Backlinks to MarkusDemleitner in IVOA Web (Search all webs)

Results from IVOA web retrieved at 05:10 (GMT)

IVOA Roadmap for 2014A This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2014 between the Madrid and Banff Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2014B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2014 between the Banff and Sesto Interops...
IVOA Roadmap for 2018B This outlines the roadmap for development activities by the various IVOA working and interest groups in 2018 between the College Park and Paris...
Registry Working Group : May 2024, 16:00 17:30, C122 back to main programme page Schedule Registry Session: Tuesday May 21 2024 @ 16:00 17:30 (Session #7)...
ADQL 2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments ADQL defines an SQL like grammar adapted for astronomical purpose. It is especially used by the TAP (Table...
ADQL function names The ADQL standard itself does not impose any restrictions on the names that may be used for user defined functions. To avoid name collisions when...
# Follow up of the discussions on the design of a AstroPyVO API processing annotated data. At last Interop (April 2022), we have had a PyVO hands on session where...
STC2:Coords Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments #2 NOTICE : This RFC page replaces RFC#1 Why RFC #2 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments...
DAL Future discussion page This page is meant to gather opinions, feedback and proposals for DAL future (see 2016 Fall Interop presentation). The underlying question...
Back to: DAL Data Access Layer Interface DALI is a base set of requirements and rules that all DAL services will follow. The goal is not to define what service must...
This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions DALI 1.0. Specification Problems vocab URL Section 2.3 `Examples: DALI examples` proposes...
DALI 1.1 Erratum 1: Drop resource attribute on continuation Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2023 01 20 Date accepted: 2023 04 05 Rationale In section...
DALI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This is the RFC page for DALI 1.1. As per the abstract: DALI defines the base web service interface common to...
DALI 1.0 RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the Data Access Layer Interface 1.0 specification. The current version of the document is available at: http...
Model Annotation in VOTables (MIVOT) MIVOT at a Glance Model Instances in VOTables (MIVOT) defines a syntax to map VOTable data to any model serizalized in VODML...
Datalink 1.0 Erratum 1: RESOURCE type value Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2017 11 22 Date accepted: 2018 02 22 Erratum content In section 3.2.3, in...
DataLink 1.0 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the DataLink 1.0 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification. Errata...
DataLink 1.1 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the DataLink 1.1 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification. The...
DataLink 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction DataLink describes the linking of data discovery metadata to access to the data itself, further...
Data Product Type 1. Should we specify all possible values ? There is the suggestion in the current document to allow the value `other` when no available...
Datalink v1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Datalink Proposed Recommendation. Latest version of the IVOA Datalink...
Discovering Data Collections Within Services: Endorsed Note Request for TCG Comments and Approvals Document Link:
The VOUnits document is now an REC; please do not edit this page Discussion on VOUnits This page is created to discuss the 1.0 document, and to find a consensus...
During Fall 2020 Interop we had a session, requested by Markus Demleitner, that aimed at opening a wide discussion on both Measure and Coordinate models and possibly...
IVOA Document Standards RFC (Version 1.2) This document acted as RFC centre for the Document Standards 1.2 Proposed Recommendation, 03 March 2009. Review period...
EPN TAP Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Abstract EPN TAP is a protocol used to describe and access data related to the study of the Solar System. This...
Education Interest Group Session, Shanghai, China Thursday, May 18 11:00 am 12:30 pm Session Chair Chenzhou Cui Speaker Title Time Material...
Free Format data model fields and extensibility mechanism When a data provider cannot use the proposed value fields (for instance in data product type), how can he...
Group Membership Service: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA GMS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The original PR for the GMS Specification can be...
This page contains my comments on the 0.31 spec First summary of main points, then list of more detailed comments with location intext. Some of these comments have...
The Registry is the collection of metadata on the services in the Virtual Observatory. See IvoaResReg for more information about why you want your service in. Registering...
HiPS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA HiPS 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the HiPS specification...
How to make your TAP tables discoverable Who should read this? This is mainly for operators of TAP services publishing more than one data collection in one service...
IVOA History Interop and Other Key Meetings Month/Year Location (Host) 6/2000 Pasadena, CA (Caltech), Virtual Observatories of the Future 8/... registry workshop, Nov 3, 2021. pyvo and data discovery in the registry, working session on changes. Notes: Theresa Dower Main presentation: Tess...
GWS WG discussion @ November Interop 2021 GWS session 1 Dave Morris: ExecutionPlanner Service Interface Today there exists a large variety of Science Platforms...
IVOA Identifiers Version 2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments IVOA Identifiers describes the syntax and semantics of the IVOA`s special URIs. Such URIs...
April 2022 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list...
Applications Session Schedule IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 07:...
Hack a thon Session IVOA Apr 2022 Interoperability Meeting Thursday 28 April 2022 13:30 15:00 UTC back to main programme page Where: Gather Town The hack...
Operations Interest Group Sessions: April 2022, Online back to main programme page Schedule Ops 1: Operations and Standards. Tues Apr 26, 22:00 23:00 UTC (Session...
Opening Plenary April 26, 2022 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Registry WG Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022 Friday April 29 15:00 UTC (expires April 29, 2023) Session minutes (copied from Etherpad...
Semantics Session at the April 2022 Virtual Interop Fri Apr 29, 2022, 6:30 UTC See InterOpApr2022 for connection infos. Schedule Speaker Title Material...
Registry WG Session, IVOA Interoperability Virtual meeting, April 2022 Friday April 29 15:00 UTC Notes combined from Etherpad: Theresa Dower, Pierre le Sidaner...
Registry Sessions at the 2015 Sesto Interop Registry I: Registry Development and Operation: Mon Jun 15, 2015, 16:00 17:30 Speaker Title Material...
DAL sessions @ June 2015 Interop Meeting DAL Session 1 Tuesday 16:00 17:30 Gro...
Applications Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Applications Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials...
Registry Sessions at the May 2011 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
Proof of Life in Urbana Add your own! Click on photos for full resolution we were here. Talks and Breaks the auditorium (find the stitching artifact) Invited...
NEES Lab Tour Group A Group B Group C Group D Sarah Emery Bunn Andy Lawrence Arnold Rots Pierre Le Sidaner Gus Muench Baptiste...
Registry Sessions at the May 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
Proof of Life in Heidelberg The path to the interop is full of flowers. JPG: JPG: Die Alte Brucke before the rain. JPG: Opening plenary....
Registry Sessions at the May 2013 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time Location...
Data Access Layer Sessions Madrid 2014 Session 3: TAP 1.x The purpose of this session is to discuss issues with the current Table Access Protocol (TAP) and related...
Registry Sessions at the May 2014 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time Location...
Data Access Layer Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa DAL 1: TAP/ADQL/DALI (Tuesday May 10: 1600 1730, plenary) Speaker Title Time...
Edu Interest Group Session 15 (Thursday May 12, 14:00 15:30) Time Speaker Title Materials 14:00 14:05 Massimo Ramella Introduction...
Operations Interest Groups Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa Operations 1: Operations Review and Validation (Monday May 9: 1400 1530, Aud...
Registry Working Group Sessions: May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa Registry 1: Registry Development (Monday May 9: 1600 1730, Auditorium 2) Speaker...
Plenary 1, Monday May 9 2016 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Applications...
Education Interest Group Session, Shanghai, China Thursday, May 18 11:00 am 12:30 pm Session Chair Chenzhou Cui Speaker Title Time Material...
Registry Working Group Sessions: May 2017, Shanghai, China Registry 1: Implementation Feedback, STC (Monday May 15: 1400 1530, Room D) Speaker Title...
Solar System IG plenary session Speaker Title Duration Slides Baptiste Cecconi Introduction 30` pdf Pierre Le Sidaner VESPA portal...
TDIG : VOEvent Status Evolution Monday May 15 Room E 16:00 17:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Pierre Le Sidaner Multi Server VOEvent...
Opening Plenary: Monday May 15, 2017 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps...
Application sessions Apps 1 Monday 16:00 17:30 Spirit Speaker Title Duration Materials Trey Roby (IPAC) An overview Firefly s new HiPS support...
Opening Plenary May 28 Charge to the WG/IGs Time available: about 5 minutes per talk (on average) Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps pdf...
Registry Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria Registry 1 (Tuesday 16 17:30, Spirit): Towards VODataService 1.2 Speaker Title Time Material...
There will be one TDIG session dedicated to Alerts and two joint sessions with Apps, DAL and DM. Tuesday 29 May Spirit AB 14:00 15:30 Alerts Speaker...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA May 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting DAL 1 `Standards: revision updates` (Wednesday May 15, 11:00 12:30, Salle Le Verrier) Speaker...
Education Interest Group Media Group session IVOA May 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting Salle du Levant Room, 11:00 12:30, Wednesday May 15 2019 Speaker...
Registry sessions schedule IVOA May 2019 Paris Interoperability Meeting Joint session on TAP and AuthN (DAL/Apps/GWS/Reg) Wednesday, May 15, 14:00 15:30 B2Find...
Semantics session @ Interop Paris 2019 Thursday May 16, 14:00 15:30 in Salle Le Verrier Welcome to the next Semantics session !! Here is the agenda . Speaker...
Time Domain Interest Group Applications Sessions: May 2019, Paris, France Salle Denisse, Wednesday 9:00 10:30 Joint Session: TDIG/Apps Speaker Title...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA May 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Here follows the schedule of the DAL related sessions held at the IVOA May 2020 Virtual IVOA...
Opening Plenary May 4, 2020 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Semantics Session at the May 2020 Virtual Interop Wed, May 6, 15:00 16:00 UTC. In this session, we will mainly discuss the latest Working Draft for Vocabularies in...
May 2021 IVOA Virtual Interop Meeting Schedule All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list...
IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting Submitted Abstracts Abstracts submitted for the IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting. The pdf link provides the full...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 08:...
Opening Plenary May 25, 2021 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Registry Session Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Registry 1 Time: May 28 13:30 UTC Speaker Title Time...
Semantics Session at the May 2021 Virtual Interop Wed May 26, 2021, 5:00 UTC See InterOpMay2021 for connection infos. Schedule Speaker Title Material...
back to main programme page Time Domain Interest Group Schedule IVOA May 2021 Interoperability Meeting Schedule Summary Session Date and time...
Interop2023 VOTLibRust FXPineau.pdf Applications Working Group Sessions: May 2023, Bologna, Italy Apps I Wednesday, May 10, 11:00 12:30, Plenary Room...
Opening Plenary May 8, 2023 Speaker Title File Le Sidaner WG Apps pdf Michel WG DM pdf Mantelet WG DAL pdf Taffoni WG GWS...
Speaker Title File Le Sidaner WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni WG GWS pdf Savalle WG Registry...
Registry Session: May 2023 back to main programme page Schedule Tuesday May 09 2023 @14:00 CEST: Room 216 and online (Session 7) Speaker Title...
Registry/DCP Session: May 2023 back to main programme page Schedule Wednesday May 10 @09:00 CEST: Plenary room and online Speaker Title...
Semantics Session at the May 2023 Interop, Bologna, Italy Thursday, May 13, 2023, Room 216, Concress Center Bologna See InterOpMay2023 for the complete programme...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA May 2024 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session Date Time UTC UTC...
DAL Working Group Sessions: May 2018, Victoria DAL 1 (Tuesday 11:00 12:30, Spirit AB): New protocols and new protocol versions / TAP implementations Speaker...
Data Model Sessions: Preliminary Schedule DM 1 Polarisation Photometry Provenance Units Monday 15:30 17:50 CR Speaker Title Time...
Operations Interest Group Session: November 8, 2018, College Park, Maryland, USA Operations (Thursday November 8, 2018, 4 PM) Speaker Title Materials...
Registry session schedule IVOA November 2018 College Park Interoperability Meeting includes joint session schedules. Registry 1 / Apps 1 (Friday Nov. 9, 11:...
IVOA Interop Meeting, Northern Fall 2020 (virtual) Abstracts This page contains abstracts for (some of) the presentations at the Interop meeting. They are in approximate...
Applications and Joint Sessions November 2020 Interoperability Meeting Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 08:00 UTC 05:00 UTC...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 08:00 UTC 05:00...
DM Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Abstact page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 08:00...
Registry/Semantics Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2020 Virtual Interoperability Meeting Status: DRAFT and subject to change Time: Thursday Nov 19 2020 @ 15:...
IVOA Northern Fall Interop Nov 02 04 UTC All times are UTC check your local times Meeting registration, participant list, are...
Applications Sessions Schedule IVOA November 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Applications Group Communication E mail: apps #64;ivoa...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA Nov 2021 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 07:...
Opening Plenary November 2, 2021 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Semantics Session at the November 2021 Virtual Interop Wed November 3, 2021, 15:00 UTC See InterOpNov2021 for connection infos. Schedule Speaker Title...
Programme for November 2023 Interop in Tucson, Arizona (USA) IVOA Northern Fall 2023 Interoperability Meeting information: page page Logistics details...
Applications Working Group : November 2023, Online back to main programme page Schedule Applications Session 1: Saturday Nov 11 2023 @ 14:00 15:30 (Session...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA Nov 2023 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC...
Registry Session: Nov 2023 back to main programme page Schedule Saturday November 11, 202 @14:00 MST: Steward Room N210 and online (Session 7) Speaker...
Solar System Interest Group Session at the Nov 2023 Interop, Tucson, AZ, USA Friday November 10, 2023, Room: Steward (N 204) 14:00 15:40 MST (local time) 21:00...
DRAFT Programme for November 2024 Interop in La Valletta, Malta DRAFT IVOA Northern Fall 2024 Interoperability Meeting information: page registration...
Applications Sessions at the Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune) Applications 1: TAP Monday 17 October, 14:00 15:30, Bhaskara 3 Speaker Title Materials...
Back to: Programme Data Access Layer Sessions Please use the Discussion links below to jump to the discussion page and add topics there. We will use those pages as...
Special Plenary Session IVOA Standards Implementation at Oct 2011 Interop Meeting (Pune) Tuesday October 18, 9:30 11:00, Bhaskara 3 Speaker Title...
Applications Sessions at the Oct 2012 Interop Meeting (Sao Paulo) Speaker Title Time Materials Applications 1: VOTable etc Tuesday...
DAL Sessions for Interop October 2012 Back to main program The order of sessions is very tentative at this point... Session #1: DataLink and DataAccess Monday...
Data Model Sessions at the October 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) DM Sessions: Preliminary Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
Registry Sessions at the October 2012 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time...
Splinters and hack a thons October 24, 2012 S...
DAL session Oct 2014 Interop Meeting DAL Session 1 (chairman FrancoisBonnarel) The data cube Trilogy:Summit Friday 14:00 15:30 Speaker Title Duration...
DM session Oct 2014 Interop Meeting DM Session 1 Ongoing DMs:Summit Friday 16:00 17:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials On Going DMs...
Registry Session at Fall 2014 Interop, Banff Saturday, Oct 11, 14:00 15:30 Speaker Title Materials Guillaume Mella The use case for registering...
Plenary 1, Friday Oct 30 2015 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Applications...
Registry Working Group Sessions: October 2016, Trieste, Italy Registry 1: Registry Development (Friday Oct 21: 1100 1230, Oceania) Speaker Title...
Plenary 1, Friday Oct 21, 2016 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Applications...
Application sessions Apps 1 Saturday October 28 San Cristobal 11:00 12:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Alberto Micol VO protocol...
IVOA October 2017 Interop Santiago de Chile DAL WG Sessions DAL 1 TAP, ADQL and ongoing new version of standards Friday October 27 San Cristobal 16:...
GWS Session Friday October 27 O`Higgins 14:00 15:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Brian Major GWS updates 10` pdf Markus Demleitner...
Registry Working Group Sessions: October 2017, Santiago de Chile Registry 1 (Saturday Oct 28: 1400 1530, O`Higgins) Speaker Title Time Material...
Opening Plenary: Friday Oct 27, 2017 Introductory talks, 5 min presentation (plus questions) per WG and IG Speaker Title File Fernique WG Apps...
Final Programme for October 2019 Interop in Groningen, NL Wednesday Oct 09, 2019 Time Location Topic 19:00 20:30 ADASS venue: Rm 11 TCG...
DAL sessions schedule IVOA October 2019 Groningen Interoperability Meeting Apps DAL joint session Data Access Implementations Friday October...
Operations Interest Group Session 11:00 12:30, October 12 2019, Student Hotel, Groningen, NL Operations (Saturday October 12, 2019, 11:00) Speaker...
Opening Plenary Oct 11, 2019 Speaker Title File Donaldson WG Apps pdf Molinaro WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Registry Working Group Session: October 2019, Groningen NL Saturday, Oct 12, 15:30 17:00 Speaker Title Time Material Theresa Dower Introduction...
Semantics Working Group Session at the 2019 Groningen Interop Saturday, Oct 12, 11:00 12:30, Student hotel Schedule Speaker Title Material Time...
DAL Sessions Schedule IVOA Oct 2022 Interoperability Meeting back to main programme page Schedule Summary Session DateTime UTC UTC 07:...
Opening Plenary October 18, 2022 Speaker Title File Le Sidaner WG Apps pdf Dempsey WG DAL pdf Michel WG DM pdf Taffoni...
Registry Working Group Session: October 2022, Online back to main programme page Schedule Registry Session: Wednesday Oct 19 2022 @ 20:30 21:30 UTC (Session...
Semantics Session at the October 2022 Virtual Interop Thu Oct 20, 2022, 13:30 UTC See InterOpOct2022 for connection infos. Schedule Speaker Title...
DAL 1 : STC S Thursday 14:00 15:30 Topic Speaker Time STC S Review Arnold 15 min Discussion 75 min Latest working draft: http://www.ivoa...
Registry Sessions at the Sept 2013 Interop Meeting (back to main program page) Registry Sessions: Schedule Speaker Title Materials Time Location...
TCG F2F Meeting 2016 05 08 in Stellenbosch, SA present: Tom McGlynn (TMcG), Markus Demleitner (MD), Christophe Arviset (CA), John Swinbank (JS), Francoise Genova...
TCG F2F Meeting 2017 05 14 in Shanghai, China present: Patrick Dowler PDMireille Louys ML Brian Major BM Giuliano Taffoni GT Marco Molinaro MM Carlos...
Data Model Session at the May 2011 Interop Meeting in Napoli Preliminary Schedule DM 1: Observation Core Components DM, Photometry DM and Utypes?? Monday May...
DAL Sessions for Interop 2012 Back to main program Session #1: Mixed DAL and DataLink Tuesday 9:00 to 10:30 topic speaker time Simple Self describing...
Semantics/Data Curation Preservation session Sunday Nov 1 2015 11:00 12:30 Speaker Title Duration Materials Fran...
DAL sessions draft agenda v1 DAL 1 `TAP, ADQL, Datalink, SIAV2` Speaker Title Duration Materials Mark Taylor TAP: what`s missing? 10`...
Data Curation and Preservation DOIs Overview, Plenary session, Seminar room Sat. Nov. 1; 9:30 10:30 Speaker Title Materials F. Genova Introduction...
Operations Interest Groups Sessions: October 2015, Sydney Australia Speaker Title Materials Operations 1: Building VO Services (October...
Registry Session at the Oct 2015 Interop Meeting Registry will have one session in Sydney. In addition, with a focus on Registry/DOI interaction, there is going to...
Application sessions Agenda Apps 1 Speaker Title Duration Materials Karin Dassas Spatial Mission Data Distribution Services at IDOC (Integrated...
Semantics session Sunday Oct 23 2016 10:30 12:00 Room Oceania Welcome to the semantics session !! Here is the preliminary agenda . Speaker Title Duration...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM110) Tuesday, 31 January 2023 @ 20:00 UT Contents Logistics Agenda 1 Roll call and agenda 1 Regrets: 1 Review...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM111) Tuesday, 21 March 2023 @ 20:00 UT Contents Logistics Agenda Roll call and agenda Regrets: Review and Approval...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM36) Sunday May 16 @ 16.00 18.00 Supplementary: Wednesday May 19 @ 12.30 14.00, extension @ 17.30 Contents Logistics Sunday...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM66) FM66 Thu, 20 Oct 2016 14:00 CEST Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM66) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM69) FM69 Sun, 14 May 2017 16:00 CST (08:00 UTC), Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) FM69S Wed, 17 May 2017...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM73) FM73 Thu, 26 Oct 2017 14:00 (local time)/(17:00 UTC) Sheraton Convention Center Room: O`Higgins Contents IVOA...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (FM77) FM77 Sun, 27 May 2018 16:00 Local Time (23:00 UTC) SpiritAB FM77 Supplementary Wed, May 30 @12:30 Local Time...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting ( TM106 ) When: June 15, 2022Time: 7pm UTC Logistic Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID:...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM48) Wednesday February 27, 2013 @ 16.00 UT Contents Logistics Telecon: Draft Agenda 1 Roll Call and Agenda (MA)...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM67) TM67 Thu, 20 Dec 2016 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM67) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) TM68 Tue, 07 Mar 2017 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM68) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM74) TM74 Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM74) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM75) TM75 Tue, 06 Mar 2018 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM75) Logistics Agenda...
IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM76) TM76 Tue, 08 May 2018 15:00 UTC Contents IVOA Executive Committee Meeting (TM76) Logistics Agenda...
Solar System Interest Group This interest group is chaired by AnneRaugh (appointed 2021 06). Current Activities EpnTapWordLists Charter The Solar System...
IVOA Semantics Working Group The Semantics Working Group ( Charter) superseded the UCD Working Group in 2006 as it was realised semantic resources beyond UCDs...
Standing Committee on Standards and Processes Successor of the IVOA Standards Processes Working Group Membership : Christophe Arviset (chair), Francoise Genova...
First comments on the IVOA Documents Standards, V1.2 Following the comments gathered during the RFC, the IVOA Documents Standards has been reversed to Working Draft...
IVOA Technical Coordination Group This Committee is formed by the Chairs of the Working and Interest Groups and includes the IVOA chairs and vice chairs. TCG Charter...
TCG Telecon 2017 05 05 present: Patrick Dowler (PD), Matthew Graham (MG), Pepi Fabbiano (PF), Tom McGlynn (TMG), Mark Taylor (MT), Brian Major (BM), Marco Molinaro...
IVOA TCG Meeting Thu, 08 Nov 2018 @8:30am(Local Time) (13:30 UTC) Henson room last edit Nov08 JE Draft Agenda: (Additions welcomed) Recent highlights...
IVOA TCG Telecon Tue, 05 Feb 2019 @21:00 UTC via WebEx last edit Feb06 JE Feb 6 Added meeting notes JE Attendees Ada, Guiliano, Kai, Laurent, Pierre...
IVOA TCG Telecon Tue, 16 Apr 2019 @15:00 UTC last edit Apr21 JE Mar 29 Seeded mtg page JE Apr 03 12 Updated agenda, added to regrets JE...
IVOA TCG F2F Mtg Sun, 12 May 2019 @10:30am local time Salle du Conseil (Updated with Mtg note May 29 JE) last edit May 29 JE May 08 Seeded mtg...
Attendees Janet Evans JE , Marco Molinaro MM , Baptiste Cecconi BC , Fran...
Attendees Anne Raugh, Janet, Evans, Marco Molinaro, Markus Demleitner, Ada Nebot, Brent Miszalski, Carlo Maria Zwolf, Fran...
TCG Meeting (online) Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Tue, Mar 08 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS...
TCG Meeting (online) Tue, May 24 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Attendees : Janet Evans JE , Marco Molinaro MM , Adrian Damian AD , James Dempsey JD , Gr...
TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jul 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jul 06 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS Meeting...
TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Sep 07 2022 @ 13:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Sep 07 2022 @ 13:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS Meeting...
MOC 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Latest Draft: 1.1 (Proposed Recommendation) The substantive differences between version 1.1 of MOC...
MOC 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary MOC 2.0 describes the Multi Order Coverage map method (MOC) to specify arbitrary coverages for sky regions...
STC2:Meas Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments WATCHOUT : This RFC page has been replaced with RFC#2 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments...
STC2:Meas Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments NOTICE : This RFC page replaces RFC#1 Rationale for a second RFC round: Many comments have been collected...
Minutes of the Utypes Telco / Wednesday 5 September CET 18:00 Participants: Omar Laurino, Gerard Lemson, Pat Dowler, Markus Demleitner, Matthew Graham, Mireille...
ObsCore 1.1, Erratum 3: Drop obs id non NULL requirement Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2022 04 12 Date accepted: (not accepted yet) Rationale In Version...
Obscore 1.1 Erratum 4: Pin VODataService citation for data rights to VODataService 1.1 Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2023 10 10 Date accepted:...
Obscore 1.1 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the Obscore 1.1 specification. Proposed Features Proposed Updates Drop not null requirement...
ObsCore for radio data: project also discussed on github Some considerations: Authors: A. Zanichelli, V. Galluzzi, M. Molinaro (INAF) Here below we report some...
Observation Data model Core Components and ObsTAP implementation: Request for Comments This wiki page document will act as RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation...
ObsLocTAP 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Observation Locator Table Access Protocol (ObsLocTAP) document describes the necessary data model...
ObsCore v1.1: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Errata page ObsCore 1 1 Erratum 1 This page contains former public discussion of the Obscore 1.1 Proposed...
This page collects proposals for modifications to ObsCore 1.1, leading up to 1.2 Proposed new Features Define a way to discover s region usability A major pain when...
Please, go to the page referenced in the Documents in Progress list
Photometry Data Model 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Introduction PHOTDM v1.1 is a revision of `PhotDM v1.0`, redesigned to follow the rules and...
Program Prep List Groningen (Oct 11 13) (JE will Move the WG/IG Request from `New Request` to `Scheduled` once it`s been added to the Program) Program link: https...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 4, 2020 start date) Meeting web link: Program link:
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (Apr 25, 2022) Meeting web link: apr 2022 Program link: InterOpApr2022 basic framework...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (May 25 28, 2021) Meeting web link: may 2021 Program link: InterOpMay2021 Schedule...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (Nov 2 4, 2021) Meeting web link: nov 2021 Program link: InterOpNov2021 Schedule...
Program Prep List Virtual IVOA meeting (Oct 18 20, 2022) Meeting web link: oct 2022 (NOT active yet) Program link: InterOpOct...
Programming with IVOA Vocabularies The IVOA`s specification was written with the express goal that the VO`s semantic resources should be programmatically usable with...
Provenance Hack a thon Session @ in Asterics Tech Forum, 2018/04/17 Summary Participants : Mireille Louys, Michele sanguillon, Ole Streicher , Markus Nullmeier...
Provenance Data Model Legacy Original concept in Observation data model IVOA note (2005) The basic concepts of this model have been discussed as early as 2002/...
Provenance Data Model RFC Page The RFC Review Period has ended, after several meetings during the College Park Interop with the DM chairs, the document will now evolve...
Provenance Data Model RFC #2 Page History IVOA Provenance DM has become a recommendation after validation by the DM WG , TCG board and Exec board. http://www.ivoa...
Various uses and possibilities for obs publisher did 1. How the user will be able to make use of it. This is not a ObsTAP issue, it is a more generic question...
Publishing Data into the VO 0. Introduction The purpose of this page is to provide practical information about how to publish your data holdings into the VO. The...
IVOA Standard Documents V2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The IVOA Document Standards describes the types of official IVOA documents and the process...
Registry Interfaces 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discusion page for the IVOA Registry Interfaces 1.1 Proposed Recommendation The latest...
Discussion on Registry Interfaces Version 2 RegTAP material RegTAP is now RFC. Any further discussion on RegTAP goes there. The source is maintained in volute, http...
RadioAstronomy in the VO 14/11/2019 telecon At the call: Mark Lacy ML , Alessandra Zanichelli AZ , Marco Molinaro MM , Mark Allen MA , Fran...
RegTAP 1.0 Erratum 1: Case insensitivity in an example query against res details Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2019 02 06 Date accepted: 2019 05...
RegTAP 1.1 Errata This page collects errata for 1.1. Accepted Errata RegTAP 1 1 Erratum 1 : No case folding on table names. Rejected Errata Proposed Errata...
RegTAP 1.1 Erratum 1: No Case Folding for table name Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2021 08 30 Date accepted: 2021 10 13 Rationale Table names in the...
Request for Comment: RegTAP v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `Registry Relational Schema, Version 1.0`. The version...
RegTAP 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Summary Registries provide a mechanism with which VO applications can discover and select resources first...
RegTAP 1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments RegTAP, formally known as the IVOA Registry Relational Schema, is the standard way for clients to query the...
This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for VOResource. A working draft for TAPRegExt 1.1 is available on volute: https://volute...
Discussion of Best Practices for Registering Resources Please add your comments: Please add your discussion at the end of the Comments/Discussion section...
Registering Documents To make educational material (tutorials, notebooks, use cases, etc) more visible and discoverable, you can put them into the VO Registry. This...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) Each VO project will want to define its own way of constructing and maintaining registry...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. Jumps: mail archive :: ResourceMetadata :: VOResourceV10 Meetings: InterOpMay2006ResReg Registry Implementation...
Jumps: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: RegistryMetadata :: VOResourceV10 :: RegUpgradeSummer2006 Meetings: InterOpMay2011Registry :: InterOpMay2006ResReg :: InterOpSep2006ResReg...
Note : This was an early prototype for the Next pages and hence didn`t have a version number in it yet. This page is superseded by RegistryInterfaces 1 1 Next...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) How does one registry make its location known to all the others. Do we need some...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. Registry Metadata This specification will define the minimal data about the registry which must be maintained...
Jumps: RegistryGuide :: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: :: May 2009 Interop, an action was taken up to develop a guide for registry providers that records Working Group...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. Registry Query A query against any registry will take this standard form, using terms defined in the RegistryMetadata...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) Similar to IvoaVOTable, this is a data exchange document, in this case returning...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) Do we want each registry to contain all the entries of all the others? How does...
Teleconference via Harvard Smithsonian Webex, 2019 06 13 Attendees: Christophe Arviset, Markus Demleitner, Theresa Dower, Juan Gonzales, Costas Vrioni, (Menelaus Perdikas...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. Registry WG Members A list of members of the working group tasked with the creation of the Registry specification...
Jumps: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: RegistryMetadata :: VOResourceV10 Meetings: InterOpMay2011Registry Relational Registry DM (Note there`s now a page for RI2Discussion...
Out of date. See IvoaResReg for current information. (created by TonyLinde ) Do we need this standard? We may need some standard way to indicate that a resource...
Resource Identifiers Specifications $ IVOA Recommendation: `IVOA Identifiers` v2.0 (MarkusDemleitner, Editor) Development of this standard is tracked via the Documents...
Jumps: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: RegistryMetadata :: VOResourceV10 Meetings: InterOpMay2011Registry Requirements and Use Cases for New Registry Search Interface...
VOTable1.2: Request for Comments An ammended version PR VOTable 1.2 20090929.pdf PR VOTable 1.2 20091102.pdf was produced following your comments on this RFC page...
Simple Cone Search version 1.03 Erratum 1: INFO name `Error` uniqueness clarification Author: Marco Molinaro Date last changed: 2017 10 06 Date accepted: 2018...
Simple Cone Search version 1.03 Proposed Erratum 2: Drop mandatory version for VOTable response Authors: Marco Molinaro, Markus Demleitner Date last changed:...
Simple Cone Search version 1.03 Erratum 3 Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2022 05 30 Date accepted: 2022 07 06 Rationale The example error response given...
SLAP v1.0 Erratum 1: No longer require an invalid UCD Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2022 03 16 Date accepted: 2022 04 20 Rationale SLAP version 1....
SODA RFC This document will act as RFC centre for the SODA . Review period: 12th October to 24th November 2016 In...
SSAP V1.1 Collaborative Page SSAP/SDM Documents The draft V1.1 documents can be found here: DM V1.1 draft (pdf) V1.1 draft (pdf) (doc) (Updated April...
The RFC process of this model is frozen by the Authors The team is investigating a simpler SSLAP solution that wouldn`t use SSLDM2 at all.if this approach succeed...
SSO v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA SSO 2.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the SSO Specification...
STC version 2.0 Goal Why STC 2.0? Version 1 of STC was developed in 2007, prior to the development and adoption of vo dml modeling practices. As we progress to...
Embedding STC in VOTable The result of the discussions sketched below is 2.0 of the Note. History At the Garching Interop, has uttered some gripes with 1.1...
Embedding STC in VOTable, Discussion Archive This is an archive of things that were once on STCInVOTable. See there for details. Please append newer things at the...
Parsers for Space Time Coordinates: STC List of Available Resources GAVO STC library IVOA.MarkusDemleitner Markus Demleitner parses...
SAMP Software This page lists released and experimental software which is known to use the SAMP protocol. Please amend the list if you have more up to date information...
Semantics Calls is a roughly bimonthly format in which the IVOA Semantics Working Group discusses current issues with the application of vocabularies and other RDF...
The first edition of the SemanticsCalls format has taken place on Sept 1st, 2020, at 16:00 UTC Minutes Review of the last VEPs MD feels the VEPs for datalink/core...
The second edition of the SemanticsCalls took place on Wed, 2020 12 09 at 15:00 UTC. Agenda Review of the last minutes Remaining stumbling blocks for Vocabularies...
The third edition of the SemanticsCalls series of telecons took place Wed, 2021 03 10 at 16:00 UTC . Agenda Steps towards a vocabulary of object types...
Semantics Calls 4 The fourth edition of the Semantics Calls telecon has taken place on Wednesday, Sept 15, 13:00 UTC. Minutes Current VEPs VEP 006: The main...
Semantics Calls 6 The sixth edition of our telecon series took place on Monday, 2022 03 14, at 16:00 UTC. Here are the minutes: Current VEPs (standing item)...
Semantics Calls 7 The seventh edition of our telecon series will took place 2022 09 26 at 15:00 UTC. Minutes are below. (1) Current VEPs (standing item) VEP 009:...
Semantics Calls 8 The eighth edition of our telecon series will take place TBD at 15:00 UTC. We will meet on the mumble server telco.g (see
SIA v2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA Simple Image Access (version 2.0) Proposed Recommendation. Latest version...
SimDAL 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA SimDAL 1.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the SimDAL Specification...
Jumps: IvoaResReg :: mail archive :: VOResource :: VODataService :: StandardsRegExt Meetings: InterOpOct2011Registry :: InterOpMay2011Registry :: InterOpMay2010Reg...
This page serves as a collection point for issues with and proposals for enhancement of SimpleDALRegExt 1.0. Document An internal working draft for SimpleDALRegExt...
SimpleDALRegExt v1.1 Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 Proposed Recommendation. Latest version:
SimpleDALRegExt1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The latest version of SimpleDALRegExt 1.2 can be found at:
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
Spectral v2.0: Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This page contains public discussion of the Spectral 2.0 Proposed Recommendation; latest version PS SpectralDM...
Request for Comment: StandardsRegExt v1.0 This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `StandardsRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension...
Discussion of additional topics, (mostly) regarding non mandatory fields (by JuanDeDiosSantanderVela) target class is defined as being a member of a special...
TAP 1.0 Erratum 5: VOTable usage in TAP Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2017 02 23 Date accepted: 2018 02 22 Rationale The wording in in ...
TAP 1.1 Next This topic collects proposals for modifications of the TAP 1.1 specification in order to improve the next revision of the specification. Errata to the...
Table Access Protocol 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments TOC The table access protocol (TAP) defines a service protocol for accessing general table...
This page was intended to collect points that should be clarified/fixed in future versions of the UWS/TAP/ADQL combo of standards. By now, this material has been moved...
Back to: DAL Jumps: ObsDMCoreComponents :: VOResource :: VODataService Meetings: InterOpMay2010 TAP VOResource Extension Schema Contents 2011 11...
TAPRegExt Erratum 1: Making dataModel anyURI. Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2017 04 19 Date accepted: 2017 05 14 Rationale dataModel/@ivo id was...
TAPRegExt 1.0 Errata This page collects errata for Version 1.0. Accepted Errata TAPRegExt 1 0 Err 1 : Make dataModel an anyURI Rejected Errata Proposed...
Feature and Improvement Requests for TAPRegExt 1.1 Note: TAPRegExt is currently being worked on in after TAP went to 1.1. Variadic Functions It looks like we will...
This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for TAPRegExt. No new version of the document is scheduled right now. Proposed Errata...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration . This will create an account for you which...
Notes from the TAP/ADQL splinter session on 21 May 2014 at the Interop meeting at ESAC. During the meeting the group reviewed a number of proposed changes to TAP and...
TAPRegExt 1.0 Proposed Recommendation: TCG Review This document serves as the RFC center for the Proposed Recommendation entitled `TAPRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension...
Historical comments on initial TAP V1 RFC period Comments from the community Sample comment by WikiName Response (by WikiName) May I once more request...
TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Jan 25 2023 @ 13:00 UTC Attendees : Pierre, James, Laurent, Jesus, Giuliano, Dave, Renaud, Tess, Markus, Carlo, Gilles, Henrik, Raffaele...
TCG Meeting (online) Thu, Dec 07 2022 @ 20:00 UTC TCG Meeting (online) Wed, Dec 07 2022 @ 20:00 UTC Meeting details ACTIONS Meeting...
Training Materials and Presentations This Twiki page is available for people to upload training and presentation materials of all kinds related to the VO, or to provide...
UCD List 1.3 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the UCD List specification version 1.3 Proposed Recommendation The UCD Standard...
Request for Modification for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.4 This page summarizes the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in The UCD Maintenance workink...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.5 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
Request for Modification (RFM) for the UCD vocabulary towards UCDList v1.6 This page summarises the steps for Modifications and Updates proposed in the List Maintenance...
UDF catalogue Proposed Endorsed Note: Request for Comments This PEN proposes a mechanism for listing ADQL extension functions that are requried to work the same way...
UWS v1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA UWS 1.1 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the UWS Specification...
Discussion Page for Datalink Update Note : this is deprecated in favour of Vocabularies in the VO version 2. See IvoaSemantics for details. The following is just...
Utypes tiger team, telecon of 2013 02 19 Gerard, Omar, Matthew, Markus GL: Evaluated use cases wrt satisfiablity with VO DML. Most can be handled, some look more...
WYSIWYG content do not remove this comment, and never use this identical text in your topics Utypes Tiger Team, Minutes of 2013 03 19 Present: Jesus, Gerard, Omar...
Minutes of the Telecon of the UTypes Tiger Team, Sep 19, 2012 Participants: Matthew, Mireille, Pierre, Gerard, Markus, Pat, Jesus. Action item from last week: rank...
Minutes of UtypesTigerTeam telecon on 2012 10 09. (Present: Matthew, Gerard, Pat, Markus) The purpose of this meeting should be to figure out what we`re going to do...
UtypesTigerTeam telecon 2012 11 27 Participants OL Omar Laurino MG Matthew Graham MD Markus Demleitner PF Pierre Fernique PD Pat Dowler GL Gerard Lemson Action...
DM work package : Utypes definition and syntax Work is currently taking place in UtypesTigerTeam. Last iterations on the definitions (presentations @ interop meetings...
Utypes Tiger Team Utypes Use Cases Raw use cases from Urbana Champaign UC #1. Serialize DM instances into a file UC #2. Deserialize a DM instance from...
Utypes Tiger Team, Telecon of 2013 04 23 Present: Jesus, Gerard, Matthew, Omar, Markus (with some connection problems...) Matthew: The documents are approaching TCG...
Vocabulary Enhancement Proposals is how IVOA Vocabularies are evolved as specified in in the VO 2.0. To add a VEP, please write a message to semantics #64;
VO DML V1.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VO DML describes a standard modelling language, or meta model for expressing data models in the IVOA. For...
This page collects specification issues as well as proposals for extensions for VODataService 1.1. Version 1.2, addressing most of the points below, is currently a...
VODataService 1.2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments The latest version of VODataService 1.2 can be found at:
VOResource 1.1 Erratum 1: Re enable multiple security methods per interface Author: Markus Demleitner Date last changed: 2019 02 05 Date accepted: 2019 05 12 Rationale...
VOResource 1.1 Next Proposed changes and additions to VOResource. Changes would go to VOResource 1.2. (this page for VOResource 1.0) Force referenceURL to be http...
VOResource 1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VOResource 1.1 is an update to the basic schema for resource records in the VO; the most salient rationale...
Note : This was an early prototype for the Next pages and hence didn`t have a version number in it yet. This page is superseded by VOResource 1 1 Next . This page...
VOSI v1.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Discussion page for the IVOA VOSI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation. The lastest VOSI 1.1 Proposed Recommendation...
VOSpace 1.1 specification: Request for Comments This document completed its RFC period in October 2008. It is now undergoing TCG review . The specification is currently...
VOSpace v2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments RFC page for the IVOA VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation. The latest VOSpace 2.1 Proposed Recommendation...
VOTable 1.5 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments VOTable is a standard for the interchange of data represented as a set of tables, and includes both table...
Note: this page contains discussion on VOTable 1.2, and the issues here were mostly considered and used as input to the VOTable 1.3 standard. For discussion of issues...
Issues with VOTable version 1.3 This page contains notes and discussions of items in VOTable version 1.3 that may need attention or changes in some future version...
VOTable v1.3: Request For Comments This page contains public discussion of the VOTable v1.3 Proposed Recommendation. The RFC is announced on 29 March 2013 and will...
VOTable Software Tools to manage/manipulate data in VOTable format VOtable format and documents IvoaVOTable Parsers Java Name Description...
This page collects proposals for modification to VOUnits 1.1 leading up to either 1.2 or 2.0. Proposed new Features Corrections and Removals
VOUnits 1.0 RFC The VOUnits document is now an REC; please do not edit this page THE TEXT BELOW IS HISTORICAL, FOR REFERENCE ONLY. VOUnits 1.0 20130724 is now ready...
VTP 2.0 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Public discussion page for the IVOA VTP 2.0 Proposed Recommendation. The latest version of the VTP Specification...
Vocabularies in the VO 2.1 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments This is a Request for Comments on a minor update on Vocabularies in the VO, just updating...
This page collects proposals for modifications to Vocabularies 2.1 leading up to either 2.2 or 3.0. Proposed New Features Specify that desise exposes useInstead...
Vocabularies in the VO 2 Proposed Recommendation: Request for Comments Vocabularies in the VO, version 2, proposes formats and practices to manage hierarchical word...
My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete...
Statistics for IVOA Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
IVOA Member Organizations Acronym VO Project/Country Primary Contact NOVA Virtual Observatory Gurovich ArVO Virtual Observatory...
Writing Registry Records for IVOA Standards Authors of IVOA standards which use IVOIDs (for instance, to reference capability identifiers) must submit registry records...
XML Schema Versioning Policies: Endorsed Note Request for TCG Comments and Approvals Document Link: Schema Versioning Policies Comments from the interested public...
Number of topics: 335

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