 14:45. We have two short presentations and further discussions: Franck LePetit on Semantics...
InterOpMay2008 Plenary Chair: Dave de Young Plenary 1, Monday 19 May 2008 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (including questions) per WG and IG Speaker...
Data Model Session at the May 2011 Interop Meeting in Napoli Preliminary Schedule DM 1: Observation Core Components DM, Photometry DM and Utypes?? Monday May...
DAL Sessions for Interop 2012 Back to main program Session #1: Mixed DAL and DataLink Tuesday 9:00 to 10:30 topic speaker time Simple Self describing...
IVOA Data Model Working Group Introduction The role of the Data Modeling group is to provide a framework for the description of metadata attached to observed or...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM11) Date: June 23, 2004 Venue: Glasgow, Scotland, UK Location SECC convention centre, Fyne room (map). Ground floor of...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM13) Date: Jan 09, 2005 (10:30 16:20) Venue: SDSC, San Diego, USA Location and Travel The meeting will take place at SDSC on...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM17) Joint with TCC Weds Oct 5 2005 @ 19.00 21.30 Local Time (El Escorial) Contents Logistics The Exec meeting will...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM19) Weds May 17 2006 @ 12.30 14.30 Local Time (Victoria, Canada) Contents Logistics Agenda 1 Roll Call and Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM20) Thurs Aug 17 2006 @ 17.30 20.00 Local Time (Prague, Czech Republic) Contents Logistics Meeting will take place in room...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM9) Date: Jan. 29, 2004 Venue: ESO, Garching, Council Room, please report to reception upon arrival Accommodation and Visitor...
IVOA Exec Telecon TM18 January 18 2006 @ 17.00 18.00 GMT Agenda (draft) Roll Call and Agenda of FM17 of Actions Participation of Brazilian VO...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM24) Telecon: 12 July 2007 @ 15.00 GMT Contents Logistics Telecon: Agenda (DRAFT) 1 Roll Call and Agenda 2 Review of...
IVOA TCG Meeting Thu, 08 Nov 2018 @8:30am(Local Time) (13:30 UTC) Henson room last edit Nov08 JE Draft Agenda: (Additions welcomed) Recent highlights...
Attendees Janet Evans JE , Marco Molinaro MM , Baptiste Cecconi BC , Fran...
Attendees Anne Raugh, Janet, Evans, Marco Molinaro, Markus Demleitner, Ada Nebot, Brent Miszalski, Carlo Maria Zwolf, Fran...
TCG Meeting (online) Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS...
TCG Meeting (online) Tue, May 24 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Attendees : Janet Evans JE , Marco Molinaro MM , Adrian Damian AD , James Dempsey JD , Gr...
TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jul 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jul 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS Meeting...
IVOA Theory Update 2023 09 20 These pages are quite out of date! They will be updated and edited over the next couple of months with new activity from the Theory...
Theory SimDAL Instead of participation to the Banff InterOp, the Theory I.G. group met in Paris the 2nd and 3rd december 2014 . Goal : finalisation of SimDAL specifications...
Below is a template (stolen and somewhat adapted from AstroGrid`s use cases. Please fell free to use an alternative form if that suits your purposes better. Use case...
Here we link to some parameter files that were used to start simulations.
Data model used by GAVO hydrosims web application Provided by: Gerard Lemson This is the data model underlying the hydrosims web application available on the GAVO...
Data model for Millennium database Provided by: Gerard Lemson This is part of the data model of the database. MillenniumDM.jpg:
Data model for GalICS database Translated by: Gerard Lemson This is a UML rendering of the database schema of the GalICS database as described on the following site...
Data model for database Provided by: Jean Paul Le Fevre See below for the diagram (TWiki experts may be able to move the image closer to the top, please !). db...
ITVO Data model Provided by: Patrizia Manzato The ITVO (Italian Theoretical Virtual Observatory) database schema is a multi level one: Level 0: input parameters...
Data model underlying OWLS GIMIC result files Provided by: Tom Theuns, Gerard Lemson The model in the diagram below is a reflection of the meta data structure that...
Page with discussion items about the SNAP data model Some questions (in bold) with their motivation and current answer (as of the last edit of the page): back...
SNAP data model, online doc This page gives the Wiki version of the documentation for the model and wil supplant that document. See the following links for...
UML diagrams for SNAP data model SNAP data model start page Documentation XML schema for this model MagicDraw readable...
Latest XML schema serialisations for SNAP data model The XML schema documents below define valid XML documents for defining/registering/communicating SNAP entities...
Minutes of the Utypes Telco / Wednesday 5 September CET 18:00 Participants: Omar Laurino, Gerard Lemson, Pat Dowler, Markus Demleitner, Matthew Graham, Mireille...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date) Meeting web link: Program link:
Provenance Data Model RFC #2 Page History IVOA Provenance DM has become a recommendation after validation by the DM WG , TCG board and Exec board. http://www.ivoa...
The RFC process of this model is frozen by the Authors The team is investigating a simpler SSLAP solution that wouldn`t use SSLDM2 at all.if this approach succeed...
STC version 2.0 Goal Why STC 2.0? Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and adoption of vo dml modeling practices. As we progress to...
Embedding STC in VOTable, Discussion Archive This is an archive of things that were once on STCInVOTable. See there for details. Please append newer things at the...
Space Time Coordinate Metadata RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Metadata V1.30 Proposed Recommendation. In order to add a comment to the document...
Space Time Coordinate Metadata RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Metadata V1.21 Proposed Recommendation. In order to add a comment to the document...
Simulation data Model version 1.0 Here is a discussion page for Theory IG and Data Model WG about the specification of the Simulation Data model. See http://wiki.ivoa...
Simulation Data model Proposed Recommandation: Request for Comments This wiki page document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled ` Simulation...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
Spectrum Data Model RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Model 1.01 Proposed Recommendation. Review period: 16 May 2007 to 12 Jun 2007 (still open...
Simple Spectral Access RFC The RFC period for SSA V1.0 is closed. About this RFC This document acted as RFC centre for the Simple Spectrum Access Protocol. Comments...
Single Sign On Profile: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the Single Sign On Profile: Authentication Mechanisms Proposed Recommendation...
Theory IG SimDays Workshop, Strasbourg, Sep 16 17 2010 A workshop in the context of the IVOA theory interest group. The workshop will discuss the SimDB and SimDAL...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
Collaborative Page for the TAP Interface The Table Access Protocol (TAP) is a second generation DAL interface being developed to provide a general access mechanism...
Technical Milestones (working roadmap) Date : May 2007 This is the page for the IVOA Technical Coordination Group. The TCG consists of a Chair, vice Chair, Working...
Unified Content Descriptor Controlled Vocabulary RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Controlled Vocabulary Proposed Recommendation. In order to add...
UTYPES This page is for discussion of UTYPE issues relating to the proposals of the UTYPES Tiger Team. UTYPES Tiger Team page UTYPES documents Usages note...
UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! We use the following syntactic elements in our UML models. class Represents complex object types. In OO design parlance, such objects...
UtypesTigerTeam telecon 2012 11 27 Participants OL Omar Laurino MG Matthew Graham MD Markus Demleitner PF Pierre Fernique PD Pat Dowler GL Gerard Lemson Action...
Minutes telecon 8, 2013 01 29 Minutes by GerardAttendants: MD, ML, OL, MG, GL, JS, PF, PDAgenda:GL Have produced a draft of adoc aiming to describe how VO DML can...
VO URP and UTYPE s 2012 10 09 I found it too much work for now to move my text to twiki format. Instead please read the attachment.ediateModel.xsd here . TO BE CONTINUED...
VO Data Modeling Language Specification Current REC: VO DML: a consistent modelling language for IVOA data models (docx, pdf, The tooling and document...
VO DML V1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VO DML describes a standard modelling language, or meta model for expressing data models in the IVOA. For...
VOEvent Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the VOEvent V1.1 Proposed Recommendation. Specification at http://www...
Links: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: InterOpMay2004ResReg :: ResourceMetadata VOResource v0.10: Notes for Revision ModelBasedSchema.ppt: Presentation...
VOResource Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `VOResource: an XML Encoding...
Resource Metadata RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Metadata v1.1 Proposed Recommendation. In order to add a comment to the document, please edit...
VOSpace service specification: Request for Comments This document will act as RFC centre for the service specification Proposed Recommendation V1.01. There is also...
Use case: Virtual Telescope configuration Description This use case describes a distributed workflow where an astronomer aims to reproduce an observation by combining...
Documentation A basic VO DML: Beginner`s Guide has been generated to assist data modelers get acquainted with the procedures involved with generating VO DML compliant...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Use case: interpreting structure of X Ray clusters Description A user has obtained and analysed a detailed X Ray image of a galaxy cluster and derived temperature...
Number of topics: 169

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