Backlinks to AdaNebot in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 14:41 (GMT)

Review `Publishing data into the VO` Meeting 10.12.2021, 13:00 UTC in zoom . Attendees: Janet Evans, Marco Molinaro, Francois Bonnarel, Dave Morris...
In Shanghai it was decided that TimeSeries is a scientific priority of the IVOA. Based on the DAL/DM/TDIG session, here is a list of items to be discussed. Please...
Summary from Shanghai DAL/DM/TDIG session: NDCube Time domain application (M. Cresitello Dittmar) Models: Coordinates: coo, frame, systems...
DataLink 1.0 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the DataLink 1.0 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification. Errata...
During Fall 2020 Interop we had a session, requested by Markus Demleitner, that aimed at opening a wide discussion on both Measure and Coordinate models and possibly...
Education Interest Group Session, Shanghai, China Thursday, May 18 11:00 am 12:30 pm Session Chair Chenzhou Cui Speaker Title Time Material...
HEIG Meeting (online) Thu, Oct 18 2023 @ 13:00 UTC Attendees : Ada Nebot, Catherine Boisson, Bruno Khelifi, Francis Bonnarel, Jutta Schnabel, Karl...
HEIG Meeting (online) Thu, Sep 14 2023 @ 13:00 UTC Attendees : Mark Cresitello Dittmar, Mathieu Servillat, Catherine Boisson, Francois Bonnarel, Raffaelle...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/...
April 2022 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list...
CSP Panel Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022 Publishing your data in the VO Tuesday April 26 15:00 UTC Session minutes Panel Notes.pdf...
(Back to main schedule page: InterOpMay2017) Time Topic Speaker File 9h05 9h20 Data Oriented Astronomy in China Ming ZHU (NAOC...
Education Interest Group Session, Shanghai, China Thursday, May 18 11:00 am 12:30 pm Session Chair Chenzhou Cui Speaker Title Time Material...
Opening Plenary May 28 Charge to the WG/IGs Time available: about 5 minutes per talk (on average) Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps pdf...
Follow up: Participant Feedback and Requests The section gathers partipant requests. It is intended to provide both modellers and developpers with inputs on missing...
Opening Plenary May 13, 2019 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Cresitello Dittmar WG DM pdf...
Time Domain Interest Group Applications Sessions: May 2019, Paris, France Salle Denisse, Wednesday 9:00 10:30 Joint Session: TDIG/Apps Speaker Title...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Here follows the schedule of the DAL related sessions held at the IVOA May 2020 Virtual IVOA...
May 2020 IVOA Interop Meeting Annotations of light curves using VOTable When Tuesday May 05 2020 15:00 UTC Where Zoom
Opening Plenary May 4, 2020 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
TDIG sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting This is the schedule page for TDIG related sessions at the Virtual IVOA Meeting (May 2020)...
Applications Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC...
Opening Plenary May 25, 2021 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
back to main programme page Time Domain Interest Group Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting Schedule Summary Session Date and time...
May 2023 IVOA Interop Meeting Schedule (Sunday 7) Monday 8 Friday 12, May 2023Congress Center, CNR Research Area, Bologna, Italy ( details) Meeting web page...
Speaker Title File Le Sidaner WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni WG GWS pdf Savalle WG Registry...
Opening Plenary Nov 8 Charge to the WG/IGs Time available: about 5 minutes per talk (on average) Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf...
Time Domain IG sessions schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting Saturday Nov 10, 2018 (09:00 10:30 h) FridayFriday Nov 09, 2018 NoFriday...
Opening Plenary Intro Nov 17, 2020 Speaker Title File Evans Welcome Logistics pdf CUI State of the IVOA pdf Mer...
IVOA Northern Fall Interop Nov 02 04 UTC All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list, are...
CSP Panel Session Nov 2021, 20:30 UTC back to main programme page Panel session: Bringing services and tools to the research community Speaker Institution...
Programme for November 2023 Interop in Tucson, Arizona (USA) IVOA Northern Fall 2023 Interoperability Meeting information: page page Logistics details...
Opening Plenary: Friday Oct 27, 2017 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps...
There will be two TDIG sessions together with DAL and DM. Most of the contributions are in the form of 12 min presentation 3 min for questions. At the end of the...
Applications Working Group Sessions: October 2019, Groningen, Netherlands DAL/Apps Joint Session Friday, October 11,15:30 17:00, DOT See DAL Sessions for...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA October 2019 Groningen Interoperability Meeting Apps DAL joint session Data Access Implementations Friday October...
Opening Plenary Oct 11, 2019 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
IVOA Northern Fall Interop Oct 17 20 UTC All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list...
Speaker Title Time Materials Bruce Berriman Brief History of the IVOA 10 3 Ada Nebot Basics of the IVOA 25 5 pdf Dave Morris, Hendrik...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM103) When: Jan 25, 2022 Time: 8pm UTC Logistic Francesca Civano is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: IVOA Exec...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM105) When: April 19, 2022Time: 8pm UTC Logistic Topic: IVOA Exec TM105 Time: Apr 19, 2022 08:00 PM Universal Time UTC Join Zoom...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM108) Tuesday, 11 October 2022 @ 1900 UT Contents Logistics Zoom: Meeting ID: 834...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM96) when: March 2, 2021 Time: 2pm (UTC) Logistic Topic: IVOA Exec TM96Time: Mar 2, 2021 02:00 PM Universal Time UTCJoin Zoom...
IVOA Standing Committee on Science Priorities (CSP) These pages are being updated by the current CSP. Terms of Reference (2021 ): The IVOA recognizes that sustaining...
IVOA TCG Telecon Tue, 09 Mar 2021 @15:00 UTC Attendees Bruno, Marco, Pat, Chenzhou, Laurent, Tom, Christophe, Ada, Francois, Mark T, Giuliano, Mark CD, Jesus...
Attendees Janet Evans JE , Marco Molinaro MM , Baptiste Cecconi BC , Fran...
Attendees Anne Raugh, Janet, Evans, Marco Molinaro, Markus Demleitner, Ada Nebot, Brent Miszalski, Carlo Maria Zwolf, Fran...
TCG Meeting (online) Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS...
TCG Meeting (online) Tue, May 24 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Attendees : Janet Evans JE , Marco Molinaro MM , Adrian Damian AD , James Dempsey JD , Gr...
TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jul 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jul 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS Meeting...
IVOA Time Domain Interest Group Working Group Chair: Rafael Martinez Galarza Vice Chair: Pierre Fernique Chairs Emeritus: Ada Nebot, Roy Williams, Rob Seaman, Matthew...
Joint RadioIG/TDIG Meeting Jan 11, 2022, 20 UTC On pulsar data and other time oriented radio data in the VO Organized by Brent Miszalski, Mark Cresitello Dittmar...
MOC 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Latest Draft: 1.1 (Proposed Recommendation) The substantive differences between version 1.1 of MOC...
MOC 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary MOC 2.0 describes the Multi Order Coverage map method (MOC) to specify arbitrary coverages for sky regions...
Programme for May 2024 Interop in Sydney (Australia) IVOA Northern Spring 2024 Interoperability Meeting information:
Speaker Title Materials Bruce Berriman Brief History of the IVOA pdf Ada Nebot Basics of the IVOA pdf Dave Morris, Hendrik Heinl Dancing...
CSP Pleanry Session I Tuesday 9:00 10:30 Speaker Abstract Presentation Gregory Dubois Felsmann DSA 2000 Minh Huynh CASDA (ASKAP)...
Program Prep List College Park last updated JE Nov06 (Move the request from `New Request` to `Scheduled` once it`s been added to the Program) Program link:...
Program Prep List Groningen (Oct 11 13) (JE will Move the WG/IG Request from `New Request` to `Scheduled` once it`s been added to the Program) Program link: https...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date) Meeting web link: Program link:
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (Apr 25, 2022) Meeting web link: apr 2022 Program link: InterOpApr2022 basic framework...
Provenance Data Model RFC #2 Page History IVOA Provenance DM has become a recommendation after validation by the DM WG , TCG board and Exec board. http://www.ivoa...
RadioAstronomy in the VO 14/11/2019 telecon At the call: Mark Lacy ML , Alessandra Zanichelli AZ , Marco Molinaro MM , Mark Allen MA , Fran...
The RFC process of this model is frozen by the Authors The team is investigating a simpler SSLAP solution that wouldn`t use SSLDM2 at all.if this approach succeed...
STC version 2.0 Goal Why STC 2.0? Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and adoption of vo dml modeling practices. As we progress to...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
TCG Meeting (online) Mar 07 2024 @ 20:00 UTC Attendees : Jesus Salgado, Renaud Savalle, Sara Bertocco, Anne Raugh, Raffaele D`Abrusco, Adrian Damian, Gilles...
TimeSeries 2020 proposal A new proposal for serialising time series from Ada Nebot, intended to meet a specific limited set of requirements. The LaTex source for the...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.5 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
Discussion Page for Datalink Update Note : this is deprecated in favour of Vocabularies in the VO version 2. See IvoaSemantics for details. The following is just...
VOSpace v2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments RFC page for the IVOA VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation. The latest VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation...
VOTable 1.4 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Latest Draft: 1.4 (Proposed Recommendation) The main purpose of VOTable 1.4 is to support the...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 75

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